I can't believe my blog has more than 100 post on it.
Found at Fallen for a Star
I started this blog back in 2009 and I wrote a total of 8 post that year. What I wanted to do with this blog was kind of write a novel through my blog like how Charles Dickens used to write his stories for newspapers.
Here is a snippet from my very first post
I am using this summer to read a lot of inspiring novels and maybe write a story of my own. Its just my first draft but I would love to get my stories out there. Especially since a lot of my close friends live out of town I would like them to read my stories."
I didn't write anything in 2010... that is sad. Then in 2011 my first post was about how busy I was in grad school that I couldn't write. But then in March I wrote about how my sister called me out about how I wasn't writing. Then slowly my blog turned from a nothingness to actual writing. I write a lot on my "coffee breaks" as an escapism from moments I just can't handle things.
By August I was a full pledged blogger trying to write every day. Some of my writing wasn't that great but I was a blogger through an through. In my "I'm a Blogger" post I used Jennifer Donnelly (my favorite author) as my inspiration for my blogging.
Try to stand still inside all of that and hear your own voice.
It's yours and only yours, it's unique and worthy of your attention,
and if you cultivate it properly, it might just make you a writer.
-Jennifer Donnelly
I really tried to push myself to write a post everyday thinking that would increase my blog popularity and I started a Facebook page to share my blog. But by the end of August I realized my writing wasn't that great because I was pushing myself to write and I not always enjoying it. Also blogspot.com had changed their layout so it felt more like a popularity contest. I didn't want my blog to be about popularity I wanted it to be about who I was, though in the back of my mind I thought how cool would it be if my blog was the next big blog (it's not and I'm okay with that) So I kind of had an "identity crisis" for my blog about what I wanted this blog to be. In my "Blog Popularity" post I wrote about how...
I am going to try to go back to my roots for this blog. I want to write about what inspires me or my writing rather it be a picture I found or a quote I like or blog from one of the many bloggers I follow. I want to share my story more from what is going on in my life to what I am writing. I have loved this summer writing about books I was reading to the movies I saw. In a few days I will be in class so I can keep you posted on cataloging and historical research (fun times right?). I just want to get back to why I loved this blog... an oasis not an obligation.
Now I am really trying to think about what I write about.Even last night as I was getting ready for bed I was thinking about this blog and a post I wanted to write about. I told my roommate that if I could figure out away to get my computer water proof I would write my blog in the shower... you can get some great ideas in there. (TMI?) Sometimes my blog is random thoughts and very free flowing. But I am back to loving my blog. It is not an obligation it is always a pleasure to write in this blog.
I have listed some of my favorite post on the side bar as I have been looking forward to my 100th blog post.
100 post here I come... My favorite post so far.
(In alphabetical order)
A little road mapping
A Page from my diary
A Sap at Heart
A Sap at Heart (Part 3)
A Thought for Thursday
Daddy's Girl
From a Hopeful Romantic
I'm a Blogger
Thinking about my Grandma
But if you have any favorites please let me know. I love my reader's comments and input.
I love writing, I always have since I was a little girl. I would fill up notebooks with the stories in my head. I now fill up more notebooks with journal entries but I am still working on writing a novel but it is still a work in progress. Maybe one day I will be a published author. But until then I am glad I have this blog where I can come write and escape from my day to day. I write about lots of things going on in my life I mostly get inspiration from conversations I have or thoughts and struggles I am going through. Sometimes this blog is like my journal. But on lighter notes I write about movies and books and just little pleasantries. My writing really has no rhyme or reason to it. I just love writing.
I am so happy I discovered blogspot 2 years ago and I continue to find excellent blogs that keep me inspired in my writing and dreaming. This place even though virtual is my little oasis. I frequently think about how to "improve" my blog by making it reflect who I am and where I want to escape to. I think if my blog was a comfortable reading chair what would it look like because that is how I want my blog to be some place comfortable I can take my mug of coffee, sit, enjoy, relax and write.
So as I wrap up this reflection of my blog I want to thank you for being my readers.
I love this blog and I enjoy writing in it when I can and I enjoy knowing people read it. I have some very dedicated followers and that makes me very happy that people out there read it continuously. So a special thank you to my lovely and loyal readers.