Showing posts with label Creative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creative. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2012

My artist notebook

Hello Lovely Readers,

I am sorry I have not written lately, I am in finals mode right now and I have lots of papers to do and it leaves me with very little mental power to write for this blog. 

However, I wanted to share with you some drawings I have done through out the semester. 

To see more of my drawings click here

Adding a little jacket to the dress

This is based off my current dream wedding dress. 

My attempt of a mullet dress...
My sister had a mullet dress for her wedding 
since then I have tried to draw these types of dresses
Here is her dress

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Writing workshop

Last night I went to a creative writing workshop sponsored by my church. It was a small group but it was great meeting other writers. Writing can some times be a lonely activity so it is fun getting together and hearing other people's thoughts. 

We went through some exercises to get our thoughts out on paper. We focused on our memories to maybe use for a story, but mostly just to get thoughts on our paper. Our second exercise was called "The Old 'Hood". On a piece of paper, we drew a 1/2-inch square somewhere in the middle of the page. This represents the house you grew up in. 

Surrounding that square, draw what you can remember of the neighborhood where you grew up. Draw houses, streets, landmarks, etc. (from a bird's eye perspective). Be thorough, but don't worry about detail, and no one will see it, so you it doesn't have to be pretty. Just show what goes where roughly. Then do the following:
  • In 3 minutes, make a list all the people who live on that map.
  • Pick 3 people and write down one memory of each.
  • Pick 1 of those people and write down three more memories.
  • Pick 1 of those memories and write about it. As much as possible.
I picked my best friend from my child home Katie. It was a great little exercise and I thought I would share my more polished answer with you...

My best friend Katie and I were always together, we lived next door to each other and we were always running in between each other's houses.  I don't remember any one being around us, everyone else around us just seemed too busy to really be in our lives, she had four brothers and my mom was a single working mom so when we were together it was just us. I remember together we never had to look perfect or stylish. She had long dark hair and she never worried about it being messed up, she just pushed it away. And we never worried about having perfect clothes, our parents didn't have a lot of money so we were mostly stuck with hand-me-downs or clothes that were bought at good will and we were okay with that. I thought she was such a tomboy the way she always wanted to play Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (she was the yellow one, I was the pink one) and she never minded getting pushed around by her brothers. But we also played Barbies together, and she introduced me to Alanis Morisette (who I thought was so rock then). Some of my 
favorite memories with her were on my swing set racing to see who could see over the fence the fastest. We could be out on her trampoline or my swing set until sun down and I always remember it being summer so sunset was pretty late. 
I really enjoyed the exercises in dealing with memory. I hope if any more writing workshops come up I can go because I think it is really important to have a writing community.

Friday, March 23, 2012

"A Heart Song"


Hello Lovely Readers,
The poem below is from my friend Sarah, who is an aspiring writer, she has been generous to share her poem with me so I can share it with you guys. 

"A Heart Song"

When someday never comes
When I've lost the things I won
Will I turn to God and say,
"How could You let it be this way?”

Sometimes moving on takes time
Sometimes letting go ain't kind
When I think I've made it on my own
Is when I'm hurtled back before His throne

Take me, broken, as I am
Fill me, heal me with your hand
Nothing befalls me that You don't allow
Help me to trust You even now.

Even now.

My heart is crippled and ripped open as hope is lost
How long will I linger and how much will it cost?
How long before I truly know it's God who loves me best?
How many missed moments til I see it’s me he's blessed? 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I am no artist

I am not an artist but I have loved to draw (really doodle) since about 6th grade. I have never really pursued it in any way what so ever because I always saw my my mom as the artist in the family. I have also liked fashion so when I was in high school I filled the sides of my notebooks of drawing of cocktail dresses. But I must admit that I also love drawing wedding dresses. I have bought Bride's magazines to find dresses to draw. Bridal magazines photography have models that stand normally, instead of all bent over or twisted around like most fashion magazines, so I find them easier to draw.

Here are examples of my drawings...

I have also tried to add color.... 
I think I have to upgrade from crayons but it was all I had.
This was a drawing I did for my friend before she got married. 

With my love of Downton Abbey and my new love of Edwardian fashion I am trying to draw dresses from that time period.
I am also working on drawing sleeves. 

I think I will use Pinterest to get more fashion ideas to work on my drawing.
Thanks for looking at my drawings. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

It has been a long week

Yesterday felt like Thursday and today it is Wednesday. I am okay with it being Wednesday as I have my bible study tonight, and I love that second family of mine. I do wish tomorrow was Saturday and I could stayed buried under my covers until I was ready to get up. The last few days it has been hard for me to wake up and hard to get motivated to come to work. I have been trying for the last hour to think of something to say here but really can't think of anything...sorry. But my love of Pinterest has not failed me today as I have had barely any energy to pick up my travel mug to sip coffee.

I have found some wonderful fashion pictures to use as inspiration for my story The Sisters of Pine Haven that takes place in the early 1910s. In my story I am up to the part where Emmy the main character who has always been kind of plain has been taken under her future cousin's wing and she has been transformed. She was always pretty, but her future cousin has given her the confidence to embrace that. Soon Emmy and Laurel will be going to Boston and their small little world they once knew will be changed forever. Any way, I have found lots of great pictures so I thought I would share some with you guys.

You can find more pictures I have collected on my Pinterest wall "Creative Thinking"

All these dresses look like they could have been used in the first season of Downton Abbey.
Day Attire
Evening Attire

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Welcome Mr. Caleb James

Okay I have gotten a lot typing done... woo hoo. I wrote on my last post on this story I had 16,000+ words now 18,000+ words.

Here is my preview to The Introduction to Caleb James 

Summer had begun to turn from cool mornings to warm afternoons back to cool evenings to just warm all the time. Sometimes it was almost unbearable to stand. Emmy one day needed a break and went down to cool herself off by standing in her creek. Since Kathryn James had arrived she had spent little time in her imaginary world so that day when the women were taking their usual afternoon naps Emmy snuck out and headed to the creek.
            The clouds were grey and the air smelt like rain. Emmy knew the smell well and knew it meant a storm was coming on but instead of being sensible and staying in she took her chances and headed out with no protection. The creek and the woods were peaceful and she lost track of time out there it was almost dusk before she realized it. Her feet were still wet from her last wade in so she decided to walk home barefoot.
            Little did she know nature or fate (as she later called it) was conspiring against or for her. For the last hour she had felt an occasional drop of rain but paid no attention to it. But it seemed as soon as she left her rock a dark cloud rolled over her and sent the storm she had long been smelling. She wrapped her arms around her book and ran quickly through the woods to Glenmoore field where she knew a little fort was built to protect drivers on the road from the rain such as this. This little fort would be faster to get to than the house and she would have a warmer reception at the empty fort then at her home, where she was sure to get a lecture both from Grandma Danford and Laurel and a sad look from her mother. She knew they would act as if it was her fault for it to be raining and they would both be upset she had snuck out and acted in a child like manor. Emmy remembered a time when Laurel would chase rainbows with her just to see what was on the other side. She remembered how fun Laurel was once and how she had as big of an imagination as Emmy did but now it all seemed like a distant past. Then it happened, fate, being lost in her remembrance she hadn't realized there was a little rock up ahead waiting for her to lose her footing. And she stumbled and was not able to catch herself. She was later not able to tell people how she fell all she knew was one moment she was running the next she was rolling down a hill trying to stop herself. And that’s when fate, or Caleb James, stepped in.
            He had been driving through to this desolate town at his sisters request when his engine stopped working. And his engine had stopped working then as he was tinkering on his engine it started raining. He saw the fort in the field and trumped towards it and with each step he sunk into the mud. Then it happened he saw a girl running through the field with almond hair and slender figure, he thought she almost looked like a deer. Next thing he knew she lost her footing and fell forward crashing into the ground and rolling down towards him. He picked up his feet from the mud and rushed towards her.
            She barely realized what happened, she could feel her head throbbing the fall was harder than she realized. She felt as every ounce of air was out of her and her lungs felt as if they collapsed.
            "Miss, Miss, are you all right?" A man asked.
            She could not answer him.
            "Are you all right?" he asked again.
             "I, I" she could say anymore.
            "Here give me your arm," he took her left arm and draped it around his neck and scooped her up.
            In his arms she felt as light as a feather.
            "A Danford I assume."
            "Oh Miss Cromwell my sister has written me about you."
            "Well Miss Emmy, it is a pleasure to meet you. May I take you home."
            "Thank you."
            Laurel was working on her needle point near the window it was the best light in the parlor. Mother and Aunt Victoria were chatting idly and she had lost her focus on her needle point and was absentmindedly staring out the window. When she saw him,  a stranger, carrying her sister up the drive.
            "What?" Fiona jumped out her seat, startled by her daughters scream.
            "A man has Emmy!"
            "What?" A dash to the window "who is he?"
            "I don't know!"
            Both Fiona and Laurel dashed to the front door. They began to run outside but he was already in the main door.
            "What happened?" Fiona asked flustered.
            " I am alright mother. I fell a bit."
            "Yes mam, I made sure she was all right before I lifted her, just had the air knock out of her and maybe some bruises."
            "She fell?"
            "Yes I lost footing. But I am fine, my head hurts a bit."
            "Come to the couch, I will fetch you both some tea," Laurel said as Fiona escorted them a mad rush.
            Caleb placed Emmy on the chaise as Fiona ran to get her daughter blankets. He took the seat next to her but when Fiona came in with Fiona came in with the blankets he got hop and let Fiona take the seat next to her daughter. Emmy tried to act calm but she could feel him staring at her and she felt flustering.
            "We are so thankful Mr.-"
            "James. Mr. Caleb James."
            "James? Mr. Brandon James and Miss James' brother?" Fiona asked.
            "The very same."
            "We were not expecting you till later this week."
            "Well I was able to get away sooner than I thought. But I do hope my early arrival is not an imposition."
            "No, no not at all. We have plenty of rooms to fill."
            "It just I am sure Miss James will be sad she and Julia  have gone out to call Miss Hester, she is the minister's daughter and runs a small school for under privileged children. She spoke on Sunday and your sister was quite motivated by the story. Your sister is so generous."
            "Yes always has been."
            Caleb stood when Laurel came in with the tea and Fiona quickly explained that the hero of the moment was Brandon and Kathryn's brother.

To read more click here.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy 101... Thanks for reading

I can't believe my blog has more than 100 post on it. 

I started this blog back in 2009 and I wrote a total of 8 post that year. What I wanted to do with this blog was kind of write a novel through my blog like how Charles Dickens used to write his stories for newspapers.

Here is a snippet from my very first post
I am using this summer to read a lot of inspiring novels and maybe write a story of my own. Its just my first draft but I would love to get my stories out there. Especially since a lot of my close friends live out of town I would like them to read my stories."
I didn't write anything in 2010... that is sad. Then in 2011 my first post was about how busy I was in grad school that I couldn't write. But then in March I wrote about how my sister called me out about how I wasn't writing. Then slowly my blog turned from a nothingness to actual writing. I write a lot on my "coffee breaks" as an escapism from moments I just can't handle things.

By August I was a full pledged blogger trying to write every day. Some of my writing wasn't that great but I was a blogger through an through. In my "I'm a Blogger" post I used Jennifer Donnelly (my favorite author) as my inspiration for my blogging.

Try to stand still inside all of that and hear your own voice.
It's yours and only yours, it's unique and worthy of your attention,
and if you cultivate it properly, it might just make you a writer.
-Jennifer Donnelly

I really tried to push myself to write a post everyday  thinking that would increase my blog popularity and I started a Facebook page to share my blog. But by the end of August I realized my writing wasn't that great because I was pushing myself to write and I not always enjoying it. Also had changed their layout so it felt more like a popularity contest. I didn't want my blog to be about popularity I wanted it to be about who I was, though in the back of my mind I thought how cool would it be if my blog was the next big blog (it's not and I'm okay with that) So I kind of had an "identity crisis" for my blog about what I wanted this blog to be. In my "Blog Popularity" post I wrote about how...

I am going to try to go back to my roots for this blog. I want to write about what inspires me or my writing rather it be a picture I found or a quote I like or blog from one of the many bloggers I follow. I want to share my story more from what is going on in my life to what I am writing. I have loved this summer writing about books I was reading to the movies I saw. In a few days I will be in class so I can keep you posted on cataloging and historical research (fun times right?). I just want to get back to why I loved this blog... an oasis not an obligation.

Now I am really trying to think about what I write about.Even last night as I was getting ready for bed I was thinking about this blog and a post I wanted to write about. I told my roommate that if I could figure out away to get my computer water proof I would write my blog in the shower... you can get some great ideas in there. (TMI?) Sometimes my blog is random thoughts and very free flowing. But I am back to loving my blog. It is not an obligation it is always a pleasure to write in this blog.
I have listed some of my favorite post on the side bar as I have been looking forward to my 100th blog post.

100 post here I come... My favorite post so far.
(In alphabetical order)

A little road mapping
A Page from my diary
A Sap at Heart
A Sap at Heart (Part 3)
A Thought for Thursday
Daddy's Girl
From a Hopeful Romantic
I'm a Blogger
Thinking about my Grandma

But if you have any favorites please let me know. I love my reader's comments and input.

I love writing, I always have since I was a little girl. I would fill up notebooks with the stories in my head. I now fill up more notebooks with journal entries but I am still working on writing a novel but it is still a work in progress. Maybe one day I will be a published author. But until then I am glad I have this blog where I can come write and escape from my day to day. I write about lots of things going on in my life I mostly get inspiration from conversations I have or thoughts and struggles I am going through. Sometimes this blog is like my journal. But on lighter notes I write about movies and books and just little pleasantries. My writing really has no rhyme or reason to it. I just love writing.

I am so happy I discovered blogspot 2 years ago and I continue to find excellent blogs that keep me inspired in my writing and dreaming. This place even though virtual is my little oasis. I frequently think about how to "improve" my blog by making it reflect who I am and where I want to escape to. I think if my blog was a comfortable reading chair what would it look like because that is how I want my blog to be some place comfortable I can take my mug of coffee, sit, enjoy, relax and write.

So as I wrap up this reflection of my blog I want to thank you for being my readers.

I love this blog and I enjoy writing in it when I can and I enjoy knowing people read it. I have some very dedicated followers and that makes me very happy that people out there read it continuously. So a special thank you to my lovely and loyal readers. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Oasis

 If you have not discover Pinterest I really recomend it...I didn't know what was all about when I joined but I love it now because I get to look at fun and artsy pictures. Also I find it a great resource to collect photos for this blog, photos of fashion I like, I even collect photos for my dream wedding, and things I want to learn how to bake, basically I collect photos of the eclectic, hopeful romantic, girly things I love.

I have made one board titled "Eight O'clock at the Oasis"- inspired by an episode of Gilmore Girls. The board is suppose to represent if I could have my dream space what would it include...

All found at Pinterest

Lots of flowers... even though I don't have a green thumb I love flowers
Pretty little tea sets so I can unwind an relax
A cork board wall... I have always wanted one so I can pin up pictures, ideas, and inspirations for the novel I was working on.
Lots of Jane Austen.... really just lots of books and a comfy chair to read the books.
A little garden... though some one else will have to take care of it for me as I said I don't have a green thumb.
A little writing desk... that has a great window to look out (so a nice view).
A comfy bed... I love random nap times.
And a wall with lots of frames holding post cards I like and family members I love.

What would your oasis have?

Monday, October 3, 2011

My weekend loves

Found at Pinterest

Found at Pineterest
Found at Pinterest

Found at Pinterest
Okay you might looking at these photos thinking what Psych, Downton Abbey, Panda Express, and books have in common... well they have me and my weekend.

This weekend was not all that exciting but I thought I would share my weekend loves as a way to start off the week.

My weekend started much too early on a Saturday morning to be in Somerville (about a 30 minute commute via bus and T) to be at my church's new site by 9:15 in the morning. Yeah I am not a morning person so it was a little rough. But I got to watch some excellent kids play around and that was fun. Kids are very creative and funny about what they think is great. A little girl decided she was going to take a nap and she did this by putting her head in a little mesh box and trying to sleep on the floor. Well the boys thought this was fabulous and continued to climb into boxes and curl up to fit in them. I was thinking how bad my knees would hurt doing this. There was also this spiral couch that they looked at as a jungle gym and minus a few incidents was really fun for them to be all over. Then sadly my time of play was over and I had to do a few hours of work for my company to prepare for billing... but I got to go to work in jeans and that felt a little rebellious.

I got home at 5 and crashed and took a great hour nap. Then I got up and watched a few episodes of Psych. If you haven't watched a great comedy crime solving show and not at all graphic like CSI or Law and Order. There are moments when I grab my pillow worried if Shawn and Gus will survive (of course they will they are the stars and producers of the show) and then the next minute burst out laughing. There is also the under tone love interest of Shawn and Juliet (which is another grabbing the pillow moment). But it is basically a fabulous show about a fake psychic detective and how he solves crime.

Also I discover Downton Abbey... I know, I know I am a little slow to the greatness of it. But a lot of my blogs talk about it so while I was looking around Hulu for something to watch I looked to see if they had Downton Abbey no but does so on Saturday night to relax I watched Downton Abbey. Yeah not a relaxing show. A great show set in 1912-1913 but not relaxing it was sheer will power to turn off my computer and go to bed. I say it is not relaxing because now I am captivated by it and I am left wanting to know more. My roommate asked me what I was watching because I was squealing and laughing and watching it on my computer as I brushed my teeth. Yeah! Go Wireless Internet! Yeah I basically got addicted and as a treat to myself on Sunday night after finishing my homework I watched Episode 2 and 3. I really should not watch intense shows before bed. But I just get swept up... the plot is so interknit with both the stories of the upstairs lives and the downstairs lives. I told my roommate it is like Godsford Park but on steroids (minus the murder). Even though I think Lady Mary can be cruel I want her to be happy with Mr. Crawley (if you know what happens please don't tell me).

So now my parents are probably wondering did I do my homework yes I did. I did a bit of it on Friday night and mostly on Sunday but before I go to that I will talk real shortly on my procrastination tool of  yummy and cheap Chinese food. After church I tried to get friends to go out to lunch but every one had plans poo :( minus a guy from my bible study so we grabbed lunch together and that was nice to learn a little bit more about him. To digress further away from homework talk I find it interesting how many layers people have (maybe Shrek is right we are like onions). I mean before that lunch I knew he worked in computer science industry and was from Atlanta but I learned he also plays the piano, and was home schooled. While I told him, yes I love history but I have thought about going to culinary school and learning how to make those fancy desserts (after grad school) and more for a hobby then professional aspirations. But I so want to learn how to make eclairs. What I am getting at is that people are more than they appear so have some cheap Chinese food and a good conversation.

Now I have procrastinated long enough and I had to do homework. Fortunately part of my homework was really fun. In my cataloging class we have to make rules for a made up collection. Mine is on 19th Century Women's Literature. And I want to organize it based on date published date from 1800-1899. I know as a historian I think it would be cool to have books in chronological order. So we have to take five (example) objects (books in my case) and write a rule of how they should be cataloged in collection but we have to pretend that collection could have 1,000+ objects. This is really fun for me and I came home from the library with Charlotte and Emily Bronte, George Eliot and Elizabeth Gaskel under my arm. Now I have the fun job of writing my cataloging rules for my project this semester.