Showing posts with label Sisters of Pine Haven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sisters of Pine Haven. Show all posts

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sister Saturday

I have been trying to find a picture that captured some of the sentiment of the following scene from my story... but I could not. However, since this scene is about sisters finally bonding together I thought I would share some of my favorite pictures of my sisters and I (okay the middle one is not my sisters but Edwardian appropriate).

I have two lovely sisters both who inspire me probably more than they know. 
For Pic in middle 
So here is the first part of my edition "The sisters and the engagements"

Once dinner was over Emmy politely excused herself to Laurel's room. Laurel was not awake but Emmy didn't care she undid her shoes and let down her hair and pulled up close to her sister.

            The next part was all said in a soft whisper as to not disturb her sleeping sister. "Oh Laurel I have not been a good sister, I don't know what happened to us we used to be as thick as thieves. You were always my best friend the one I told everything and sometimes I miss you. I guess you grow up after father died making sure our family kept above water. You were always there for us, always the head strong, common sense one, that we depend up to get things right and I was the non-sensible, foolishly idealistic one and after father died I just wanted to escape into a dreamy world of fantasy. It was a world of fantasy. It was a world we once shared but then you faced reality and I never could. Oh Laurel, I am sorry for any of my foolishness that I caused you pain, I am sorry I am not more dependable like you, I wish I could be?"

            "Don't be," Emmy looked and saw Laurel looking at her.
            "I am sorry Laurel, I didn't mean to wake you."
            "I am glad you did. Emmy don't be like me I am too structured and everyone thinks I am too unfeeling. I am sure that is what drove Ethan away."
            "What do you mean?"
            "I could not express my feelings to Ethan Foster not to him, not even to my sister or my mother because I am so structured I couldn't let someone know my heart. When I saw you gave your heart so openly to Mr. James I admit I was a little jealous of your spirit and heart."
            "Yes, while sometimes you don't always think before you talk and you act as if everything was novel, you have such a passionate spirit."
            "Don't wish that, it sometimes causes more regrets than happiness."
            "We just need to figure out how I can be a little bit more like you and for you to be a little bit more like me then we will be the perfect puzzle piece."

            Emmy looked into Laurel's eyes and saw a happy tenderness she had not seen in a long time. The girls curled up next to each other for the night and the morning Laurel was able to come down for breakfast. Aunt Iris was so happy to see some color in her niece's cheeks she made sure to serve them an extra large helping. Though Laurel's color had returned she felt tired after breakfast and went back to bed.
            "Aunt, we have to figure out if what Caleb told me about Mr. Foster being engaged is true or not."
            "How are we going to do that? Spy on him."
            "No, I don't know."
            "Sweet heart I think we should stay out of Mr. Foster and Laurel's business."
            "I wish I could but she is my sister, I cannot risk seeing her potentially having her heart broken."
            "Emmy dear I know you mean well but I hate to admit it but broken hearts are a part of growing up. As much you like to live in a hopeful romantic world sometimes relationships do not work out and Mr. Foster and Laurel might not work out," Aunt Iris saw Emmy's face go sad. "Then again they could live happily ever after and if they are meant to be together they will be without our meddling."
            "All right Aunt Iris."
            "You promise Emmy you will not interfere."
            "Yes aunt I promise," Aunt Iris lifted Emmy's chin to look into her eyes.
            "Eyes never lie," was an expression Fiona was always telling Emmy and whenever she wanted to know whether Emmy was lying she looked her square in the eyes.

            Emmy was not lying this time she promised her aunt that she would not meddle and she would not meddle no matter what her romantic heart told her to do.

To read about the surprise engagement that is to follow... click here

Monday, May 28, 2012

Our Heroines

I can't believe it I have just passed 100 pages in typing my story... whoa that feels huge! In my post on Friday I mentioned how I feel ashamed about my writing because I have never finished a story. Well I have never gotten this far in a story either and it feels like I am making this huge step in my writing life. I hope you will  check out my full post on my other blog Sisters of Pine Haven having this space and my lovely readers has really kept me going in my story so thank you so much.
If the heroine of this story was Kathryn James this would be a lovely end but heroines of this story sat in the third row of the church on grooms side, though in reality Emmy felt closer to Kathryn her own cousin. She took in all the beauty of the day and made sure to take active mental notes so she could write back to her mother in full detail. The ceremony was traditional, nothing to go into great detail about. Kathryn and Nicholas had five attendants on both side. Kathryn didn't have any sisters so her cousins and two friends schools stood to her side wearing matching crimson dresses, to complement the autumn colors and holding a smaller bouquet of white roses much like Kathryn's. Nicholas had Ethan Foster, Caleb James and three other friends standing next to him wearing their finest morning suits in a very traditional manor with tails.

            After the wedding Victoria Danford untraditionally threw a luncheon for the couple with the family and close friends. Even though it was just a luncheon it was a very formal meal with multiple courses. In very modern fashion Victoria served French cuisine that had become popular to serve all over Europe and the finest families in America. The newlyweds stayed through the meal then took off to train station. Kathryn told Emmy that they would go to New York than take a cruise line over to Italy and they planned to stay there at least till spring. Kathryn had never been to Italy and gushed over everything she wanted to see while they were there. Emmy was happy for Kathryn but was a little jealous as she had never been anywhere and wished she could be going to Europe. Once the couple left the party started to break up but Victoria insisted that the Cromwell girls stay around. She felt guilty that they spent so little time together after all they were family. Emmy rolled her eyes at the idea of family obligation.

            "I can stay if you like?" Brandon said seeing Emmy rolling her eyes.
            "Oh no Mrs. James you are too kind."
            " It is no problem I want to be useful to you."
            "Thank you Mrs. James."

            Emmy took a look around the room and did not see Caleb who she really wanted to see.

            "Are you all right?" Brandon asked noticing Emmy looked distracted.
            "Yes, fine I was just wondering where your brother is?"
            "He told me he had to go back to his mother's house to get some work done. Work on his sister's wedding day can you imagine?"
            "He must be very busy."
            Brandon could tell Emmy was still in love with Caleb just in the tone of her voice.

            "Yes his business keeps him quite occupied. Excuse me, Miss Emmy, I see Mrs. James waiving at me, she might want to leave."
            "Of course it has been a long day."

            Mrs. James did not really waive him over but he had to walk away. He could not see why Emmy still loved his brother when he has been nothing but cold to her since he left Pine Haven. Brandon had done everything he could think of to show Emmy how much he cared but she only had eyes for Caleb. That Monday Brandon went to the Ambassador to make plans to go back to England. But for today he left making his apologies to the hostess and Mrs. James but said nothing to Emmy.

            Laurel did not have a grand time at the luncheon either. Ethan Foster kept his distance, she tried to talk to him but he kept getting flustered. They used to talk for hours together now though she could not think of what to say leading to some awkward silent moments. Then he left the party shortly after Nicholas and Kathryn left. She wanted to leave then too and hated that there was family obligation to stay because Aunt Victoria felt guilty.

            The party was hardly a success for our heroines and with that in mind they would never have expect the following events. However without these events the story would not exist.

To read more click here

Friday, May 25, 2012

Writer's Feelings

I love reading blogs on writing... so here is my Friday's Feature for this week.
Last year when I picked up blogging again the first blogger I came across was Sarah now at Well and Cheaply her blog inspired me to be a better blogger. So I think it is only appropriate to feature her this week. In her post "I'm a writer" she writes about the guilt she faces for not being a published writer.

So, I haven't actually talked about the fact that I'm a writer on this blog yet.  And while I like to consider this a "lifestyle blog," which sort of gives me the freedom to write about whatever the hell I want, I also hope for this space to be a writer's blog.  Before I start talking about my writing here though, I have something else I'm afraid to tell you:

The other day, my mom was asking me about my writing in a completely supportive and interested way.  And I just didn't want to talk about it.  Finally, she said, "why are you acting defensive?  Is it the question's I'm asking?"  And I couldn't answer her.  I knew she was right, I knew I was acting defensive and yet, why?

The conversation stuck in my head for a long time, and I was trying to figure out what was going on.  I think that I've come to a place where my relationship with writing -while I'm very passionate about it, is steeped in guilt and shame.  All of this guilt and shame has to do with not being published.  And I think I spend my time telling myself that I don't really feel this way.  And yet, when my mom asks me about my writing I get defensive because if I really let my guard down, I know I'd just start crying.

To read more click here

Since she came out about her guilt for not being published. I will come out about my feelings about writing. I feel ashamed about my writing. I have been writing stories since I was a little girl, I can't remember when I wasn't writing. But the truth is as much as I envision myself as a writer more specifically a novelist I have never finished a story. All my life I have filled notebooks maybe half way through then got inspired by another idea and I would drop the notebook and move onto another story. I think when I was in high school my mom got fed up with all these notebooks and started throwing them away (rightly so). Because I have never finished a story, I don't really come out and tell people I am a writer, it takes me awhile to feel comfortable with them to let them know that my passion in life is writing. Writing is a very vulnerable process for me, as I am sure it is with most writers, my stories are my own little world and letting some one in that space is very hard for me.
For a long time I would write stories and never let anyone read them. I was embarrassed by my horrible spelling skills and grammar is hard for me as well. How can I be a writer if I can't spell or even properly construct a sentence? 

I guess I am also embarrassed by my writings. They are definitely written from a hopeful romantic perspective, who idealizes the past and wishes that first loves would be life time loves. I guess my writings always seemed a little silly or foolish in the world of serious literature but this is the world I escape to. It is my happy place, I guess if I was to put a picture to my happy place this would be it...
But if I didn't write I think I would feel a void. With this blog and all the love and support I have gotten through writing it I am more willing to let people into my world. Though sometimes it is hard to let people in so sorry if I don't come right out and share my passion with you.   

Right now I am really pushing myself to finish my current story even if it never gets published I want to say I finished writing a story The Sisters of Pine Haven

I saw this on Pinterest and thought it was good inspiration to end this post...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Writing Wednesday

"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed."

I got to a part in my story where I couldn't think of where to go next. I mean I knew what I wanted to say but I couldn't think of how to write it. In order to get inspiration I read back through what I had already written. One thing I noticed was that I left out some words, one time I used the word "hose" when I meant to write "host" and in my post Afternoon Tea  I realized I totally copied and pasted wrong from my word document. First I am sorry readers for this mistake. If you go to that post now it is all set up properly. Tonight I got through 3 post out of the 25 written for my blog is Sisters of Pine Haven but I will get through some more over the coming weeks before summer classes start. 

Here is a preview of the updated Afternoon Tea...
It was in these woods Miss Pembers knew to look for Emmy when the household was expecting Mrs. Melbourne and her eligible son Mr. Melbourne for tea. 

“Miss Emmy you have been outside long enough it is time for tea and your mother insist you come outside.” 

“I don’t want to be involved in anything where Laurel throws herself at the boring man Mr. Melbourne is.” 

“I seriously doubt Miss Laurel will throw herself at anyone, it would be in-proper and your sister has a higher sense of propriety then anyone I know. Now come or I shall send Helena to get you.” 

Helena was Grandma Danford’s cook who had no problem disciplining the girls into good behavior with a wooden spoon, Emmy suffered the worst for it. She was hardly the a model of good behavior from her unkempt hair, dirty finger nails and stockings sometimes covered in mud. Mother would only allow Helena to give Emmy one or two hits but Emmy still felt the blows to be fatal. With the threat of Helena’s wooden spoon Emmy climbed down from her rock and dusted herself off before presenting herself to Miss Pembers. 

“And where are your shoes.”

“One can hardly climb with those little boots on, I would slip and break my neck.”

“Your Grandmother would break your neck knowing you walked outside barefoot. It is a good thing you have yet to wear long dresses you would ruin all of the with your childish ways.”

“I am not a child.”

“Well you are certainly not acting like a girl of sixteen. Playing in the woods, day dreaming and losing yourself in your world of make believe.”

“I like my world it is more interesting then this world.”

“Hush your mouth. You have all beauty and luxury around you. You are lucky to have such a fortunate family. There are girls in orphanages who dream of having what you have.”

Emmy wanted to remind Miss Pembers that none of the beauty and luxury was hers to do with what she would. If it was she would sale everything and explore the world. It all belonged to her Grandma and then it would go to uncle and the girls would receive nothing. She wanted to remind Miss Pembers of all that but know when Miss Pembers let her Irish accent slop she was about to let her hot temp out. So Emmy kept her mouth shut.

Click here to read more

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Love of Fashion!


I love fashion history!  I am very picky too about my fashion history to be accurate. I mean I got upset at Barnes and Nobles because they had a cover of Little Women with women in Empire waist dresses and a copy of Emma in Victorian dresses those are backwards. Of course at that time I was in high school and none of my friends understood but this is example of how specific I like it to be. 

When I am writing a story I always want to make sure the way I describe dresses is historically accurate. I have a whole pin board on pinterest board dedicated to Edwardian Fashion. This part of the story was really fun as I not only got to look at Edwardian wedding dresses  I also learned about Edwardian wedding customs. Apparently they didn't have receptions like we do today usually the married couple were just escorted to the train station and then they were off on their honeymoon. (I might take some artistic liberties here).  

Here are some links I used for my writing
1. The Wedding 
2. Wedding Traditions

The insert story below is from part of my newest post Kathryn's Wedding ...
Friday passed uneventfully, Mrs. James threw a little dinner in Kathryn's honor. Mrs. James insisted that it end early to make sure the wedding party slept well. Truth be told no one slept very well. Kathryn woke up several time to make sure she had not over slept and she got up walk to the closet and looked her dress. They had found it last spring in one of the best shop in New York that imported directly from Paris. It was a beautiful cream white silk with lace cuff on the sleeves, lace around the neck and some subtle beading in the bust line and skirt that flowed into at least two foot train. Her veil came with its own tiara that fell half the way of the train of the dress and had the same beaded pattern along the edge. It would all be glamorous and while Kathryn longed for a quiet ceremony she loved this dress and felt like a princess when she stepped into it. Her mother told her face glowed when she first tried it on in that New York shop. She felt her face glow every time she looked at the dress. Looking at the dress now she could not wait till Nicholas saw her in it tomorrow.

            "Miss," a voice startled her.
            Kathryn flinched then turned to see her petite maid "Bea, you startled me."
            "I am sorry miss, I saw the light under the door and I was just making sure things were all right."
            "Yes Bea, things are wonderful. It is a pretty dress isn't it"
            "Yes Miss. You will be a princess in it."
            "Thank you Bea."
            "Do you need anything Miss?"
            "No Bea, you go back to bed, tomorrow is going to be a long day and mother will run you raged if you are not will rested."
            "Yes Miss, you need your sleep too, we would not want you falling asleep at your own wedding."
            "I won't Bea, I am too excited."
            "Yes Miss, good night Miss. The future Mrs. Nicholas Danford."

            The sound of her new name sent a thrill up her spine. She walked back to her bed and fell asleep till Bea woke up for good. The James house buzzed starting at sunrise. Mrs. James made sure everyone ate a full breakfast especially Kathryn. She was not going to have Kathryn gouge on food at the luncheon making her look wild beast on the biggest day of her life. Kathryn was then tugged into a corset. Kathryn could tell Bea was ordered to pull the strings extra tight, she could also tell that these orders made Bea uncomfortable as Kathryn winced. She took her last deep breath of the day and told Bea as happily as she could that it was all right. She tried to laugh it off that beauty was pain.

            The church was done to the tops filled with the fragrance of yellow and orange color trumpet lilies that made the air smell sweet for miles around and were the perfect color for autumn. Mrs. James thought lilies would be fragrant but Kathryn wanted lilies more than anything. They were no in season anymore, so they had to be specially grown for the occasion. No expense was spared and Kathryn used the fact that her mother wanted to prove to all of Boston that her daughter was worthy of the Danford name as leverage to get any lavish touch she wanted. Though the church was filled with yellow and orange lilies Kathryn just carried a simple bouquet of white roses that were the same shade of the cream that match her dress.

To read more of the story click here

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Changes are happening

One thing I want to do during my summer break is to write more and I have finally typed up what I have written thus far...

The party would not have to wait a week to see each other again. After church on Sunday Kathryn threw an impromptu party of dinner and cards. She invited the Cromwell sisters, Brandon, Nicholas and Julia. She also invited some of Nicholas' friends George Manfred and Leonard Hopefelt in order to even out the party. She said she invited Ethan Foster but he told her that he was previously engaged. Also Mr. and Mrs. Dumont could not attend as they had dinner plans but eagerly encouraged the girls to go on their own.

            "How odd that Mr. Foster would not wish to see us," Emmy said when Laurel and her were alone.
            "Kathryn said he had other plans."
            "Surely plans he could get out of for such dear friends as us, well you Laurel. He must not have known we were part of the party."
            "Do you not regard him highly Laurel?"
            But before Emmy could get an answer Laurel walked away.

            Emmy was able to get Kathryn a lone to inquire after Mr. Foster.

            "Kathryn, do you know Mr. Foster very well."
            "A little, he does not seem to socialize like other men of his fashion. He is Nicholas' dear friend though they seem so different but Nicholas and Mr. Danford always speaks highly of him so I take that as a good recommendation. Why? How do you know him?"
            "He came to visit us for awhile before you came to see us, it was just for a few weeks but I felt Laurel and him had an attachment but we have seen no word from him since he left. Also a few days before your brother left Pine Haven, he mentioned that a Ethan Foster was engaged to a Sally Lawrence. I say 'a' Ethan Foster because I cannot believe it would be Laurel's Ethan Foster."
            "As far I know I think Laurel and Mr. Foster would be a fine match if his aunt would ever allow him to marry. But I know nothing of any Sally Lawrence connected with him but he says so little when he is around me and men talk so little of their love lives but I will keep my ears on alert if I hear anything."
            "Oh thank you Kathryn, you must not mention this to Laurel I would not wish her to know anything till we are absolutely certain."
            "Of course not," Kathryn changed her tone to more of a somber one "I am glad you pulled me aside I received word from my brother he will not be able to come to Boston until the week before the wedding. I wish he would come sooner but he says he cannot."
            "Kathryn you are so kind to tell me privately about this but I am not concerned."
            "You're not?" she sounded a bit surprised.
            "Do not get me wrong as much I would like to see him Aunt Iris has taught me some valuable lessons when it comes to relationships."
            Kathryn kissed her on both cheeks then pulled her in for a hug."Miss Emmy you must know I so long to call you my sister."             
            "And I you."

            Brandon over heard the last part of their conversation and knew then that Emmy Cromwell was still very much attached to his brother and that nothing had changed in Emmy's heart. Emmy was confused of why Caleb stayed away from her, he did not write her since he left Pine Haven. She told herself that his emotions were too strong that he could not handle himself around her. He was being a gentleman but separating himself from her before he crossed the line of impropriety. Emmy tried not to let her confusion and worrisome show as the night went on.

            Fortunately for Emmy, Kathryn spent no more time discussing Caleb as Nicholas and Julia were next to arrive. As soon as Julia arrive the mood in the house changed. Julia pretended to be surprised to see her cousins again after short time apart. After the last summer with Julia, Emmy no longer bought her enthusiasm as genuine. It did seem to Emmy, Julia did seem sincerely happy even if she was not truly happy to see her cousins. Occasionally Emmy noticed that Julia would play with her necklace, taking the pedant in fingers and moving back and forth over the chain. When she did this she had a endearing look it looked as if she was guarding a little secret.


After dinner Laurel took to the piano and played some soft music, any one would think that Laurel took to the piano because of her strong love of music but she mostly loved the solitary it allowed. Most of the dinner was full of small talk and Laurel hated small talk. Also her dinner partner, George Manfred, jabbered on about all the important people he knew and Laurel could care less of the name dropping he did. Kathryn, Nicholas, Leonard Hopefelt and Julia were playing a game of bridge. Kathryn initially invited Emmy to play but Emmy had to admit she never learned that game and did not want to waste their time having to teach her. Kathryn gave her one of her charming smiles and told Emmy that she should come over for some lessons. Emmy was thankful to Kathryn but knew Kathryn was far too busy to teach her cards. Instead, Emmy found a book on the shelf that looked interesting and nestled into a corner in the couch. Every once and awhile Emmy would look over hear Mr. Manfred talking to Brandon. Mr. Manfred had discovered they knew some of the same people and had pulled Brandon aside to discuss them. Emmy looked over at Brandon, her had tried to be polite but it was obvious he was very bored. When Brandon noticed Emmy looking at him he would give her a joking smile. He was so different here, Emmy thought, in Pine Haven he was quiet and reserved and when Caleb was there he seemed almost hostile. At dinner he was very attentive to her and they had a lovely conversation about books he recommend Emmy to read. Emmy had found one of the books on the shelf and it is why she pulled it aside.

            "Miss Emmy," Mrs. James caught her silently at Brandon "I do hope you reading is not a sign of boredom."
            "Oh no Mrs. James I am not bored at all, I enjoy reading," Emmy said cordially.
            "Well it is a good occupation of the mind."
            "I think so." Then Mrs. James sat down next to Emmy and Emmy closed her book realizing this conversation would be awhile.
            "Oh that is a great book," Mrs. James said but before Emmy could respond she said "I am sorry to keep you from it but you must all this old woman to be selfish, you don't always get a moment to have a long moment to have long conversation and I so want to get to know you better. Kathryn and Brandon had your attention at the teat that I hardly get to know the woman my daughter talked about so profusely. I know a lot about the Danford family they are one of the best families in Boston but I know so little about the Cromwells."

            Emmy took a deep breath. She thought about the truth her father dying a penniless book publisher, her mother force to sale all their valuables to pay off his debts, and then moving to Pine Haven to live by the charity of their Grandmother. What would Laurel say if Emmy told Mrs. James the truth, a truth Laurel wanted to bury away.

            "My father trained to be a lawyer, that is where he met my uncle, but my grandfather got sick so my father took over his publishing company."
            "That must be where your love of books come from."
            "Yes my father loved to read. He always encouraged Laurel and I have to read. Unfortunately he died before my younger sister was old enough to get his encouragement. But we continue on with his perseverance."
            "Oh you have a younger sister?"
            "Yes Gloria is almost twelve. She wanted to come to Boston with Laurel and I but mother thought she was too young."
            "Oh I wish you mother had come I would like to meet her. I remember when Fiona Danford was presented into society she made the papers up and down the east coast."
            "Yes my mother told me."
            "But then she disappeared almost and I remember nothing about the wedding to your father."

            Emmy took another deep breathing, how could she explain that her parents had eloped. Emmy knew it was not something people talked about. She used to think it was romantic but Laurel corrected her and told her it was a mark of shame.

            "Mother and father wanted a quiet wedding."
            "Kathryn wanted a quiet ceremony too but when great families come together Mrs. Danford and myself thought a lavish affair would only be appropriate. I am surprised Mrs. Danford allowed your mother to have a quiet ceremony."

            Emmy took another deep breath as her eyes nervously searched the room.

            "Mother are you making Miss Emmy uncomfortable?" Kathryn asked, she had sneaked up on the conversation. Now all the eyes of the party were on them.
            "No, Miss James, we were just talking. Mrs. James wanted to get to know me better, she was asking me about my mother."
            "Oh Mrs. Cromwell is divine."
            "Yes I was telling Miss Emmy I remember where her mother was presented how she made all the papers up and down the east coast."
            "Then she asked about my father." Emmy looked purposefully at Laurel who understood the look right away.
            "Emmy, I am not feeling very well do you mind if we go home," Laurel asked pretending to look ill.  
            "Oh I am sorry Mrs. James we should head home."
            "May I escort you Miss Cromwell and Miss Emmy," Brandon stood up.
            "That would be nice," Emmy said.

To read more click here

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Summer plans

Hello lovely readers,

I am happy to say I am done with my semester in school. Now I have a month and a half off before Summer School starts. My dad has already asked me what I am doing with my time off.

1. The most practical answer work more hours at my job aka earn more money.

2. Read more fun more fun books. I am currently reading Catching Fire but I have a few other books I want to get through.

3. Write more. Rather it be this blog or my story The Sister of Pine Haven.  I have a few blog post in draft that I am working on and hope to get them published soon. 

4. Some family is visiting. My dad and step-mom are coming in May and my mom is coming in June before summer school starts. 

My dad and step mom:
From my college graduation 
My mom and I:
At the Biltmore Estate
5. My birthday party- I love celebrating my birthday, I love planning my birthday. I am in the works of arranging a party where my friends will hopefully donate money for my trip to Honduras.
(Yep I still need to raise funds so please let me know if you are interested).

6. Hang out with friends. 
Some of my friends
thanks... Mikhail Glabets Photography

7. Lastly I have to report for Jury duty. 

So those are my plans for my month and a half off. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Happy 200!

One of my goals for this blog was to keep celebrating little triumphs. Today I am happy to announce I have written 200 post. I wrote my Happy 100th post, November 30th so I am excited how fast it took me to write another 100 post. I hope you have enjoyed this journey.
Time to Celebrate!!!
Since my 100th post I have had some blogging celebrations...
1. I have gotten lots of writing done on my story the Sisters of Pine Haven... In my post Winter Break  I wrote that I wanted to write more of my story. I stated in that post I only had 9 post of my story, now I have 22 post.
2. I got a twitter account you can now follow me @liblairian I post updates on blog and things in my life.

3. I had my blog redesigned thanks to Annie from Wattlebird 
4. I am happy to say I had two wonderful guest bloggers on this blog. 

Kimberly from "Here's what I think about" 

Laura from "Girl Plus Everything Else"
What did you want to be when you grew up

5. I also wrote 2 guest blogs for their blogs. My Journey Through Reading and inspired by Laura's post on growing up I wrote about all my dream jobs that I had while I was growing up

6. My post "A Sunday of nonproductive-ness" has been looked at 143 times, that is huge for me. 

Some personal celebrations 
I left my full time job in January so I can go to school full time. It has been great to have the time to focus on school and it is nice to have days off. It is so nice not going from working all day to doing home work all night.
Also I during my spring break I went to see my sister and my niece. It was a wonderful trip and great time to bond with my niece. She calls me "Ah ba" because she can't say Aunt Blaire yet. I don't know if I actually want her to call me Aunt Blaire because I love the way she says my name. I have gotten bit homesick since being back in Boston so I have skyped with her a few times. 
My niece and I 
I know I spend a lot of time dreaming about the future and eagerly awaiting what the future has to offer but I am more and more loving the day for what it is and not always what I hope it will be. I admit some times it is harder than I would like but I can't keep waiting for the future, because after all the future is only what I make of it today. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Saturday Scribbles

After last week when I was brain dead because of school I got very little writing done... well this week I have made up for that so I hope you enjoy.


Kathryn James once her mother was well from her summer flu came back to Boston in a surge to get all the plans for her wedding done. How she wished Nicholas and her could have a quiet ceremony, maybe out in the count but her mother and mother in law would not allow it. "The fine James and Danford family are marrying and it is to an event to make society talk," was how it was explained to Kathryn. Since her return to Boston it felt like from sun up to sun down all she did was think about her wedding. She had so many calls to do, dinners to attend, and many teas to sit at she barely saw Nicholas. Though he still walked her home from church every Sunday but it wasn't the same. Charles Danford insisted that Nicholas be more active in the business that he could no longer flit around on the outskirts of it. Kathryn did encourage Nicholas in that way nevertheless she could not wait till they would have their evenings together. The Danfords had bought them a nice little home on Marlborough street for them to live once they came back from their honeymoon till Nicholas took over the Danford name. When Kathryn was not planning their wedding she was working with designers to get the house all read for them. So usually by the time Sunday came around they were both too tied to express more than a few words to each other.

            When she received Emmy's note of her coming to Boston, she cherished the thought, she had such a lovely time in Pine Haven away from all the hustle and bustle that Boston had and she could feel that she and Emmy may perhaps be true friends.  She knew Emmy would bring Pine Haven back to her even if she could not go back to Pine Haven herself. She was also glad she would finally meet Mrs. Dumont. Mrs. Dumont sat on the top ring of Boston Society, and Kathryn had heard wonderful stories about Mrs. Dumont's society's meeting that she longed to be in there. With marrying a Danford she would have the name to fit into that society but having a personal connection with the Dumont family would qualify her as a belonging. So she made sure to respond quickly to Emmy and to have the best of the best prepared when they came. Kathryn had almost completely forgotten that Brandon was to come over for tea that day as well. She did not fret though as she knew how delighted Brandon would be to see the girl he looked at as a new sister. So she kept their meeting a new surprise.

            "My dear brother, you will not guess who is in town and will be joining is for teas," she said as he walked into the room.
            "The Queen of England?" Brandon smiled.
            "Then who?"
            "Miss Emmy Cromwell."
            "What?" he said rather stunned.
            "Are you not happy to see your new sister?"
            "I am thrilled," he said trying to hide his real thoughts.
            "I knew you would be."
            "What brings her to Boston?"
            "She and her sister are visiting their mother's dearest friend who they call Aunt Iris but it is really Mrs. Dumont."
            "Dumont, how in the world do they know them."
            "I do not know, but we shall ask over tea. That is not the point, Mrs. Dumont is as the top of Boston's society and meeting her and if she likes me that will get me into their little club. Wouldn't that be wonderful. I will prove that I am worthy to all of Boston that this little Connecticut girl is worthy of the Danford name, whatever they might think."
            "So you are just using Miss Emmy," Brandon sounded very protective.
            "Of course not, I love Miss Emmy, she was such delight in Pine Haven, but I must use a connection."
            "My sweet Kathryn, only you would have a heart of gold and still use it to move up in the this world," he smiled his big brother smile her.
            Then they heard a knock at the door and before the butler announced their presence Kathryn said "Now be nice Brandon, none of your little side comments." He nodded to his command.

            "Mrs. Dumont and Miss Emmy," the Butler announced them into the room.
            "Thank you Mr. Larsen can you let my mother know our guest are here."
            "Yes Miss James."

            At first they were formal as Emmy introduced Aunt Iris to Kathryn and Brandon. She was pleasantly surprised and all too happy to see Brandon there. He asked after her health and how everyone at home was doing, she reported everyone was fine. Then Kathryn asked about Laurel's where about and hoped to see her soon. Once all the polite formalities were exchanged the formalities were dropped and the girls talked as if they had never been a part and how glad they were to see each other. Mrs. Dumont chimed in about how all Emmy talked about was "Miss James this and Miss James that." Emmy blushed a bit at the way Aunt Iris talked about her.

            Before they could get too far along in conversation Mrs. James entered and they were back in their formal habits while Kathryn introduced her mother to Mrs. Dumont and Miss Emmy. They stayed in their formality longer with Mrs. James the room. She had an old century style about her with hair pulled tightly into a twist, her dress had a high collar and her dress had a high collar and her skirt was a little wider than the new fashion. Though she was wearing slightly older fashion she was highly eloquent and the formality of the conversation seemed to fit her better.

            "Well Miss Emmy you are just as charming as my daughter said you weren't."

            Emmy blushed again no one ever described her as charming "Thank you Mrs. James. My sister Laurel is the charming one in our family, I owe most of my looks to your daughter she gave me a fine make over when she was in Pine Haven."
            "My daughter might be a good artist but I must say she was already working with a fine canvas." Mrs. James noticed the way Brandon was looking at Miss Emmy. "Wouldn't you agree Brandon?"
            "I have always thought Miss Emmy ever so humble in her appearance. Though I am glad your color has come back, you were rather pale when I left."
            "Pale, why were you sick?" Mrs. James asked.
            Emmy did not know how to answer and her eyes showed it.

            "Not sick," Brandon spoke up before Emmy stumbled over her answer "I was say maybe just a little tired from all the adventures of the summer."
            "Yes just tired."

            Emmy gave Brandon one of her sweet smiles that told him she was thankful for the save.

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