Showing posts with label World War I. Show all posts
Showing posts with label World War I. Show all posts

Monday, October 26, 2015

A Quick Little Update

Hello lovely readers,

Since it has been a while since I have updated this I thought I would give a fun update on my life...


The biggest news is my life is that my mom and step-dad have moved up to Burlington, VT!
My step-dad has a new job up in Burlington which is awesome because we haven't been physically close to each other in ten years. I don't know if I expressed this but over the summer I was feeling a major amount of homesickness and a major urge to be close to my family (even thought they are spread out)... I even thought about moving away from Boston that I love to be close to them. While, that may happen one day I am so happy for now I can stay up here. 
Any way the weekend was lots of fun... We went to Stowe, VT which is a picturesque New England town and we experienced the first snow of the season, and yes at this point it was exciting. 
Snow up in the mountains over Smuggles Notch Junction

A very picturesque church
Trying to get a picture with the church sadly the power lines got in too
Event though seeing Burlington and Stowe was fun, I liked seeing my parents and it is nice to know they are so close. 

I feel I have not read much lately... I have been using my usual reading time (my commute to work) to get some writing done. It has been beneficial to my writing life but not to my reading. However I have finished my 25th book in my reading challenge... A book about "A lion, witch or Wardrobe" 
I don't usually read "magic realism" novels... so I thought if I am going to read a novel about witches, Halloween season would be a good time. Besides I found a book about the Edwardian/WWI time period so I felt it would fit nicely into my repertoire. For more about the book, click here.
 I was reading the book Fever Tree about a girl who goes to South Africa in 1890, for the requirement a book about a place you have always wanted to go. However, I found parts of the book too sexual and I thought it best to move on. 
I am on the waiting list at the BPL for the book Circling the Sun about Kenya in the 1930s. I have wanted to go to Africa (well South Africa, Kenya, Egypt, and maybe Morocco) but I understand they are unstable and I cannot afford to pay for that yet. So I am reading about it. 
While I am waiting for this book... I just picked up Chronicle of Youth at the library and can already tell I want to buy a copy as there are so many passages I want to underline. 
Over the winter I read Vera Brittan's Testament of Youth, her autobiography of her time in WWI. And while the book was great for facts and  some thoughts it is not very feeling. I think she was trying to sound like a scholar and not like an emotional woman. So reading her diary will be an interesting view of her life.

My work in progress cover

As I said above I have been getting a lot of writing in, but I am gearing up for National Novel Writing Month... where you try to write 50,000 words in a month. This is my first time that I am not in school since I first learned of this. I am going to bend a rule that I want to continue working on my current story. I really feel my story is coming into focus and shape so I want to continue writing it. I have read some blog post about this and it seems really intense... so I don't know if I will actually be able to write 50,000 words but as this my first time trying I am going to do the best I can but won't beat myself up if I don't get there. 
Getting my November calendar ready

Before I went up to visit my parents I went through a major binge watch of Glee. When the show was on I watched the first season, half of the second season, and then just watched episodes occasionally of the 3rd and 4th season but nothing really of the 5th season (minus The Quarterback episode) and none of the 6th season. But YouTube clearly tracking my interest (cheesy musical numbers) kept suggesting videos... finally I got hooked and decided to go through the show on Netflix. 
Song: "Don't Go Breaking my Heart" 
 Okay I will admit that sometimes the performances are a little cheesy and maybe a little over the top (I noticed this more in the 4th season) but hey who doesn't want to go to school where you get to perform a music video walking down the hall...
Song: "Wanna be Starting Something"
And not only did they cover classic songs they had a few original songs 
 Song: "Loser like me" 

Yes there were moments of annoyance where I couldn't stand Rachel and her need to popular, and there were moments when I thought "come on let them be happy," and thought "this is so not logical" but over all I liked it. They fought, they sometimes had pointless breakups, but they still came together as a team to support each other, and they embraced their differences.
 The only thing that made me truly upset is they way they acted like everyone in high school was having sex and if a character didn't have sex it was a fault of theirs. 
And even though I knew it was going to happen I did cry during The Quarterback episode, where they deal with the death of Finn Hudson (Cory Monteith) because it wasn't just them writing off a character he actually died and as a cast they had to deal with that pain. 
 Recently I started re-watching Gilmore Girls. Yes I am excited for the revamp of it on Netflix (whenever that happens) but lately I have been feeling like life is not going the way I want and I have been trying to decide what to do with my life. And whenever get in this mood Gilmore Girls always cheers me up. Because this is just great life advice:
Right now the only show I am watching in real time is Reign. 
(Historical Spoiler):
Sadly, they have already announced that Francis is going to die this season, though I don' t know what episode. I mean I know in history Francis died a year after becoming King, but last season took place almost entirely in the winter, and they have changed so many historical things why do they have to stick with this. Also (Season 2 Spoiler) last season Mary and Francis spent so much time apart that now they are together and happy it hurts to know soon they will be forever apart. 
Other Things in My Life
 I have been actively volunteering with Horizons for Homeless Children. It is probably my saving grace every week as being able to play and interact with the children is my biggest stress reliever. I can't take photos of the kids but they are some of the cutest kids.

Looking Forward To
I know it might be silly but one thing I am really looking forward to is Mockingjay part 2 coming out.

Okay I think this was a good update on my life but before I go just wanted to share one more song from Glee... there were so many good performances but this was probably one of my favorites. 
Song- Mashup: "Rumor Has It/Someone Like You"
The last 30 seconds probably won't make sense unless you have seen the show. 

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Possibilities were Boundless...

 Hello Lovely Readers,

A few weeks a go I posted "He waited for her..." where I mentioned one way of getting over writers block was to change the point of view of the author. I really enjoyed that exercise and sharing that part of my writing with you. Another piece of advice I have heard is skip to a new scene. Right now in my outline I have my book in 3 parts- the last part is mainly set after WWI with flashbacks to the war. So I began writing about November 1918- I always think of the end of the war being this great moment... but what if it wasn't so great. Earlier this year I read After the War is Over and the character talks about how lonely she feels at the moment that peace is declared. This gave me a new perspective on a way to slant my story...
{Celebrating End of the War}

November, 1918

They declared peace, Armistice, but it didn't feel like peace to Mattie's heart. Marcus had been missing in action for three months, Lord Parker had used all of his influence to help them out and that is all they knew. The whole country stood in silence as the King commanded and Mattie couldn't help but wonder how could something so longed for feel so empty? Marcus was missing and she hadn't heard from Kelby in over a month, she felt it in her heart that one or both men she loved would not come back. It was awful to think such a way when all of the world was finally breathing a sigh of relief , of joy, of hope. The quiet moment passed and then the people rejoiced. 

I wrote this scene out but then I got stuck again not knowing where to take this scene...Then I attended a writing workshop where we had to take a character, with the questions our writing partner ask really form that character and what they wanted. The twist was not give the character what they wanted. My whole story is a love story between Mattie and Kelby... so the thing Mattie probably most wants is Kelby. My writing partner suggested that maybe Kelby gets engaged... WHOA! As writer I didn't want to put Mattie though that pain, but to go with the workshop I did write out the scene... at the time I did not know how to include it in my story. Here is the scene:

She hadn't heard from him in over a month, she had tried not to let her imagination go crazy with all the possibilities that could have happened to him, but this was war, the possibilities were boundless. Kelby had known that her beloved brother had been missing in action for three months, and Kelby would surely know the terror that was bringing her heart. Kelby would not drag her through more pain id he could prevent it, so why did he not write?

Julia had told Mattie that she was certain Kelby's letters got lost in the mail, he was on the front lines after all in France and with thousands of letters coming back and forth one was bound to be lost. Mattie told Julia, she was right, hoping that if she spoke those words her heart and mind would believe them. She couldn't though, Julia was the typical hopeless romantic who got lost in the fantasy of love never wanting to face the realities. Mattie never told Julia that her parent had forbidden Kelby and her relationship and because of that she clung more to every letter he wrote. All they had were words, stolen glances, and moments together that were too short for either of them. Mattie hadn't even meant to tell Julia about Kelby not writing, but one night Julia caught her crying as Mattie was washing out bed pans and Mattie came clean about the whole thing. 

It was hard at that moment to breathe and think what could have happened to Kelby. She couldn't assume the worse, had the worse happened surely Mrs. Foster would have written her, or she would find his name on the list. The ever growing list in the newspaper that haunted her dreams. Mattie combed over that list everyday in hopes of not seeing Marcus or Kelby's name. "After this war I am never reading a newspaper again," she told herself everyday.

{Lily Elise}
Mattie hated every moment she wasn't in the hospital, in the hospital she could pull her mind away from the strain of her thoughts. Sister Bennett had insisted Mattie to take a half day, when she realized that Mattie had worked fourteen day straight. However, Mattie had to work it was the only thing that kept her sane even that was becoming impossible as she heard Kelby's name even if no one said it.

Last week while she was taking tea she heard two volunteers talking about their Tommies both trying to out do each other. Then Gwendolyn Howard spoke how she gotten engaged to a man over in France though it was all a secret. Gwendolyn Howard, had the look of Lily Elise being both striking and classically beautiful all at same time. Mattie predicted had the war not come Gwendolyn would have pursued the stage as well, for every girl felt coarse and ordinary next to her. Even Sister Bennett liked Gwendolyn and Sister Bennett usually disdained pretty volunteers as she saw them more of a distraction. Even Mattie couldn't judge her on this front as Gwendolyn had a strong work ethic and she had been to France and served in a field hospital. Apparently she had gotten engaged to a man air in France, Gwendolyn told that to another volunteer. She spoke of him being a medic and that he wanted to be a doctor when the war was over. 

 Mattie was clinging on her every word at this point, all these descriptions made her think of Kelby. 

"And his name?" the other girl asked. 

Mattie didn't hear Gwendolyn response for just as she was about to whisper it Sister Bennett called for her. Mattie couldn't admit that she was ease dropping and ask Gwendolyn to repeat herself.

What if Kelby did get engaged? He had pledged himself so faithfully the last time she saw him but even more than six months ago. Perhaps absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder, perhaps it makes the hear forget. How could he forget her though, they had known each other their whole lives. Maybe in war that didn't matter? Gwendolyn had been to the front and seen his world, Mattie could never compete with that. She had felt so distant from him in their letters, he talked about life and death, about rats nibbling at his toes, and mud that couldn't be cleaned off his hands. What did she write about? The newest sheet music she had learned, the war fund event she had persuaded to go to so another volunteer could see one of her suitors, and tirelessly cleaning pots. He had inisted she write of life and he told her the talk of the hospital depressed him as he hoped to never end up there. He wrote her he only wanted to survive but if he should be injured he wanted a quick death. These were not thoughts of romance and true love. Maybe Gwendolyn knowing the world he had been in could give him what he needed. A tear rolled down her cheek at this thought. 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Book Blurb... Goodbye Piccadilly

Hello lovely readers,

Last week I finished the book Goodbye Piccadilly by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles. I have read a few books of Cynthia Harrod-Eagles in her "Morland Dynasty" series which range from the Renaissance to the 1920s time period, so you can find a time period you can enjoy. You will probably not be surprised but I like the books set in the Edwardian Period to the 1920s... so I was intrigued when I saw she is writing a series just about World War I.

The story is mostly set around the Hunter family... who are middle class with the husband working as a banker and the wife stays at home to mind the household and servants. The story starts off a little slow and what is happening in mainland Europe is just in the back ground. My main criticism of the story is that their are a lot of characters. While there are the Hunters and their 5 maybe 6 kids, there is also their servants, Mr. Hunter's sister and her own plot line. I am hoping as this is a series that we will get to see all these characters plots unfold and it won't be fruitless to keep track of their stories.

The two characters I was most interested in were the Hunter daughters Diana and Sadie. Diana is casted as the beauty of the village who has lots of suitors but her focus is on Charles Wroughton, who is the oldest son of the Earl. While Charles is in good position in society he is not the most social person mostly because of nerves and fear of not knowing what to say. So when he catches Diana's eyes he is actually intrigues that this beautiful girl is attracted to him. Of course his family thinks she is just a fortune hunter... and while that might be a bit true she is honestly interested in him.

The next daughter Sadie, is sixteen and loves horse and actually doesn't want to be out in society for her only destiny to be marriage. She gets a position (most likely volunteer) to help ride horses in order to get them ready for soldiers and begins a crush on the veterinarian.  I hope in the other books she will be able to develop and do real war work.

I also hope in the other books they will develop David, the oldest son of the Hunters, who enlisted in the army a few days after the war.

Outside of the Hunter family is the Hunter family servants. Ethel the young housemaid seems a little arrogant and full of herself... she kind of reminded me of the Ethel character in Downton Abbey, I hope she won't suffer the same fate.

I will be honest this book was not that thick (only 392 pages) but it did take me a bit to get through it... I don't think it was honestly the books fault. I love the history this book included it provided me valuable insights into English society at the beginning of WWI. For example: Charles Wroughton is not allowed to write to Diana herself, he has to write to her mother. I mean that definitely doesn't allow for much romance. Also it gave good information on dates and other historical background like the Irish wanting Home Rule and some suffragette information. I personally love these details as they inspired my own writing so I was happy to read them but I don't think the casual reader would care for them.
As the story was about the the same period that I am currently writing about I found the story inspiring and I think I spent some of my usual commute time reading to write out scenes. Also after falling in love with Susanna Kearsley this summer I would love to find an author who wrote WWI novels in her style. Do you have any suggestions?

As I said there are other books, I think only one other is out set in 1915 called Keep the Home Fire Burning but the library doesn't have it yet... so I will keep waiting to see what happens next.

Overall: I liked the story, but I could do with less characters and I don't know if the casual reader would enjoy a lot of the historical content... however I think it proves that Cynthia Harrod-Eagles has truly done her work and keeps it based in reality.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Getting unstuck...Writing #Littleloves


Hello my lovely readers,

It is Wednesday and that means it is Writing Wednesday... I probably like this time the most because I can share what I working on creatively. In a previous post Writing #Littleloves I shared that I was feeling stuck in my writing. Well I struggled for awhile of what to do, what my story was really about, and why I was writing it? I know many writers struggle with writers block and I see a lot of pins on Pinterest about how to conquer writers block and I am not saying my advice is right but here are some things I did and it helped...

Read a great novel...
I cannot stop recommending The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley. I loved that it was about a writer trying to write a historical fiction. Also I liked how she talked about her process, one thing she did was tape down facts about the era she was writing about on her desk so she could look at them easily. I have notes that have kept about my characters but they are scattered about. So I took out my notes and taped them down.

Rethinking some things down
I am all about following inspiration and letting the characters telling me where the story is going. While that is great in some ways I felt I lost my point of my of my story. I want my story to be a romantic story of hoping in spite of obstacles. I want my story to be about Mattie and Kelby being separated by class, family obligation and war. World War I to be exact and yet I was nearly 100 pages into the writing and these things had not come up. So I decided I needed to rework my writing... but how?

Skip Ahead
 Most of my work in progress is building up to WWI but this is where I was getting stuck because I didn't know how to take my characters from the life they were living and throwing them into War... So I took a step back from my current plot and wrote a scene in the middle of the war. You can part of that scene here... "Author Happiness". Skipping ahead really helped me feel inspired to get back into my story.
Do some research...It can be fun
Okay I will admit I was a history major and yeah I went for Masters in Library Science so I enjoy research...but it can be fun. For example: I found this documentary "Diaries of the Great War" on Netflix and for me I watch the documentaries 8 episodes and take notes of things I want to mention in my story. Also I have a board on Pinterest called "The War to end all Wars" and follow other boards about World War I. So even though you may not be writing a WWI novel I am sure you can find areas of research that are fun. 

Listen to Inspiring Music
When I am writing, I like to have music going. Sometimes I just find a song that speak to me. I am not going to make suggestions on what songs to listen to as I know music taste really vary. Here is one song I have just discovered and feel it well with my story...
Song: Carry you
By: The Native Sibling
Get distracted
If you are not on a deadline (which I am not except my own thinking) it is okay to walk away from your writing. I have really gotten into Poldark on PBS. It is about Ross Poldark who is believed to be dead after fighting for the British in the American Revolution. He comes home to find the woman he loved to be engaged to his cousin, his inheritance in practical ruins, and he has to make a new life for himself. It is great! Plus you get to see Adrian Turner without a shirt...
While it has nothing to do with WWI, I don't care! It is my distraction. 
Okay back to serious writing..
Outline/ Timeline
As I said above I usually about following inspiration and my one weakness is making an outline. When I skipped ahead and wrote that scene I decided that I wanted to weave it into my story as a flash forward.... but then I thought "now what" I have this one random flash forward. What do I do with this. So I was going to have more flash forwards about the war, this would help me pull the war more into my story. So I sat down and actually outlined my work in progress and it feels good to have a direction.
Typed it up/Write it down
I know this takes a long time but I am the kind of writer that has to write down my story and then type it. Only on a few occasions have I been able to look at a blank screen and just type up my story. It really helped me to type up some parts, re-working my descriptions, adding some detailing and even taking out some unneeded dialogue. 
If you are the type of writer who can type up a story and are feeling stuck I suggest maybe stepping away from the computer and hand writing some things out. 

 I know this will not be hard for writers as writing is basically dreams you put on paper. While right now I remain unpublished I think of the day my story will be published and I love thinking about the cover of my story. So I have spent some time while stuck searching Pinterest to get some inspiring art to be the cover of my story. I know right now I do not own this picture and I know that my publisher will have their ideas on what to make the cover look like but right now I am just enjoying the idea of a possible cover. 

When I first started my thesis, for my graduate program, my advisor said choose something you are going to enjoy even when its tough. "Choose your own hell." Enjoy your work, enjoy your research, enjoy your time you spend writing. I know for me writing is sometimes the only thing that make sense to me. I enjoy getting lost in my characters, and lost in my story. If you don't enjoy it maybe it is time to set it aside and work on something you do enjoy, work on something you find passion in. 

I know I am not a published author so you can take my words with a grain of salt but these are things I have found useful. 

Just Dance

Monday, July 27, 2015

Pin of the moment


Hello Lovely Readers,

I am sorry I don't really have anything to write here for this: "My World Monday" life really hasn't changed that much from my previous Monday post (link). However, I did not want to get off schedule, so I am sharing you this quote on Pinterest.

Life kind of seems up in the air right now and I feel my one steadiness is my writing. I already have my "Wednesday Writing" post ready to be published, I am discussing the things I have done in to get over the stuck feelings I had, here is a little preview:
 I know this will not be hard for writers as writing is basically dreams you put on paper. While right now I remain unpublished I think of the day my story will be published and I love thinking about the cover of my story. So I have spent some time while stuck searching Pinterest to get some inspiring art to be the cover of my story. I know right now I do not own this picture and I know that my publisher will have their ideas on what to make the cover look like but right now I am just enjoying the idea of a possible cover. 

Other than my writing I am making good headway on 26 Book reading Challenge I have finished book 20 and have only 6 more to go. As much as I have been enjoying this challenge and reading book I might never have read but some of the books on my shelf are asking me to read them again. Also I would like to read some more WWI books as I continue to work on my story. 

Sorry not much to says here... Hope you will read my "Wednesday Writing" post.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Life seems but a quick successions of busy nothings

Hello lovely readers,

I come here to say I feel a little guilty that I have not gotten much writing done for the blog. Usually I have 5 blog post waiting to get posted... this has kept me going through my schedule but life has gotten very busy. 

How wonderful would it be if summer felt like a "quick successions of busy nothings."Everyone pictures summer to be this relaxing time to kick back and relax and while in someways this feels true there are many moments when summer feels to be going by to fast. That is how I feel right now. Not that I can complain about my summer I have had good highlights.

If you have been following the Boston news you will know we just passed a major milestone. Up here in Boston we had a record snow fall this winter (well really in one month). And we have very little places to put the snow in order to keep our streets clear but our city government found an unused lot to put all our snow. Well as of July 14th that pile of snow has finally melted. Below a before and after:
Since moving up to New England I have definitely had appreciation for summer with getting to wear flip flops, summer dresses and long sunny days. I think I even hold summer up as this perfect time and maybe that is not fair. I say summer goes by too quickly but sometimes it is just life going by too quickly...

Sorry to be a bit of "Debby Downer." I shouldn't even complain about this summer I have made some good memories and maybe instead of blaming summer for going by too quickly I should think about the good things. Maybe Ferris Buller had it right "Life moves pretty fast if you don't stop and look around sometimes you might miss it." So here are some moments I have not missed:

Meeting my nephew (and seeing him rock some Boston gear), going to Gloucester an enjoying some down time at the beach, hanging out with friends (enjoying margaritas), and treating myself to some fun flicks.

Also I am enjoying getting lots of reading done, I am on book 19 of my 26 book challenge and I have found so many good books I may not have read had it not been for this challenge. Some have really inspired me in my writing. The Winter Sea for example is about an author trying to write a novel and just the way she talks about her writing has given me some ideas about how to write. Also I like her story for having a dual plot line being set in present day and in 1708. The book has also inspired me to thinking about going to Scotland. The current book I am reading The Steady Running Hour has also been inspiring, as a part of it takes place in World War I and it has been great to read about it from a soldiers perspective and think about my characters in my work in progress and how they think about the war.

Speaking about my work in progress, lately have felt kind of stuck in my work. I didn't know where I wanted to go with my story and I felt I had lost the point of my story. I took a step back from the flow of my story and started thinking about the structure of my story and through that I started thinking about scenes in my story I wanted to write. And in doing that I got inspiration for some future scenes and I was working furiously away. Then I went back to the drawing board. One thing I am really bad about doing is outlining, usually I just start writing and let the characters take me where I want to go or I have some vague idea of what should happen but I haven't really planned it out. However, I realized I was spending so much time building up my characters that I had lost the pivotal part of my story which, is World War I. I though I really need to get an outline down so I can know how all the scenes in my head are going to work together. I am so happy I did this because now I feel my story has more structure. Also I realized my working title "Hope Deferred" didn't really work with the progression of my story so I have changed the the title again to "Quiet Hope."
This work has probably been the biggest struggle of my writing time. Usually I give up when I get stuck, but I really want to finish this project. This story has been floating around my mind for years and I don't want to give this up. 

 So there are some of the highlights of my summer thus far... I will try not to miss the moments.

Friday, July 10, 2015

2 weeks 2 books

Hello lovely readers,

When I decided to do this challenge of reading 26 books in a year I thought it would be quite a challenge but I have just finished book 17! I am thankful sometimes to a long commute to an from work... it really helps. I have loved this challenge because minus 2 books I have read completely new books, and some books I probably never would have read had it not been for this challenge (I have a habit of reading the same books over and over again).* So here are the 2 books I have read in the 2 weeks, both very different but both with compelling stories.

1) Paper Town by John Green. I read this one for theee reasons. One: I loved The Fault in Our StarsVlogBrothers and Crash Course very cool. Also he just has lots of inspiring quotes that I have found through my time on Pinterest. Two: I saw the trailer of the movie (coming out) and I was a little more intrigued by what the book is about... I am a big believer in reading the book first before seeing the movie (if you can do so). I didn't know if I wanted to read it for this challenge or get to it when I could, but on one of my flights (from all my recent travel) a woman was reading this book and I asked her about it. She told me she was reading it in her mother daughter book club (which sounds awesome by the way) and she really liked it. I don't know why I took a strangers advice on a book, but I decided to put it a hold on it at my library.

Overall I liked it... I mean I probably won't be going out and seeing the film in theaters but I will see it eventually. I mostly like reading it because it was told from a man's point of view and I don't read a lot of books from a man's point of view. I also found myself relating to Quentin, because he wants to do something great with his life but he doesn't have the courage to until Margo Roth Spiegelman climbs into his window and forces him out on a night of adventure (to read more about the plot click here). I like how John Green almost always referred to Margo Roth Spiegelman by her whole name, she was almost suppose to be this mythical figure because Quentin loved her from a far for so long, and referring to her like that kept that up well. I know when I was in high school my love from a far was always referred to by his whole name (at least in my mind).

So the reason why I wouldn't rush out to see it in theaters is because while it was good characterization and full of memorable quotes (example above) I just didn't get to attached to the plot. I found it a little far fetched to be honest, but maybe when you are seeking out the love of your life you need to be a little far fetched.

2) Light between Oceans by M.L. Stedman was great. I was intrigued by this book since the moment I saw it floating around my Pinterest book. It takes place in Australia after World War I, I know I know I will read anything about WWI but I felt this was a good mix because it was in Australia and I personally never thought abut Australia in this time. The story focuses on Tom, who is a returning solider and taking up post at a light house on Janus Island, a very secluded life he seeks till he meets Isabel. Their life turns from happiness to pain as Isabel suffers miscarriages and a still birth, until one day a boat is washed ashore with a dead man and a very adorable baby girl, they name "Lucy" which means "light" (for another review click here). 

Overall the story is powerful and captivating. I found myself in moments of heart ache and moments of joy. Even if you don't like historical fiction I think you will like this story as it is more than just history but a powerful story. It is a story of the strength it takes to get through life when you are beaten down, it is a story of great sacrificing love, it is a story of some bad decisions but made with good intentions. Even though I know little of Australia and light house I found it breath taking.
This is M.L Stedman's first book and I will be looking forward to reading her other books. The review mentioned above says: "I highly recommend this book for anyone who loves great literature ... because I believe this book is going to be considered a classic in years to come" and I hope she is right. 
I know this quote comes from Emily Dickinson, but it was brought to my attention in Paper Towns and while these books are very different they both encouraged me to live in the present and realize the decisions you make now have impacts on your future.

Just for fun an example of John Green's Crash Course "Who Started World War I":

*Though I will admit once this challenge is over I do look forward to re-reading my Jane Austen and maybe reading more books on WWI (as my work in progress continues).

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Author Happiness... 50,000 words

Hello lovely readers,

Continuing on with my hopes to share my writing accomplishments I wanted to share that I have gotten to 50,000 words in typing up my story (that is a little over 100 pages) and I still have so much to go. YEAH!!! As I shared a snippet of my story in my last "Author Happiness" post I wanted to do the same again. In the story I have skipped ahead to 1917 and Mattie is serving as a nurse. When I fist started my story I wasn't going to make Mattie a nurse but then after reading A Testament of Youth earlier this year, I felt it was the only right course of action... looks like I get to research being a nurse in World War I. YEAH!!! 
Anyway getting back to the story, Mattie is home on leave for Christmas and this is long snippet of her time back home. This
 "Mattie! Mattie!"
            Mathilda had missed the way her own name had  sounded. She had been serving as a nurse for six months and every one called her "Nurse Harrington" or "Sister Harrington" even though they weren't suppose to. Before that she was "Miss Harrington" at her training school, even her own bunk mates called her "Mathilda," no one ever called her by her childhood nick name. Until she heard that familiar call she wouldn't have not have realize how much she missed it.
            Mattie turned to the familiar call. "Georgi, what are you doing here?"
            "Come to welcome our brave hero home."
            Mattie blushed at being called a hero and reminded her younger sister she was not a hero. To that Georgiana called her older sister "her hero" with a mark of pride in her voice.
            "No Mrs. Gardner, is that safe?"
            "This is hardly London Mattie, no Zeppelin raids and we are nowhere near the sea shore to be attacked by the German Navy. I doubt they even know Derbyshire exists."
            It was rather odd for Mattie to hear her younger sister talk so flippantly  about the war. To Georgian it must be all gallant stories in the newspaper and the very white washed letters from Marcus who had been in France since the early part of 1915. Georgiana did her part by knitting socks and wrapping bandages but she was hardly old enough to actually serve in any capacity. However, looking Georgiana her younger sister by four years she scarcely the girl Mattie had left when she went off to training. Georgiana had lost all her childhood plumpness and was now eloquently slender with her soft honey blonde hair and perfectly green eyes she looked to be a model in a magazine. Mattie felt rough and rigid compared her younger sister's delicacies.
            "I am glad you packed light this buggy was atrocious getting down here if you had packed more I dare say I don't know if I could handle the ride back."
            "You have learned to drive the buggy?" Even though Georgiana had written to Mattie about this Mattie still sounded surprised.
            "We must all do our part," Georgiana responded sounding more adult than Mattie was used to.
            "Well I am only here for three days."
            "Three days? That is hardly enough time to do what I want to do."
            "Like what Georgi."
            "Oh I don't know, but all sorts of things." Then Georgiana instantly changed the conversation to discussing the men in her older sister's life before they got home, to which Mattie had to disappoint her sister with no men being in her life. Georgiana was rather frustrated as she had read stories in magazines about patients falling in love with their nurses. Mattie explained that anything of the sort would get her dismissed from her position, but Georgiana didn't want to hear that. "Maybe someone has fallen in love with you even if you can't fall in love with him?"
            "No and if you are going to be talking about such nonsense I'd rather drive the buggy, at least then I could fake distraction and pretend not to hear you."
            "Oh come on Mattie," Georgiana was always good at sounding desperate but not in a whining way. "Please tell me something of your life. I am fifteen years old and this war seems to be lasting a life time."
            Mattie went on to describe how she was on her feet all day, cleaning chamber pots, washing sheets and changing bandages of wounds. She began how she would have hold me down when their legs had to come off because of gangrene but before she really started Georgiana cut her off saying she still wanted to eat her Christmas lunch.
            "I am sorry Georgi, that is my life as a nurse."
            "It doesn't look that way in the magazine or on the recruitment posters."
            "I am sure it doesn't" Mattie said under her breath."
            Being a nurse wasn't what Mattie had expected either. She had expected the hard work and long hours and she truly did like being of use to all those around her but it was not what she thought it would be even after her months of training. She couldn't imagine how callous her hands would get, or how sore her lower back would be after standing, and the blisters she would get from the impracticality of her boots. For now she tried not to think of all the wounds she had seen, the gashes, the burns, and all the horrors a body could go through and still stay alive. It was hardly what she predicted nearly a year and half ago but if she had to chose it all over again she would because for the first time truly in her life she felt of use.
            "Have you heard from Leopold?" Georgiana asked pulling Mattie out of her thoughts.
            "He is engaged to an Ethel Phillips and plans to marry next time she gets leave."
            "You say that so casually I am rather surprised."
            "What to do you mean?"
            "You know very well what I mean. He was your first kiss and for awhile it seemed as if you two would get engaged. I am just surprised how casually you now mention him. I thought you cared for him."
            "Do you think I am the type of girl who would go around kissing boys she does not care for. I did care for him, I do care for him, but not enough to marry him."
            "And Kelby, do you care enough about him?"
            "Georgiana, I think you have been reading too many magazines. I think I will have to warn Mrs. Gardner."
            "You wouldn't?!"
            "I would if you keep meddling in my love life."
            "I don't meddle. I am just wondering, you hardly write, I just want to know what's happening."
            Mattie began to protest that nothing was happening and that she and Kelby and her were just friends, and Georgiana rolled her eyes stating that she had heard Mattie say that a thousand times. Georgiana was young but she knew how Mattie looked at Kelby and she knew how Kelby looked at Mattie and it was more than just friendship. Mattie refuted that saying that there was a war going on and that nothing could happen between them. She then shut the argument down by mentioning that mother and father would never allow it. Georgiana could see Mattie was saddened by this last remark and tried to encourage her sister stating that Kelby was in the medical core, and was sure to move up the rank.
            Mattie glumly responded "he was a corporal and now he is a sergeant, but it wouldn't make a difference if he was an officer as mother and father would only see him as a stable hand."
            "It seems such a waste." Georgiana sighed and Mattie could only agree.
            Kelby Foster, was following his desire to work in the medical field, he had told Mattie many moons ago that he had wanted to pursue becoming a doctor when the war was over. Mattie hated thinking that it wouldn't be enough, Kelby would never be rightfully for hers, her parents wouldn't allow a marriage between them that was certain. Mattie still remembered when mother discovered Daphne and Shane's relationship and the disgust that was in her voice.
            Before the war everyone talked of the progress being made and how the world was changing, now all that seemed to change was the growing death tallies and the new weapons that were designed to kill someone else. Mattie could have never understood the brutality of it, it felt to be in human in the mindless shelling and worse the use of mustard gas. Mattie tried again to push these thoughts away as Marcus, her only brother was a pilot in the war, and Kelby was risking his life as well in the medical core. She told herself it was Christmas and felt it was no time to think of such destruction, it was time to be thankful you survived another year and to hold love ones close. It was good to be spending Christmas at Southerton, it felt distant from the war and maybe for a day or so she could forget about all she had seen day in and day out at the hospital. Maybe for a moment she could remember happier times.
            Mattie was relieved to see the roof  line of Southerton peak out from the tree line. It felt to be years since she had been to the place that had always been her solitude against the world. Mattie loved everything about Southerton but what she probably loved most were her backwoods and her proximity to Cranston Court. She hoped for one good day that she could take a walk through her woods and visit Cranston as if it were times of peace again. She longed to see Cranston and its mistress, Lady Adelaide. She hadn't seen her friend since she left for training.
            Georgiana then asked after Marcus, Mattie responded that she hadn't heard from him since the first of December, and he wasn't sure he would be able to get leave for Christmas. Georgiana mildly whimpered that it wouldn't feel like Christmas without Marcus.
            "No, but remember he just returned to his unit, he doesn't have seniority anymore?"
            Georgiana almost giggled. "You speak so practical. What happened to my sister?"
            "Nothing, it just hard to remain so hopefully naïve when one sees everything I see every day."
            "Well you are home now and I demand you put all war talk behind you."
            "I will try."
            "There is no try only do."
            "You sound like Sister Bennet," Mattie teased with her sister. 
Did you know you were suppose to only call nurses "Sisters" if they had actual medical training. Most of the volunteer nurses in World War I were considered civilians and were left to do menial tasks not to do actual medical work. However, in times of crisis lines could be blurred. Besides reading Testament of Youth I have found the blog Edwardian Promenade to give a great overview of this in their "WWI Wednesday: Becoming a VAD" and though I would never cite Wikipedia in a paper I liked their page on "Voluntary Aid Detachment."