Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label movies. Show all posts

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Weekend Flick

I will admit I saw some screen pics of this film on Pinterest and it looked cute so I read up about it and the story line looked good so I thought I would give it a try. Plus it is a Rob Reiner film and so far I have been pleased by all his films.

The story is set in the 1960's about Juli and Bryce who live across the street from each other and while Juli has had a crush on Bryce since the day they met Bryce has been avoiding from the day they met. It is told from two perspectives first being Bryce's who like most children and pre-teens just tries to fit into his surroundings. The other perspective is Juli is kind of a free spirit, her father is labeled a "dreamer" (as if that is a bad thing), but Juli really just tries to see beauty in everything. The story follows them from 2nd grade when they meet to 8th grade. At the start Bryce tries to ignore Juli but after some time he ends up liking her (or at least the thought of her) and by the end of the movie they actually end up talking.
Bryce realizing his feeling for Juli
What I liked- Most of the film is voice over so there is not much dialogue but hearing their thoughts is really interesting. Though the book and screen play were written by adults you felt as if you were in the mindset of a pre-teen who is just trying to figure things out. Also you get the scenes from the two perspective so you can understand both sides of the story. I also liked that while Juli likes Bryce she is not afraid to speak her mind or tell him off. She was quiet but she spoke her mind when it mattered. 

What I didn't like- I thought it would be a film watching Juli and Bryce through the years, but it really focused on just 7th grade, this wasn't so much of detractor but just kept thinking that we would see them grow up. And while I thought Juli was a strong character I wish we had gotten in her head more because she had a compelling story and a great family dynamic and I felt Bryce hogged more screen time.While I understood Bryce just wanting to fit in I wish he had been nicer to Juli. Through out the film I could understand why Bryce liked Juli but I didn't get why Juli liked Bryce.It is based off a book so maybe you get more character depth in the book but I wish I felt more compelled by the characters. 
Over all - I would say it was cute film and good for a quiet night in. I felt it was pretty accurate... by that I mean there wasn't any huge party (which to me always seems to be in teen movies but never actually happen), the characters talk awkwardly (which was true for all my conversations with boys), and I felt like they could be true people. And while they never had a true conversation it was a cute coming of age story. 

When I was 12 or 13, I would have loved a boy looking at me like that.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Summer Movies-- A little behind

Now that school is over I got some time to watch movies, and do a little catch up on normal life. My budget isn't very big so most of my movie watching comes from checking out DVDs from the library, even if I have to be a long waiting list... patience is a virtue right?

The first film I saw was Austenland, it came out late August, but I couldn't find it in theaters near me. I thought I was going to like it, a friend even mentioned that it was a movie made about me. It is about a girl, Jane, who is OBSESSED with Jane Austen. She spends all her savings to go to an Austen style retreat in order to act out a Jane Austen novel. But discovers she doesn't want this fake style of love but instead she wants real love. However she will discover which man truly has her heart's interest.

What I liked- The premise of the story is great and personally I would love to go off to an Austen style resort. I also really like JJ Fields, who has played Henry Tilney in Northanger Abbey, and he plays the snooty resident Mr. Darcy well. And though he is the resident Mr. Darcy, you can tell he has a bit of a soft the end he turns out to be a history professor.
What I didn't like- the sexual innuendos, if this was a real Jane Austen experience it wouldn't happen because they didn't happen in Austen's time. Also in one scene Jane, Keri Russell, is talking about how couples didn't even touch before they were married and then in the next scene is making out with a guy. I thought that was a little hypocritical, since she wanted the Austen experience.  

Overall- Glad I watched it once since I was intrigued by this movie, but I don't feel the need to watch it again. My heart will always will remain with Jane Austen, but I don't like when people try to remake her work. Also if I want to watch JJ Fields as a Austen hero I will watch him in Northanger Abbey.
Here is JJ Field in Northanger Abbey
The other film I watched was Pitch Perfect, and I really liked it. When it came out and when all my friends were talking about it, I was hesitant to see it, I don't know why... I love acapella music.
Its a story about Beca, Anna Kendrick, reluctantly going to college when her real dream is to move to LA and become a professional DJ. Through an agreement with her dad she joins the Barden Bellas and actually ends up liking it. Through out the film the club is controlled by a tight fisted girl, who is so focused on winning that she can't actually get past her own view point. However, at the end the girls work together to make a good acapella performance. It is PG-13 so there are some sexual references but nothing I thought over the top.
What I liked- There is a love story, though I wouldn't say it takes center stage to the plot. Jesse, Skylar Astin, is cute and he pursues Beca even when she is kind of mean to him---but he still stands up for himself when needed. There is singing, which is awesome because life should be more musical. They reference The Breakfast Club, which works in the plot. And the girls work out their difficulties (with no cat fighting) and learn to appreciate their differences.  
Clip: "Just the way you are" 

What I didn't like- The head girl, Aubrey, has two incidents where she vomits and they just make really over the top, unnecessary and gross. Also in the movie Jesse is really focused on the endings and without giving any spoilers away I thought the ending fell flat (after such a good performance). 
The Bella's final performance

Over all- Cute movie, I can see it going on my list of movies to watch when I feel blue, because musicals always cheer me up and it is nice to have modern day musicals.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Summer of Movies Part 2

Here are two films I wished I liked more
1. My Week with Marilyn

Why I watched- I first discovered this film when Michelle Williams was on the cover of Vogue (left) and I loved the article about her and her desire to portray Marilyn accurately. I am not a die hard Marilyn Monroe fan, but I love the time she comes from of Hollywood glamor. It has been on the back of my mind to see and a couple of weeks ago I re-watched the trailer and saw that Eddie Redmayne (who I love from Les Mis) I knew I had to see it.

What I liked- The casting was great. Michelle Williams was beautiful and I really felt like I was watching Marilyn and not Michelle. I thought Eddie Redmayne played Colin Clark wonderfully, he played a character who was suppose to be swept up in the glamor of film and still wearing rose color glasses when he looked at Marilyn and I believed him in that part. Also the cameo appearance of Jim Carter (Carson from Downton Abbey) was just wonderful.
What I didn't like- I can't place my finger on it. I thought the whole film was beautiful, photography was great and I really thought Michelle Williams did a good job making Marilyn seem like a person and not just the blonde bomb shell. I even thought there was a good scene when Marilyn and Colin are leaving Windsor Castle and people are applauding her and whisper's to Colin, "should I play her?" He asks "who?" and she says "Marilyn." I thought this scene was perfect as it captured the idea that she knew she wasn't really Marilyn but Norma Jean. I guess at the end of it I wish Colin would have realized that no matter how glorious Marilyn was that he had a chance with true love in Lucy, the seamstress (played by Emma Watson). But this is movie is based off a book based off the memoirs of Colin, so maybe in this we can't change what actually happened.

Overall I would say good film to watch at least once but probably not going to run out and buy to keep in permanent collection. Recommend to anyone who loves the Hollywood Glamor area and wants to see kind of an unknown story of Marilyn.

Sorry went whole post without one picture of Eddie...

2. The Five-Year Engagement  
I really wish I had liked this film more. I love Jason Segel in How I Met Your Mother and in The Muppets (yep I saw it) and I love Emily Blunt (Devil Wears Prada, Young Victoria...some of my favorites). Also the premise of the movie is totally a romantic chic flick (my favorite).

So why didn't I like it, usually in my reviews I write first what I like then what I didn't like. Well I am breaking that format.

What I didn't like- It is rated R... maybe I should have paid more attention to that. They drop the F-bomb a lot and there are a lot of awkward sex scenes (they don't show anything but the scenes are just awkward. I was watching the movie and my roommate walked by and asked "what are you watching" and I said "why is it too loud?" "No, just has a lot of swearing." I also didn't like one plot twist involving Tom and one of his co-workers... he had Emily Blunt he shouldn't have been looking at another girl. (I won't go further as I don't want to give any spoilers). Just be prepared to hear the F word, if you watch it.

What I did like- There were a lot of moments that I thought were cute and I laughed out loud When Tom and Violet get engaged they had only known each other a year but it seemed like they were truly best friends, because they were so in-sync. Then when they are having a fight over Violet's career, Tom acts like such the woman in a relationship it is hilarious. He wants to be left a lone, so Violets gets out of bed to sleep on the couch, he looks at her spot and says "well don't leave," and she turns and says, "You wanted to be a lone." "I do but I don't want you to leave," he says. I am sorry but that just sounds like what a girl would say. Also the end is super cute (won't give away a spoiler).

Over all while there were cute moments I couldn't really get over the swearing and the awkward sex scenes. So saw once but not again... wishing Jason Segel and Emily Blunt would make a movie that was PG-13 or something.  

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Summer of Movies Part 1...

I feel this has been my summer of movies and once again I thank the lovely Boston Public Library for letting me watch these movies for free (very important on a student budget). Here are some more movies I have checked off my to watch list...

Here are the two I loved...
1. We Bought a Zoo...
The trailer really says the basic plot line Benjamin Mee (Matt Damon) is a writer always looking for an adventure until his wife dies and then the adventure becomes raising his kids. In looking to start over Benjamin goes on a house search only to find the perfect place to be a zoo. Here their new adventure begins with the help of Kelly Foster (Scarlett Johanson) and the others (both human and animals).

Why I watched- It just looked like a cute feel good film, but then during a random time on Pinterest I saw this picture (right) and I thought that looks like a film with a great story.

What I liked- There is a little spark between the characters Benjamin and Kelly but it is not all sappy an mushy, and the whole story did not revolve around it. The more romantic plot line of the story revolved around the son Dylan and Lily, they were cute and awkward as it should be. I forgot it was based off a true story, so I was very happy to read as the credits were going that: "The Dartmoor Zoological Park, on which this story is based, is an award-winning zoo...".

What I didn't like- Some parts seemed a little over dramatic especially the part of Dylan, but hey he is a teenage boy who just lost his mom he is going to be a bit dramatic. I felt over all did not take away from the story line and it probably would not have felt real if it wasn't included.

Overall- Great feel good movie, good family movie. It is rated PG but the disc I got included a "English Family-Friendly Audio Track" so it can be for everyone.

2. The Music Never Stops
It is a moving story (have tissues) about a father Henry (J.K. Simmons you might recognize him from Juno) and his son, Gabriel, have not seen each other for about 20 years after they had a fight. Now Gabriel has a brain tumor and it is their love of music that brings them together again. Of course Henry loves the classics like Frank Sinatra and Gabriel loves The Beatles, Bob Dylan, and mostly the Grateful Dead, but Henry in order to bond with his son again listens to Gabriel's music and gets insight into his son's life.

Why I watched- I had never heard of this movie before until I watched The Conspirator and this was one of the previews (that's right I still watch previews), I instantly thought this film looked sweet so I wanted to watch it.

What I liked- The whole movie. I thought J.K. Simmons played his role very well, he is 65 years old and stubborn, he believes the music his son loved brought about the end of their relationship, and he doesn't want to go back to that time. However, Diane Daley (Julia Ormond... I recognized her from Sabrina (1995)), the music therapist convinces him that Gabriel's music is the music that will help him. After that Henry goes in and trades in his albums for some of Gabriel's music and really starts to hear Gabriel's story. He even takes his son to a Grateful Dead concert.

Even though I am not of the Grateful Dead generation I still loved the soundtrack and maybe adding some of their music to my playlist.

What I didn't like- I can't think of anything. So over all I recommend it for any one who loves music (rather your Dead fan or not).

 This got a little long so I will post Part 2 on Thursdays.

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Truth was Buried

I know I have posted a few movie reviews up here... well this is the last of my 6 that I got from the library and it was probably the most powerful one. The Conspirator is about Mary Surratt played by Robin Wright (The Princess Bride, Forrest Gump), she is the mother of John Surratt and owned the boarding house visited by John Wilkes Booth. John Surratt is the only one of the assassinators that got away after the Lincoln assassination. This is the story of her court case. Tom Wilkinson (who was in Best Marigold Hotel) is a senator from Maryland but also a lawyer takes on her case believing it is in just for a civilian to be tried in a military court but then quickly realizes as he is from Maryland he will not be able to win the case so he gives it to his associate Frederick Aiken played by James McAvoy (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe, Atonement, Becoming Jane).  That sounds bad but Tom Wilkson's character gives Frederick the case because Frederick was a Union captain and believes that will give Mary Surratt better chances. At first Frederick believes Mary Surratt is guilty and doesn't want the case and all his friends including girl friend (played by Alexis Bledel) try to talk him out of fighting the case, but more than the guilt or innocence of Mary he fights to defend justice. As much as it is Mary Surratt and Fredrick Aiken's story it is also the story about our country after the assassination.

Alexis Bledel and James McAvoy
Why I watched- There are a few reasons I watched this film. 1) My love of Alexis Bledel, I know I should say my love of history... I mean after all I am getting a Master's in History... nope the first thing that drew me to this movie was seeing Alexis Bledel in the trailer. I loved her in Gilmore Girls and want to support her career. 2) As much as I am a 19th Century fan I know very little about the Civil War and the after affects. So I was intrigued. 

Robin Wright and James McAvoy
What I loved- The story. Like I said I do not know much about this time period and it does not seem to be a story spread widely around so I was kind of on the edge of my seat to see how it was all going to come about. I also loved how even though Frederick did not believe in Mary Surratt's innocence he believed in justice. There is one scene where Mary asks "have you ever lived for something greater than yourself?" He responds "I spent the last four years fighting for something greater than myself" and she says back to him then "We are the same." I think this scene really changes the story. He begins to see her as a person and not just a guilty person.  I also liked seeing Kevin Kline play sort of a bad guy. In the roles I know him in he usually plays a funny guy but in this he is the Secretary of War and is so set on bringing down anyone involved with the assassination he doesn't even really listen to reason. He says he is doing it for the good of the country, but I was wondering was he? I also loved that we don't know if Mary Surratt knew about the conspiracy or not and I guess the writers are leaving that to decided. However Mary Surratt has such strength, I don't want to give a way any spoilers but there is one scene where the men she is being tried with are crying and she is just still. It was a very powerful moment.

What I didn't like- Alexis Bledel, the main reason I watched this film, is actually kind of a weak character. Though, now having wrote that, I wonder if I wouldn't respond in the same way. Her country has just been turn apart by war, all along waiting for her love to come back from the battle, then the president is shot, and her love is defending someone who everyone thinks is guilty.

Overall- I saw Lincoln over Christmas this seems like a good follow up to that movie though on slightly smaller scale (not so over the top as Lincoln). And while this is mostly a trial movie there was plenty of story outside the court room to keep the scenes interesting. I think even none history buffs will like it.
The real Conspirators
The casting for this was great some of the actors look like twins to these guys
At the end all of these movie reviews I am happy to have some movies crossed off my To Netflix List but I must say I have enjoyed more getting these movie at the library... hello free is always the best.  

Monday, July 22, 2013

Girl Power in film

I am bringing you some empowering women first Coco Before Chanel
Okay guys I am back to the period dramas... I think minus all the convinces of electricity I much rather live in the past... too many sentimental ideals.

Why I watched- I don't know much about Coco Chanel minus her awesome quotes that pop up on Pinterest and the perfume I wear. I actually didn't know much about her life and actually but I love the Edwardian time period or as in French called La Belle Epoque era. And so in some Pinterest searching I saw this...

it had the quote... 

Audrey Tautou in Coco Avant Chanel. Chanel pioneered a change in fashion away from La Belle Époque era. She criticized women for wearing excessive lace, jewelry and feathers and admired men's clothing for its simplicity and elegance. Many of her designs were inspired by her lovers' wardrobes.

So I was intrigued to watch the film. Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel and her sister were left at an orphanage when they were children, so she had a hard life and that made her a little tough. But then through a twist of fate she meets Balsan and lives a "grand" life but is not in love or very happy till she meets Arthur 'Boy' Capel. (He was the only actor I recognized as Henry Crawford from Mansfield Park (1999). They have a passionate love story. However, the story has an ending kind of like Becoming Jane where she is successful but she does not have a romantic ending... I guess that is real life.

What I love- It was beautiful all the costuming was wonderful and there were so many extras it was all very elaborate and beautiful. Everything looked like the pins I have posted on my Edwardian Eloquence board. So for this Edwardian lover it was perfect.  For example the picture from above was from a scene at the races and it reminded me of this picture...

What I didn't like- It was hard to like Coco because she was harsh but I guess that was Coco so I guess Audrey Tautou played it well.
Over all- I think I liked the costuming more than the plot. The movie was all in French so some times it was hard to follow. Because it was in French with English subtitles it is a film you have to pay attention is worth it though.
Coco and Boy dancing

Now for an independent modern day woman Ellen Page playing Bliss in Whip It... with the subtitle "be your own hero" (as a librarian you learn to love subtitles).

Why I watched- It was another film I wanted to watch when it came out but didn't get around to it. It has a great cast (Ellen Page, Kristen Wiig, Drew Barrymore, Juliette Lewis, and Jimmy Fallon). Bliss is from a small but is dying to get out and she finds Roller Derby to be her ticket out.

What I liked- She follows her dreams. There is a part of the story where she is being selfish because she thinks her parents just don't understand her. But then she wises up and even though she is not pageant girl she agrees to do a pageant because it is what her mom wants. But her mom lets her follow her dream.

What I didn't like- I thought the story was good and I was glad it based off a book but I don't feel like there is a depth. I like Bliss but I didn't fall in love with her and I wish I had.

Overall- good for a girls night but probably not a must run out and buy.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Film Flicks Friday


I know lately I have posted a lot about reviews about period drama and I am sure some of you thought "come on Blaire live in the 21st century" so I am happy to present you with a non-period drama movie review.

First The Decoy Bride - For my Dr. Who fans you will recognize David Tennant, he plays James, an author about to may the film star Lara Tyler when their first wedding gets crashed by paparazzi so they decide to escape to a secluded island of Hegg. Hegg is a Sottish  island where apparently James' book takes place. Though we learn that he has not really ever visited the island and we learn he has writers block. Anyway Lara's publicist, who my Ugly Betty fans will recognize as Marc, saves the day. He takes the run down castle and turns into Lara's dream and finds the perfect decoy bride, Katie, to distract the press. (I recognized her from Nanny Mcphee and Godsford Park.) Anyway she has just given up on love and has returned home. As any romantic comedy would go the people who do not like each other in the beginning end up loving each other by the end with some plot twist in the middle.

Why I watched this film- I loved the character Marc on Ugly Betty and wanted to discover more of Michael Urie's work. Then I watched the trailer and I thought it looked like a typical but cute romantic comedy and summer is a good time to watch frivolous films especially when you can check them out of the public library film.

What I liked about the film- There were some cute lines. And it is nice to see a boy fall for the awkward, maybe a bit plain but cute girl. It was funny to see David Tennant to wear an outfit straight out the 1970s with fur vest included. Plus the scenery mostly set on the Scottish Island was great. Some of the cute moments...

What I didn't like- There were some plot twist that didn't really help the story like Kate's ex-boyfriend, or the paparazzi guy that was in love with Lara. Sometimes when there are plot twist that don't make sense I wonder "if this was a book would it be better explained" and my hope is yes.

Over all cute story and I glad I checked it out for free instead of paying for it. I would recommend it for a lazy weekend or a movie to have in the background while doing dishes. Just watch it to see the boy fall the awkward door next door.

Next The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel...

I don't think I have to introduce this cast. Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy. Come together with some others who I might have to introduce Tom Wilkson (you might recognize from Shakespeare in Love, Valkyrie, and Sense and Sensibility (1995)... which is just amusing because he plays Mr. Dashwood in this film too), Penelope Wilton (Downton Abbey) and  Dev Patel (Slum Dog Millionaire). The plot is simple take some elderly people trying to escape being old and send them to India to live out their lives there. After that let's see what happens. The lesson I learned from this movie is that you are never too old to follow your dreams and find love... I just hope for myself I don't have to wait till I am in retirement to see this through.
Why I watched- I love the cast. I wanted to see it when it was in theaters just didn't get around to it. Plus I think I have a weird pull to India. It is one place I want to go and may be do a mission trip there.

What I loved- The story line I loved the most was Judi Dench. Her husband has passed away and left her with his debts to cover (I don't think that is a spoiler because you find that in the first few minutes). Any way instead of giving in and living a more "suitable" life with her son and his family she goes off to India, gets a job at one of those Indian Call Center places and teaches them better communication. But she completely falls in love with India and her new life. I thought she was very empowering character.

I also liked the Tom Wilkinson character, Graham Dashwood... he starts off kind of rude but as soon as he gets to India he lightens up. He is actually coming back to India and wants to correct some errors of his past. His character is sweet and he tries help everyone around him love the India he loves.

At first I really didn't like the Maggie Smith character she is kind of a racist. But there is a moment when she changes and starts to be more of a loveable character...and somewhat saves the day. Plus as only as Maggie Smith can do she has some great one liners. But if you watch it to see another "battle" between her and Penelope Wilton (in Downton Abbey Style) you won't see it they actually don't interact much.

Next I loved Dev Patel and the story of Sonny he had big dreams but not the best way to see them through. He has to fight against his mother and her desires for his life, which takes a great amount of courage. He has to believe in his dreams and his love more than following what the world wants. Plus in all the sadness in the facts of getting old he is the great comedic relief.
What I didn't like- I didn't like Penelope Wilton's character. She started the movie unhappy with the circumstances given to her and stayed unhappy. She didn't embrace India and in the end just returns home. But she was half of good story. Her husband Bill Nighy, in the other two films I have seen him in (I capture the Castle and Love Actually) he plays a grumpy guy who you hate to love. But in this film he was actually very considerate, sweet and very loyal to his wife.

There were two other plot lines I didn't like either fortunately they were just minor characters.


Over all the story was very sweet, and I think if I had seen this in theaters I probably would have been the youngest one in the theater. But the scenes of India would have been nice to have scene on the big screen however I would not rate this as one that has to be seen in theaters.  I would say good for a date night at home.

Behind the scenes of The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

Lastly I have to give a shout out to the Boston Public Library for providing so much amusement for free. If you don't want to spend money on a Netflix account I suggest you see what your local library has to offer.

From The Decoy Bride.

Monday, June 24, 2013

I do not have a post for today...

Hello lovely readers, 

Ever since school has ended I have been trying to post almost every two days but I am sorry to say I do not have a post today. Well I am not really that sorry because I have been actively working on my story. I hope you will be patient with me. In the mean time here is a good fan made video of dancing scenes to the song The Laendler (you might recognize the song from Sound of Music). I do so like watching dancing scenes.

Posted by: MissAspka

In order of movie appearance:

- Becoming Jane
- Emma (BBC 2009)
- The Sound of Music
- Anne of Green Gables (The Sequel)
- The Young Victoria
- Pride & Prejudice (2005)
- Stardust
- Anne of Green Gables
- Onegin--- This is the only one I had not seen. 
- The King & I
- Pride & Prejudice (BBC 1995)
- Daniel Deronda
- North & South
- Sense & Sensibility (1995)
- Emma (1996)

I need to read up on some Edwardian dancing so I can write a good dance scene. I really only know the Waltz.

Will post more later.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Period Dramas: The Good, the Bad, and all The Heartache...

My summer of watching Period Drama continues

So far here are my favorite (in no particular order) I have discovered this spring/summer

I have already written about this series in my post Period Drama Weekend but I still love it. Some times I am tempted to re-watch it all over again. But right now I am still seeking new films and my pinterest board To Netflix or Not to Netflix is growing (even though I don't have a Netflix account I am finding YouTube and the Boston Public Library to be a great place to find movies... even if I have to watch them in pieces. 
Here is a preview...

I am actually surprised I have not written about this one yet. I think I discovered it during my blogging break during the end of my semester. It is the story of Denise who comes from the country to work at her uncle's tailor shop but he doesn't have enough work for her so she finds employment at the new department store of The Paradise. Some one on Pinterest told me Mr. Selfridge is better than the Paradise... I do not think that is correct. Denise is very motivated to have the best in life, and that might sound selfish, I would say Denise is far from spoiled she is just a go-getter with big dreams and an ambition to see it through. Mr. Moray, her boss, is also a go-getter but he has a dark past that haunts him. I loved The Paradise and while it is only 8 episodes long (they are up on YouTube thanks to MsElifora) there is so much fun drama.

Here is a preview...
Also the costumes are fabulous... not so much the shop girls as they frequently wear black dresses but the customer's get to wear pretty dresses.
You might recognize the girl in that picture she also plays Laura in my next favorite...

3. Lark Rise to Candleford
I have already recently talked about this one in "My one Weakness" post but I think from that post it is quite clear my love for it. I think this is the most humorous period "drama", it is so light hearted and hard to some times believe all the drama that can happen in a small town and in that way it make it funny.

3. Cranford-
The controllers of Cranford
 I can't remember when I originally watched this so I don't know if it is right putting it under the category of films I discovered this spring and summer and loved. But I do love it. It based off of three works of Elizabeth Gaskell. It is about the lives of this little town and the single and widowed middle class women. They all seem to be busy bodies but they always say to keep to themselves, that is until a new young doctor comes into town and really shakes things up. At one point he has three women thinking they love him but he only has eyes for Peggy (they are in the picture at the top). There are other sub plots as we learn the story of the town of Cranford but I must laugh at all the "drama" that can happen in these small towns.


The blog post this picture comes from as some good insight.
It is based of a Louisa May Alcott novel. I thought the story was good but a little too sappy.Yes, I can think stories are too sappy. The one scene I really liked was when our heroine, Edith, turns down the proposal to James Percy (Thomas Gibson from Dharma and Greg), it is not that she doesn't love him she just knows that their places in life are so distant that it would be wrong to get married. Then she goes off and he finds her being attacked by another man and he comes to her rescue and sticks up for her virtues. But over all it is like a Cinderella story with a twist of fate.

My Gilmore Girl fans will recognize some of the places that are also used in Chilton and the Hutzenberger's home. 
Chilton Academy
Huntzberger's foyer
I may or may not have seen Gilmore Girls too much to realize this.

Here are some I did not like...
1. Jane Eyre.
I have already used up too much of my blog on this movie in my "Jane Eyre...what the" post so I will not rant about it again. 
I also talk about this movie in my "Period Film Weekend" and while I give it an A+ on the costuming and thought it was great to see Hugh Bonneville play a bad guy.I did not like it because I found the story dragged out too much and I was not happy because the woman I thought was the heroine did not have a happy ending. So just watch it for the great costumes...
3. The Way We Live Now
I watched this film because I have been really impressed by Andrew Davies adaptations, he did Mr. Selfridge, Bridget Jones Diaries, Little Dorrit and LOTS of others. And I love Matthew Macfayden, even though Colin Firth is my favorite Mr. Darcy he is great and I love him in Little Dorrit, so with these two credentials I watched it. Sadly I never wanted to hit someone so bad. He is spoiled, in the beginning of the movie he has already spent his inheritance and goes searching for a rich wife (who he does not love) and then sleeps with a poorer girl. Later on in the story when the poorer girl is upset he won't marry her, she leaves, and then he almost raps her (fortunately she is saved). His only redeeming quality is he does protect his sister, Hetta, from entering a marriage to a man who is a scandal. Fortunately he has a happy ending for Hetta. 
Hetta and Paul
Now since I'd rather talk about things I love more than things I dis-like I will stop my list there...
I think this post has gotten too long so I might have to write another post to cover some more period dramas I like. If you want to see more Period Dramas I like follow my Chivalry Does Exist board on Pinterest. If you have any questions about links to these shows please contact me

Here are some other blogs I love that talk about Period Dramas...

And one last picture, that I think all us period drama lovers can agree with...