Showing posts with label Degas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Degas. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Writing Spaces

Yesterday as I was writing about "What do you do?" I was thinking about my writing space. What I mean by that is where do I like to write. Minus this blog I don't usually find staring at a blank screen as inspiring so I usually have to write my stories in a notebook I carry around with me at all times. But that's not really what I mean either. I mean what spaces do you find creative rather it be sitting in a park, at a coffee shop or cozy corner or room that you like to use for your writing?

The reason I bring this up that I was intrigued where I wrote this work on my lunch or coffee break. My little cubicle with its grey wall that have tried to cover up with cards (I have gotten from my co-workers) pictures from magazines, and a page I tore out of my Mary Cassatt book to have some art around me. I am not ashamed to admit my walls of my cubicle look pretty crowed from the things I like to see to my papers I keep up that I have to remind me what needs to be done. But I find it odd I use this space to write my blog, or at least this part of it. My story is ALWAYS typed up at home. I like on Saturday mornings to pour myself a big cup of coffee sit down have WERS (a radio station that plays the best of Broadway from 10-2 on Saturday) playing in the background and write. I have my desk up against the wall in my apartment that has two windows so I can look out and see the world pass by. I also have two Degas Prints up on that all right over my desk. I find it a very nice spot to write. Sorry I do not have a picture of it, I am beginning to move and my place is a mess.

I have always found having a desk by a window very inspiring. When I was in high school I dreamt of the day when I was a real author I would have a room in my house with a big window that over looked the ocean of course then I was planning on living in Santa Barbra. Now I live in Boston but I still dream of having a desk by the window and a floor to ceiling bookshelf. I was actually inspired to put my desk by the window in my last furniture redesign after spending all summer looking at this woman who would sit at her computer in her bay window that looked down on Pickney Street on Beacon Hill, thinking that she was writing her novel. I know she was probably checking her email or her bank statement but I liked to think of her writing that novel. So my mom and I moved my desk to the wall with the window, and when I sit there and have a really creative moment I love being able to look out the window.
But as I get ready for my new move I think about my new room and where do I want to put my desk to allow me to write. I also think about in the future, when I a real author and I no longer call my self a wanna be author what do I want my writing room to look like, and feel like. Googling "writing spaces" I have come up with some inspirational ideas.

I liked this room because of all the books.


I liked this room because of the window and it looks like it had some personal touches. I love to have photos of people around me, I love collecting post cards of places traveled to or every time I go to a museum I buy a post card(s) of art I liked to inspire me.This is probably what my desk will probably look like with my cat who loves to get my attention by sitting on my work.

I was thinking that it was odd I was writing about creative space... and my readers might be a bit confused about what random tangent I was going on today I found another blogger who wrote about space, so I might be odd but I am not the only one out there. Thank you Lobby Lu