Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Writing Wednesday... not much to say

Hello lovely readers,

Usually I love Wednesdays and posting this blog, but I feel I have little to say. Actually that's not true... I have a bit to say. I caught up on my typing, which feels great. My current word count is 78,196 (so about 162 page). So now I have to continue writing!!! I feel comfortable with my outline and I have written a few future scenes (which is also exciting). So I will continue as working on my story I don't know how much I will have to post here.

A couple of months ago I started my retelling of Wives and Daughters through letter writing... I enjoyed writing it as I felt stuck in my writing and it was a good release for my creative energy. However, now I am so busy between my work, other activities to juggle two stories.Also I am thinking about changing my timing of this blog. I might have been a little too ambitious to think I could have a post three times a week and as I have always wanted quality over quantity... I am going to switch to posting Tuesdays and Thursdays (or Friday) and as much as I like alterations I am not going to hold myself that as tightly as I have been. I still want to share the things that are important to me my faith, the events of my days,  my writing and the books I'm reading. Also there will be times I share random YouTube videos and posts of historical dramas. I hope you will stay tuned to my blog... I do so enjoy writing it.

Last weekend I went to Vermont (my first time to Vermont) to see a revival pastor named Clayton Jennings. As I have posted here I have been feeling rather distant in my faith and a good friend of mine invited me to this and it was wonderful. I got such in sight into what God desires for my life. I hope to write about that more. However, I wanted to share this video "Now Is Your Time | Philippians 4:13": 

Even if you aren't a none Christian this is a good reminder that this is our one and only life and if you have a passion or a dream this is the time to do it. He states "if you want to be an author write that book." However, as a Christian it speaks to the fact this is our time and that nothing is impossible to do what God calls us to do. Do you have a sense of what God has called you to do? 

I know this message can sound like a TV evangelical that talks about how God will bring you wealth, well that is not what Clayton Jennings messages is, I think his message is to tell us to stop dragging our feet and embrace what God has in store for us. To keep being "game changers" for God. Personally I think this is an awesome message because I as a wanna-be-author I have always wondered how I can use my gifts for God... the Bible talks a lot about pastors, evangelicals, and prophets (well  I am not those things). So I didn't know how I fit in to the church... in that I really happy to know I can use my gifts of writing and story telling to spread the good news of God. Is there anything you are passionate about you can use and shape for the message of God? 

That is all for now, but before I close this post I want give a shout out to my bffl on her birthday... I am so lucky to be her Watson. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Remember God's Faithfulness...The Blessing in My Life.

Hello lovely readers,

Last week I posted "Things seem up in the air" but even as I finished it I did not feel that it was complete. At my church we have been going through a series called "From the Rubble" about the book about Nehemiah with many of the messages hitting very close to home. Last week my friend spoke about our story and how the main point of it is God's faithfulness not our brokenness.

In the book of Nehemiah, some of the Israelites, who have been in captivity come back to Israel to rebuild the wall around the city. They face many oppositions from mental to physical oppositions and yet they are able to complete the tasks in 52 days. Then they are at a lost of knowing what to do and they go to Ezra, who has been in Jerusalem for 14 years and working to rebuild the temple. He read from the book of the law and they here the story about how God makes a promise, but then the people go astray, problems come, people cry out to God and He restores them. And the people listening into the story begin to weep because they focus on the part of the story where their ancestors went astray. However Nehemiah said, Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). Okay this is just a brief summary of the story... I suggest you read the whole thing(link to Biblegateway). 

It seems kind of strange to celebrate when we go a stray from God and suffer, but that is not what Nehemiah is saying... Nehemiah is saying to celebrate God's faithfulness. I will admit that I am quick to hold onto pain, and I sometimes hold onto my own flaws and regrets far more than I hold on to the compliments I get or the love I receive.

So here I go... I am going to remember the good things in my life, the things I want to hold onto. 

First, I am thankful to have these two inspiring women as my sisters. Both them have taught me a great amount what it means to faith even in struggles.
 I am blessed to have two sets of wonderful parents who have given me courage, taught me to stand on my own, allowed me to follow my dreams...even if they didn't understand me, and have shown me love is not based on blood. 

I have also been blessed with a great amount of friends here in Boston, and a church that has shaped my second family for me. But the thing I probably love the most in my life are my niece and nephews...they give me hope in the world, joy, and love I didn't know really existed till they came into the world. 
All these people make me who I am. And I am so thankful to them for how they have shaped me.
God has blessed me with these people.

Nehemiah asked the Israelites to remember God's faithfulness and I can easily remember His faithfulness by looking back on the blessings God has given me. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

Faithful music for Friday

Hello lovely readers,

I have posted this week I have gone through some dryness in my faith... Here are some songs that have been running in my head these last few weeks. These have inspired me to continue on through this time. 

Song: 10,000 Reasons 
By: Matt Redman

Song: This is Amazing Thing
By: Phil Wickham

Song; And if Our God is for Us
By: Christ Tomlin

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Princess and a dragon...Writing Wednesday

Hello lovely readers,

A couple of weeks ago I attended a writing workshop and it was all about dialogue. The rules were to write an entire scene of dialogue and that we couldn't use any tag lines so no "she said" or "he said." I got the prompt "a princess or virgin and a dragon." Here is what I wrote...
{via Pinterest}
 -What is it you want from me?
-What is you want from me?
-You are a dragon, you have been terrorizing my kingdom.
-And your the noble knight, who has come to slay the dragon and win the hear of the damsel in distress. I have read fairy tales I know how it goes.
-You read?
-You sound surprised.
-I am, I didn't know dragons could read. 
-We are not as ignorant as your authors would have you believe.
-I just never thought--
-Yes many knights don't think. It seems to be a common trend.
-Why do you say that?
-Why do you thing dragon can't read?
-Why do you answer my questions?
-You are a persistent knight. Come on, get along try to kill me. 
-You are not afraid?
-Afraid of you sword?
-Afraid of death?
-I am an old dragon, I have had a good life, I do not fear death. Besides I am known to have a trick or two up my sleeve.
-And what is that?
-You expect me to tell you my tricks?
-Maybe one, you about seven time larger than me.
-Yes, you are the smallest knight I have met to date. Why are you so small? Did your kingdom run out of brave men to send to me and fight to protect it.
-My brother, Edmund died in battle last year, I am the last of my line.
-And your mother didn't want to protect the runt of the litter.
-I am hardly a runt.
-Well you are hardly a giant.
-Well what is you wanted from me?
-I want you to leave my kingdom alone.
-I cannot.
-We were here first.
-Yes, I am not alone. I have a rather large family to be honest. And we were her first before you humans came in and cut down our trees and started coming into our mountains. Where are we to go?
 -Surely there are other mountains and other woods?
-You do ask a lot of questions, knight. Come on will you?
-Maybe I am not as stupid as some of the other knights you have met.
-Clearly, your did not wear any armor, the racket that causes is always a give away. Though no wearing armor to fight against a dragon,who can breathe fire and is ten time larger than you might not be the smartest thing.
-My brother always said a good shield and sword is all you need. If you are a good fighter.
-And are you a good fighter?
-My skills have never been officially tested in a tournament or something.
-Yest you come here to fight the dragon?
-Well if you are here to fight, you better come on. I grow weary of conversation.
-You have not told me one of your tricks.
-I never said I would.
-Gentlemen attempt at fight fair.
-I am no gentlemen.
-You are well read, you didn't kill me instantly, in fact you have been quite hospitable is that not the definition of a gentleman?
-Can a dragon be a gentleman?
-I don't know, I always thought that title should reflect the character not so much the species.
-You are definitely not like any knight I have met.
-I hate to disappoint you but I am no knight. I am Princess Lorriane of the Gaisome Kingdom.
-Your highness, why does your kingdom send you here?
-They don't know I came.
-Ah a brave run away to take on the world?
-Not the world, just a dragon.
-And what do you want from me? It can not be to kill me, you would have attempted it by now.
-You are right. I do not believe violence and death bring peace.
-No, you are not like any knight I have met.
-How do you mean?
-Knights are blood thirst but yet the do not come to the same conclusion you did. If I killed you now, which I could easily do, all of Gaisome would be here in my peaceful cave take revenge on their princess. If you kill me, which is a slight possibility my brother or son would attack your kingdom and it would be a vicious cycle.
-Then what do you say? A compromise?
-You think me a fool to compromise with a human. Humans never keep their words.
-Even a princess?
-Especially a princess. Royalty must always put their kingdom first, they cannot make a compromise with things they do not trust.
-I trust you,
-Well you shouldn't!
-I am sorry my princess, it was your kingdom or mine.

I know very little about dragons but I was excited to write this prompt. Though I don't think it will expand into a story, fantasy is not one of my go to genres. Even still I am glad for the opportunity to stretch my writing skills.