Friday, June 20, 2014

Fun writing Friday

*-I promised you a lighter topic in my last post...
Over the last couple of months I have shared with you bits and pieces of my story, but I thought it would be good to go back to the beginning. In my last story I shared (might have over shared) parts of my Sisters of Pine Haven. Sorry if you considered it an over share, but I found it really motivational to share my story in order to keep writing. I love writing, I can't remember a time I wasn't filling notebooks with stories in my head. Besides this blog and countless school papers I have never been able to sit down at a computer and just start writing. I have always had to write out by hand every story. Then I go back and type it up, I found it useful when I am writing and I get stuck to take that time to type up my story and let the inspiration come back to me. This method got me through the Sisters of Pine Haven, and it was the first work I was actually able to finish.

I will not be sharing the whole story (because I hope to get published one day) but I will be sharing chunks of it with you my loyal readers. So stay tuned...
Steam train leaving Euston Station, London
My life begins with a letter. Maybe I should say my life changed with a letter since I received the infamous letter when I was twenty-three. It wasn't a bad letter but it forever changed my life. My new life began with a letter.
My dearest Rose,
                If you doubt the words I spoke to you the other night, don't. I have made you the promise of my love and my devotion forever.
                I have ordered us a simple room on the Northern Star Liner, it leaves from Liverpool on Wednesday and we will sail to New York as man and wife. No one can stop us not even the King. I promise. If you love me, meet me at Euston Station for the 6:15 train. I will be waiting to take you into my arms and away from the things of long ago.
                Believe when I say, all my love.
                In all the ways I pictured my life I never imagined I would be engaged to one man and running away with the man I did love. I had also never imagined love would cause so many knots in my stomach. As a child I imagined falling in love with a prince and having the fairy tale happy ending. However, my prince ended up being my best friend and the stable hand.
                It had been a week since I heard from Kelby but the plan was in motion. I could feel it. I looked at his letter once again then folded it up and slipped it in my hand bag. For the last week of May I felt a slight chill or maybe I just shivered from excitement. Either way I had to act confident and brave if I was ever going to pull this off.
                "Rose Gray," I was happy to say without hesitation.
                "Well Mrs. Gray." The ticket master noticed my thin gold band with a piece of glass in it. "Your train will be at platform six."
                "Thank you," I said handing him my money and hoping he didn't notice my blush at the fact he called me "Mrs. Gray."
                We weren't married yet but I felt it better to travel under that name so it would be harder for my family to track our where abouts.  Besides Mathilda Elizabeth Rose Harrington daughter of Percival Harrington and Ethel Harrington of Belmark Square had had her engagement announcement and picture in every paper in London. I hoped going by Rose would at least give me a bit of security in case any official read the wedding announcements.
                I looked down at the ticket.
May 25, 1921
Euston to Liverpool

                I took a deep breath. It was all beginning.

To follow story follow link of Grand Days

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