Sunday, February 5, 2012

Strangers all around us.

I found today's challenge of taking a picture strangers very awkward.
 I thought as was going out tonight I could take a photo of group with out people with out being to awkward. 
Nope it was just awkward. 
But here is the T on a Saturday night as we all head out to hit the town.

The song "City" by Sarah Bareilles it seems appropriate because even when you have friends sometimes it is easy to get lost in the city. Lost with little connection to people even if they are standing next to you. I take the T every day and besides saying hi to the T driver I don't interact with any one. I pull out my book and hardly look at anyone and besides excusing myself if I bump into some one.  I thought the song was appropriate for how I feel on the T. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Love is all around

Hello Lovely Readers,

This not for the photo challenge but the last few days in my walks around my neighborhoods I notices some tagging signs. I saw the top one on a Sunday as I was walking to church. Of course I was running late and I hoped the van would still be there when I came home... and it was. I thought it was just a good little reminder.

This one is on a mail box near my apartment and noticed it a couple of days ago. 

I know it is illegal to vandalize but I liked the little reminder about what is probably the most important thing in life so I thought I would share it with you.  

Hope you have a lovely weekend. 

Hands and handwriting

I missed the first day of the February photo challenge so I am combining two photo themes.
The photos of hands and hand writing. 
The top photo is me writing my story. I thought it was appropriate as I want to be a writer but I have to write everything out in hand before I can type it up because I don't get inspired looking at a blank computer screne. 

Though I am right handed I wanted to take a picture of my left hand. 
The ring on on my ring finger is not a wedding ring as some people think, it is a purity ring. 
I like the funny reactions people have to me wearing a purity ring.
One time some one backed away like it was a disease he didn't want to catch.
Another person asked me if it was bad for the dating scene.
The reactions are funny and it makes me love my purity ring even more. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

A journey into makeup

Song-"Supermodel" by Jill Sobule
Video- "Clueless"

Hello lovely readers,

I am not a make up girl. I mean minus special events I really only wear eye make-up (eye shadow and mascara) but until high school I didn't even wear this much. In high school my makeup was sunscreen (in my facial moisturizer) and chap stick. Then freshman year of college I wore mascara but only on my top lashes but one of my friends asked me why I half my eye lashes were black and half were red, I got very conscious of my eye make up so I started working on my bottom lashes. I am not really good with putting things near my eyes so it took awhile and I only wore mascara on my bottom lashes on special days. But then I started doing it all the time and I became one of those girls who could not leave the house with out mascara. The summer after I graduated college I added eye shadow... though for the most part I think it looks just like my eyelids (maybe I should be more adventurous). 
My usual makeup
But my real confession is until a few days ago I never used make up remover. I mean I cleaned my face and I made sure never have bleak streaks under my eyes before leaving the house but never used make up remover. Then I was in the grocery store the other day and I saw some and put it in my basket. The last few nights I have been using it I haven't noticed a difference.

Here is the before shot 

The cleansing pad after I am done.

Here is my after...not much difference
It doesn't look that different so I don't know if I am cleaning wrong or if I need to get a better makeup remover, or if the face I wear water proof mascara means it never comes off.

This is what I am currently using
I am not a big make up person so I will probably never write about make up again but if you have any suggestions when it comes to this I am always happy to listen.
