Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hello March

Hello lovely readers, 

Lots of people yesterday were writing about how they celebrated this extra day. Sad to say I did not celebrate this day in any special way. I had to work. But mother nature celebrated this extra day by giving us our second snow "storm" of the season. When I wrote my post Snowy Days in Boston I thought we were just beginning the long winters that we have up here but we have had a very mild winter so I can't complain about this second snow storm.

February was good month for me, I started my internship at the American Academy of Arts and Science it is near Harvard, which is about an hour commute for me, I am working on a post about my commuting tips. I am really excited about the internship because it is a fairly new archive even though the Academy was founded in 1780 so there is 200 years plus unprocessed material so I really feel like I am helping them from the ground up. In my Introduction to Archiving class I am seeing that archivist like to see themselves as investigators of the past, that might sound dorky but I think it sounds fun.

As good as February was I am really looking forward to March. Even though the cold weather will last a bit longer the fact that spring begins in March puts a little skip in my step. Soon flowers will be blooming, the weather will be warmer and the sun will stay out longer. 
This is how I imagine spring
This is usually the reality
But more than the sun, the thing I am looking forward to the most is going to Denver over my Spring Break. My older sister, her husband and the cutest toddler live there. Yes I am bias towards my niece. I have not seen my niece minus some skype time since June and she is growing like a weed. The other day I got a picture of her having a tea party, I can't wait to have a tea party with her and maybe some dress up. I am also looking forward to seeing my sister who is a few months pregnant and she is a cute preggo.
This is my niece and I last Christmas
I need an updated photo of us two.
I hope you all have a lovely March.

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