Showing posts with label wanna-be historian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wanna-be historian. Show all posts

Thursday, September 18, 2014

From my thesis cave

They will make memes about anything
Academic Tim Gunn... who knew, right?

Hello lovely readers,

I feel my life right now is pretty much my thesis but I want to keep you guys updated with my life and my progress on my work... so sorry it might be kind of boring. But I have good things to share.

Going back to last spring, I was suppose to be working on my thesis. Well I kind of hit a wall. I wasn't really inspired to work so I put together a very sloppy outline and my adviser called me out on it. And after that I felt emotionally and mentally crippled and I hid in my bed watching the West Wing.
I love Charlie

In late spring or early summer I found a great resource that was a survey done in 1907-1909 about what working women were spending their money on. Well I dissected that but I felt like while I had was data and I wasn't sure what to do with it. With the push of another professor I took the information and started making patterns from the data I collected. Then when I discovered the most popular items, I started doing research on those particular items and what was said about them. I also found a few advice pamphlets and books about how working women should behave. I am using my survey and the advice literature to shape my thesis... I won't go into anymore as it might get boring.

A friend of mine just reminded me this week "that with PhDs and Masters, you get them done when you are ready"... well I am ready. Over the summer while I was doing a good junk of research I also started working on my outline. Well I had to go to my thesis adviser and get it approved. I felt very nervous about this because the last time I met with my adviser it didn't go so well, As I was walking up the stairs to the third floor (history department) my heart started racing and I had to take deep breaths.

I won't go over all the details of the meeting... but she totally approved of my outline and said it looked totally feasible and she gave me good questions to look into and explore more in my paper. Phew. She also said I am a little ahead of the game. YEAH!  I told her that I was doing a happy dance in my head.

So I am now working on my historiography essay, which is part of my introduction, but it discusses previous work done on this topic then I state why my research is important and the niche my thesis fills.

My happy moment of my week: I was in my school's coffee shop area and I sat down the novel I was reading and the girl next to me said "whoa that is a big book... what class is that for?" My response: "Its not, its just a novel I am reading for fun." Her eyes really widened.  It is only 660 pages (not that big) but I was happy to impress someone with my large books.

Also it is amazing after working on my thesis yesterday for about 6 hours how wonderful doing laundry is.

That is all for now... will keep you posted on other things in and outside my thesis cave (aka my room).
Who doesn't think of Benedict Cumberbatch doing this
when thinking of a happy dance

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Working through some things


I pinned this pin to my "A Novelist at Work" board on Pinterest because I think it is an interesting concept as an inspiring writer but in my personal life this quote has hit me...

I am struggling. This semester I am writing my thesis, well I am suppose to be writing my thesis... but I am not really motivated to do the research for it because right now the research seems like an overwhelming mountain that I will never be able to climb. Also 2 weeks ago my thesis adviser was discouraging. So I spent all last week sulking and watching The West Wing. I don't regret it because I needed some time to just do nothing... but now it is hard to get back up and do some work.

One of my favorite scenes from The West Wing

A lot of this week and weekend I have thought about giving up and just not doing it. I have a ll the credits to get just my Master's in Library Science, but unless I finish my thesis I will not be able to get my Master's in History and I would have felt that all this time would have been a waste. But giving up would be so easy.
Looking back on my life... I think I give up a lot, when things get tough. I mean I gave up soccer because one time a ball hit me in the stomach (I know I was 5 but I think this is a good pattern of things to come). 
Going back to the picture on the top... I think if I was an Austen heroine the short come would be my giving up when things got tough an then living with regret.

As for the man, she would write for me... I am not really thinking about that. However, I think what ever man comes into my life will have to be strong as I can be stubbornness. He will have to understand that when I am quiet and I don't want to talk that I am weak and he will have to know to just sit there and be with me. I think he will also have to encourage me to be my best and not let me give up on myself. But according to,  I belong with Edward Ferras. Having always felt like an Eleanor... I am happy with this result. 


Shy and sweet, Edward can give you a simple, happy life. You can count on him to do the right thing, even if it’s not always what he wants to do. While you might face hurdles on your road to Happily Ever After, it will all work out in the end.

Right now still working through some things. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Another month another update

Highly recommend this chapter book
Hello my loyal readers,

You have to be loyal if you are reading this blog still. I feel I have no words, when ever I want to write my mind gets overwhelmed with how much work I have to do, how many papers I have to write and how many books I have to read. So actually I have a lot of words.

I am surprised it is November, I can't believe that people are listening to Christmas music and  must admit that as I made my Christmas travel plans I too wanted to watch Christmas movies. However, for most of my life my family has not watched Christmas movies till after Thanksgiving. So I would feel just wrong watching a Christmas movie until then. So I'm awaiting that time.

But in the mean time... here is what is going on my life. My semester is winding down (as I only have a month left). Winding down makes it sound as if it is relaxing... I wish I have 3 more projects due in my Children's Lit Class. I know Children's Lit is not in my degree of archiving. But after last semester (where I wanted to drop out of school) I decided to try something completely new and fortunately my advisor was okay with it. We started with reading picture books, then easy reader, and now we are in chapter books. I am always impressed with my classmates, they truly have a passion for this. People might be shocked by this but I wasn't always a big reader, at least not when I was a kid, I only remember reading a book called Third Grade Detectives, and Matilda. I did not really like reading until 6th or 7th grade and I read  Ella Enchanted and something inside me clicked. Anyway I feel I am spending a lot of time doing catch up....

with my Harvard ID
My other class is my internship class, where I get to work at Harvard Art Museum Archives. Everyone thinks it is cool I get Harvard next to my name (which it is), however I liked the job of being a reference person more so. I really like interacting with people and doing research, so I feel reference will be a good spot for me. Sadly the museum is closed as it is under renovations, so I am getting more interactions with emails than in person people. However, I'm loving doing research and touching documents that are close to a 100 years old. One thing I am surprised about is though I am working in an art museum archives, so little of my research actually is about art, it is mostly about the history of the museum.  I am sad to say with the number of hours I have to complete I will only be at this internship till Thanksgiving.

An aerial shot of the Fogg museum
The brick part was built in 1927
The glass is to add more more natural light
my stack of books on my desk
Other than my classes... I am happy to say my semester is busy but it is going well. I am not feeling too overwhelmed or feeling the anxiety that I felt semester. I am also happy to say I turned in my thesis proposal, I haven't heard back from them if it was approved or not, but just doing my thesis proposal feels quite accomplished. Last semester I was so burnt out from taking 2 history classes (yeah not a good idea) that writing my thesis proposal was a big struggle, and then I had a little break down where I thought of dropping out of school... I was talked off that ledge. Through some encouragement I went ahead and pursued my ideas, found sources, and I felt more confident writing my thesis proposal.  I hope to write on working women at the turn of the twentieth century and how they used fashion to liberate themselves (before they had the vote). It is interesting I spend some time reading books about clothes then I spend other time reading books about working women. I will also be using letters and diaries.

The look below is an example of women wearing the shirtwaist style (comparative to a modern day blouse) and a dark skirt, very popular for working women. Though this look might look restrictive... it was actually more freeing than past styles. The shirtwaist was worn by all spheres of society, it was the working women who really used this style to liberate themselves and potentially move up in the world. 
Okay loyal readers, I feel this post is long enough and while it has been fun to get some writing some in, I have to begin my day. 

Hopefully will post before next month.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Changes are a comin'

Hello loyal readers,

The Old North Church
I think only my loyal readers will recognize some changes are happening. This summer I have tried to post on Monday, Wednesday, Friday as those were my lighter days. Well now I have taken a second job working at the Old North Church gift shop (at least until the end of October) and now working 6 days a week not giving much time to write or notify my lovely Facebook followers that I have blogged.* So I am still going to post but now my post might be on Tuesdays and Thursdays as those are my late days.

Then everything is going to change again come September when I start classes. So changes are a coming for better or worse I am just trying to roll with the punches.

One change coming is I am moving... not far just another apartment. But it feels like a big change I will have 2 roommates and additional pets (I hope Darcy is okay with this transition). Another change I will be doing an internship over the fall semester. I have filled out my student profile and now waiting for placement from my school. I am also taking a children's librarian class. It is totally not in my track as I am a History/Archives, but a lot people have told me I should work with children, so I thought this would be interesting. I am seriously hoping that the internship and the children's librarian class will help give me more insight in what I want to do with my life... after last semester I am completely drained and feel somewhat passionless for library science.

I will keep you posted on any other life changes.

*-In case you are worried for me. I am making ends meet by working my current job, I am just trying to save more money. Also I want a job somewhat related to my interest. 

Friday, August 2, 2013

The Truth was Buried

I know I have posted a few movie reviews up here... well this is the last of my 6 that I got from the library and it was probably the most powerful one. The Conspirator is about Mary Surratt played by Robin Wright (The Princess Bride, Forrest Gump), she is the mother of John Surratt and owned the boarding house visited by John Wilkes Booth. John Surratt is the only one of the assassinators that got away after the Lincoln assassination. This is the story of her court case. Tom Wilkinson (who was in Best Marigold Hotel) is a senator from Maryland but also a lawyer takes on her case believing it is in just for a civilian to be tried in a military court but then quickly realizes as he is from Maryland he will not be able to win the case so he gives it to his associate Frederick Aiken played by James McAvoy (The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the witch and the Wardrobe, Atonement, Becoming Jane).  That sounds bad but Tom Wilkson's character gives Frederick the case because Frederick was a Union captain and believes that will give Mary Surratt better chances. At first Frederick believes Mary Surratt is guilty and doesn't want the case and all his friends including girl friend (played by Alexis Bledel) try to talk him out of fighting the case, but more than the guilt or innocence of Mary he fights to defend justice. As much as it is Mary Surratt and Fredrick Aiken's story it is also the story about our country after the assassination.

Alexis Bledel and James McAvoy
Why I watched- There are a few reasons I watched this film. 1) My love of Alexis Bledel, I know I should say my love of history... I mean after all I am getting a Master's in History... nope the first thing that drew me to this movie was seeing Alexis Bledel in the trailer. I loved her in Gilmore Girls and want to support her career. 2) As much as I am a 19th Century fan I know very little about the Civil War and the after affects. So I was intrigued. 

Robin Wright and James McAvoy
What I loved- The story. Like I said I do not know much about this time period and it does not seem to be a story spread widely around so I was kind of on the edge of my seat to see how it was all going to come about. I also loved how even though Frederick did not believe in Mary Surratt's innocence he believed in justice. There is one scene where Mary asks "have you ever lived for something greater than yourself?" He responds "I spent the last four years fighting for something greater than myself" and she says back to him then "We are the same." I think this scene really changes the story. He begins to see her as a person and not just a guilty person.  I also liked seeing Kevin Kline play sort of a bad guy. In the roles I know him in he usually plays a funny guy but in this he is the Secretary of War and is so set on bringing down anyone involved with the assassination he doesn't even really listen to reason. He says he is doing it for the good of the country, but I was wondering was he? I also loved that we don't know if Mary Surratt knew about the conspiracy or not and I guess the writers are leaving that to decided. However Mary Surratt has such strength, I don't want to give a way any spoilers but there is one scene where the men she is being tried with are crying and she is just still. It was a very powerful moment.

What I didn't like- Alexis Bledel, the main reason I watched this film, is actually kind of a weak character. Though, now having wrote that, I wonder if I wouldn't respond in the same way. Her country has just been turn apart by war, all along waiting for her love to come back from the battle, then the president is shot, and her love is defending someone who everyone thinks is guilty.

Overall- I saw Lincoln over Christmas this seems like a good follow up to that movie though on slightly smaller scale (not so over the top as Lincoln). And while this is mostly a trial movie there was plenty of story outside the court room to keep the scenes interesting. I think even none history buffs will like it.
The real Conspirators
The casting for this was great some of the actors look like twins to these guys
At the end all of these movie reviews I am happy to have some movies crossed off my To Netflix List but I must say I have enjoyed more getting these movie at the library... hello free is always the best.  

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Life update

It is amazing what 24 hours can do, or in this case one email can do....

As some of you might know I am getting my duel master's in Library Science and History. Well one large part of getting the History degree is writing a thesis. I did an under-grad thesis so I thought this would not be much different but it has felt completely different and overwhelming. So overwhelming that I was mentally paralyzed and it was like a cloud hanging over me. I had a plan to do my research over the summer and then come September hit the ground running with writing. Well that would have been good except for 2 things. One I was purely exhausted after last semester that I procrastinated working on my thesis proposal and then rushed to get in for the deadline, I will admit it was not my best work. Then when I sat down with a potential thesis advisor she had a lot of concerns over my thesis it really left me questioning what I wanted to, and I felt completely drained. I have since that meeting sunk away not even wanting to touch my books and I have felt passionless. I have even thought about dropping out of school because I was so uncertain about what I wanted to do. So after I had some hard conversations with my parents I thought about postponing writing my thesis.

Today the thesis councilor emailed me and asked me about my progress and I responded...

I have been thinking it over and wondering if my topic is truly what I want to write about. I have also been wondering if I could possibly not do the class this Fall and do it in the Spring of 2014? I know was "professor" concerned I would be spending all Fall researching and not getting it completed before December. I feel I need more time going over secondary resources and through that figuring out the more if this is really the path I want to take, or what aspect more precisely I want to focus on. 

She responded...
I think it sounds like a good and sane plan to take the fall to do the preliminary research and secondary reading, and then to take the thesis writers' course in the spring. I suspect you will be happier writing your thesis when you have a stronger sense of the sources you will use and the questions you want to ask. This strikes me as a responsible decision.

It is amazing I feel such a relief. So I will not be graduating in December as I thought but in May, which I am totally okay with. I'd rather take my time and do good work than feel rushed and overwhelmed.

In the Fall I will be doing my internship and taking a children's librarian class. The children's librarian class is not apart of my track just something I am interested in and it will be good to see if this is another path.

Sorry if this all doesn't make sense, I am just happy to lessen my mental plate. I know this summer I just want to read novels and get some fun writing in.

I will keep you posted on all sorts of progress and changes in my life.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dancing through research

I wrote in my post "I do not have a post for today" that I would like to learn more about Edwardian dancing. As much as I love Downton Abbey I feel like it is missing dancing... minus one very important scene in season 2. (If you watch Dowton you know instantly what I am talking about but I love posting pictures of Downton and Dan Stevens.)
Any way after writing that post I remembered a very helpful resource, Edwardian Promenade, I have used it to find great pictures but it is quite insightful on Edwardian life. So I thought I would take a shot and see what it had on dancing. And I found a very interesting article with a few YouTube videos to give examples. For example...

You might recognize "The Grizzly Bear" from Season 1 of Downton Abbey
 as Thomas and Daisy do a bit of it. 

I know not all my readers are as interested in Edwardian dancing as I am, but I think in writing one should be a truthful as possible even if the story is completely made up it is in the details that matter. One of my favorite authors (besides Jane Austen) is Jennifer Donnelly and I feel she must spend so much time doing research to get the details so accurate, I am impressed. I have always loved historical fiction for this reason because the elements have to be precise for them to be believable but yet the writer can sweep you away in to a world and time we can only imagine about. I know that is why I personally am drawn to historical fiction, the indulgence to escape into another life. 

I hope I can write my character a good dance scene... I feel sometimes when watching people dance you can see their true feelings... Just think what Emma would be with out the ball when you finally see Mr. Knightley admits his feelings (at least to the audience). 
Mr. Knightley: Who are you going to dance with?
Emma: You if you should ask me. After all we are not brother and sister.
Mr. Knightley: Brother and sister.... indeed we are not. 
So if you are like me and trying to write some historical fiction, I recommend reading history (rather on a blog or in a book), watching period dramas (from a time period you love), and reading other historical novels. I know it may not be official history but I have fallen in love with this series called the Morland Dynasty by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles. It starts in pre-Elizabethian era but goes up to the 1920's as this family evolves through time. I  read The Dream Kingdom going from 1909-1912 and I am reading now The Restless Sea about the Titanic and I look forward to going to reading the books about WWI. While I was reading The Dream Kingdom, I underlined lots of text that described society, to the food they ate, to the dresses they wore. I loved it and have gone back to it in writing my own story. 

Okay this post has gotten longer than I thought, so I will leave you with this last photo... 
Couldn't resist one more Downton Abbey photo. 

Wishing you the best in your writing.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Finished My Semester

Yes it is from the Lizzie Bennet Diaries
I am happy to report that I am done with my finals! 

Over this last month I have taken a break from blogging and in some aspects life. I hope once life gets back to normal and I have more mental energy I will be able to write more blog posts. I have these thoughts of giving up on this blog as I don't feel I have much to say or I don't have the mental energy to write. But I went to an event from my almmater and my old adviser told me she read my blog; I was very touched and for that reason I hope I can keep up with it. It is always nice to know something you have taken time to write has been read by others.

I sadly do not have much to catch you guys up on. I feel I have spent most of my month researching and writing papers. One paper was turn of the century fashion, I hope to use that paper to begin my thesis. As you probably know from my post about Downton Abbey, the stories I have been writing, or if you follow me on Pinterest I have fallen head over heels with the Edwardian time period. So I knew I wanted to do a paper on the turn of the century. I thought about doing my thesis on women's professionalism (like what careers became the more feminine careers and what not) but after sitting through a thesis proposal workshop where one adviser said "chose your own Hell" I had a change of heart. I have always loved fashion, I think it is so much more than what people wear, but what they value and what society values. So I turned my mind towards turn of the century fashion. As I began researching my paper I discovered that single working girls had more of a disposable income and used their fashion to get away from the strict uniforms of their jobs and possibly move up in the world. I would really like to talk about that. Of course I know I need a good argument for my thesis... so this summer I will be researching it. Wish me luck.

Besides finishing up school, I did go and visit my sister, niece and nephew. I know it was in the middle of the craziness of finals but I REALLY needed a break to go see them. I had a great time being Auntie Blaire and even though we didn't do anything overly big being with them was awesome. Also, my dad and step-mom surprised me with a day trip to see me... which was sweet to see them.
The only picture I took while I was there of my nephew crawling
But now school is over and I have the summer to look forward to. I know I need to be researching for my thesis... so I will probably be hanging out in some archives. I do hope to get some fun reading in (aka books without footnotes). I have been watching a lot of mindless TV but now I can't wait to cross some books off my reading list.

Hope to post more later.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Blogging break


Hello my loyal readers,

I feel like I just got back in the swing in of blogging and now I have to take a hiatus because it is Finals month. I don't have any test to study for just a lot of work to finish off this semester and work to start preparing for my thesis, I will be writing next semester. So I kind of have to take a break from blogging. Sorry.

I know there is a lot going on but if you could pray for my stress level. As much as school should be my only my focus, I feel I have a lot on my plate for one I have to find a new place to live for the fall and some other personal stuff I am trying to juggle.  Also pray for my focus to finish this semester hopefully with no all nighters.

As busy as I am, I am eagerly looking forward to going to Denver to see my sister, H and E.

Love you guys and I will be back in May.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Love of Fashion!


I love fashion history!  I am very picky too about my fashion history to be accurate. I mean I got upset at Barnes and Nobles because they had a cover of Little Women with women in Empire waist dresses and a copy of Emma in Victorian dresses those are backwards. Of course at that time I was in high school and none of my friends understood but this is example of how specific I like it to be. 

When I am writing a story I always want to make sure the way I describe dresses is historically accurate. I have a whole pin board on pinterest board dedicated to Edwardian Fashion. This part of the story was really fun as I not only got to look at Edwardian wedding dresses  I also learned about Edwardian wedding customs. Apparently they didn't have receptions like we do today usually the married couple were just escorted to the train station and then they were off on their honeymoon. (I might take some artistic liberties here).  

Here are some links I used for my writing
1. The Wedding 
2. Wedding Traditions

The insert story below is from part of my newest post Kathryn's Wedding ...
Friday passed uneventfully, Mrs. James threw a little dinner in Kathryn's honor. Mrs. James insisted that it end early to make sure the wedding party slept well. Truth be told no one slept very well. Kathryn woke up several time to make sure she had not over slept and she got up walk to the closet and looked her dress. They had found it last spring in one of the best shop in New York that imported directly from Paris. It was a beautiful cream white silk with lace cuff on the sleeves, lace around the neck and some subtle beading in the bust line and skirt that flowed into at least two foot train. Her veil came with its own tiara that fell half the way of the train of the dress and had the same beaded pattern along the edge. It would all be glamorous and while Kathryn longed for a quiet ceremony she loved this dress and felt like a princess when she stepped into it. Her mother told her face glowed when she first tried it on in that New York shop. She felt her face glow every time she looked at the dress. Looking at the dress now she could not wait till Nicholas saw her in it tomorrow.

            "Miss," a voice startled her.
            Kathryn flinched then turned to see her petite maid "Bea, you startled me."
            "I am sorry miss, I saw the light under the door and I was just making sure things were all right."
            "Yes Bea, things are wonderful. It is a pretty dress isn't it"
            "Yes Miss. You will be a princess in it."
            "Thank you Bea."
            "Do you need anything Miss?"
            "No Bea, you go back to bed, tomorrow is going to be a long day and mother will run you raged if you are not will rested."
            "Yes Miss, you need your sleep too, we would not want you falling asleep at your own wedding."
            "I won't Bea, I am too excited."
            "Yes Miss, good night Miss. The future Mrs. Nicholas Danford."

            The sound of her new name sent a thrill up her spine. She walked back to her bed and fell asleep till Bea woke up for good. The James house buzzed starting at sunrise. Mrs. James made sure everyone ate a full breakfast especially Kathryn. She was not going to have Kathryn gouge on food at the luncheon making her look wild beast on the biggest day of her life. Kathryn was then tugged into a corset. Kathryn could tell Bea was ordered to pull the strings extra tight, she could also tell that these orders made Bea uncomfortable as Kathryn winced. She took her last deep breath of the day and told Bea as happily as she could that it was all right. She tried to laugh it off that beauty was pain.

            The church was done to the tops filled with the fragrance of yellow and orange color trumpet lilies that made the air smell sweet for miles around and were the perfect color for autumn. Mrs. James thought lilies would be fragrant but Kathryn wanted lilies more than anything. They were no in season anymore, so they had to be specially grown for the occasion. No expense was spared and Kathryn used the fact that her mother wanted to prove to all of Boston that her daughter was worthy of the Danford name as leverage to get any lavish touch she wanted. Though the church was filled with yellow and orange lilies Kathryn just carried a simple bouquet of white roses that were the same shade of the cream that match her dress.

To read more of the story click here

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Turning over a new leaf

For the last year I have been going working full time as Membership Processor for a gym in Boston and I have also been going to school part time. While I have enjoyed the job it is not in the field I want to be in and it has been exhausting juggling both school and work. But tomorrow will be my last day as a full time worker as I prepare to be a full time student.

I know I will still be busy being a full time student and a part time worker but I am so excited to be in school full time. I am working on getting my dual masters in both Library Science and History in hopes to be a Historical Archivist. It is a 54 credit program and so far I have completerd 17 credits and if I keep going full time I will be done with classes in about 2 years. I like saying "in about 2 years" then saying "I don't know" when people ask me how much longer I will be in school.

Found at College Financial Aid

Monday, December 5, 2011

Study Break

Hey guys,
While I have some down time I just wanted to inform you I will be taking the next few days off as I finish everything off for the end of the semester but please don't worry when I come back I will have plenty to write about. (I have so many ideas.) I have also written a lot last week so if you are not caught is some wonderful time to do so.

Yes my desk does look a little like this.

Probably what I look like when I am searching through the
Library Congress Subject Headings.
(Really big books)

 More big books.

Can't wait till winter break when I can read and write for fun.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Pre-Weekend Post

Hello readers,

Usually I write about my weekends on Monday but I am starting this weekend with a pre-weekend post.

As you guys have probably gathered I have been captivated by the mini series Downton Abbey (I know a little late to the game). But I have decided to take my new love of this show and actually use it in class. What, how can this be? No I haven't switched studies to film or creative writing (though both very cool). I have decided when ever I am able to explore more into the Edwardian life style. Even though I love the romantic drama between Mary and Matthew it has been her sister Sybil that actually captures my attention. She is so independent and wants to change the world. (Don't worry I am not revealing anything from the second season).
Lilly Elsie (Edwardian Actress)
Lady Sybil (Downton Abbey)
So in my history class we have to take a secondary source's footnote and track down the primary source to back it up. My topic is going to be Edwardian women... I would really like to explore Edwardian women who do not get married and the up rising professional girls. 

For example why did women take on professions as librarians? As a future librarian and historian I'm really interested in how that became a woman's job (though I do have male class mates). Just a curiosity of how it is now primarily women. 
The Music Man
These are just some thoughts but I do hope to explore them more.... I mean after all one day I will have to write another thesis. Woo hoo!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The ABC's of Me

I thought I would end this week on a more positive light hearted note. Copied from Desirous of Everything
Found at Pintrest
A. Age: 25
B. Bed size: Single
C. Chores: Scooping my cat's litter box (fun right).
D. Dogs: I had a few dogs growing up but I have had malteses (little white balls of fluff), a silky terrier and a Lhasa Apso but now I have a cat but would one day love a King Charles Spaniel
E. Essential start to your day: Coffee and mascara
F. Favorite color: Pink, then blue and then maybe purple tied with green
G. Gold or Silver: Silver
H. Height: I am not sure 5'6" to 5'8"
I. Instruments you play: Nothing... tried the piano and viola but I am not musical though I do love to sing.
J. Job title: Membership Processor/ Student
K. Kids: Some day (2 hopefully then maybe adoption)
L. Live: Boston!

Found at Pintrest
M. Mother’s name: Lisa
N. Nicknames: BBB (from Dad), Little Bit (from Step-dad), Hiebey, bbhiebsch, Bliz
O. Overnight hospital stays: Well when I born.
P. Pet peeves: A few but sniffling annoys me the most
Q. Quote from a movie: "Now I need not call you Mr. Knightley, I can call you my Mr.Knightley,"- Emma from Emma (with Gwyneth Paltrow)
R. Right or left handed: Right.
S. Siblings: Hunter, Tyler, Laure
T. Time you wake up:  8:30 most days. 10 AM if I had a choice
U. Underwear: Not to bed.
V. Vegetable you hate: Brussel Sprouts
W. What makes you run late: Trying to decide on what to wear.
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Teeth
Y. Yummy food that you make: I like to bake cookies.
Z. Zoo Animal: Koala Bear. Cute and Awkward.