Friday, August 5, 2011

I'm a Blogger

I will say loud and proud I have become a blogger. I love this blog even though I am not sure how many people read it or how many people care about my opinions on maybe silly stuff but I don't care I just like writing this and getting my thought out there and I LOVE when people comment or when some one writes on my facebook wall about my blog or even yesterday a co-worker asked me about the movies I saw because she saw on my blog I wrote about them. I LOVE IT! I think about this blog- like what to say, or what to add to it or what do I want to write about next. I also look forward to my weekends so I can work on my story and post it on my blog. I spend time looking for pictures on Google Image to portray what I am talking about and I love when I find a quote and it inspires a free write. Maybe I am a bit crazy.

So first I want to say thank you to my loyal readers. I want to thank my sister who called me out in March and said I don't write enough and she loyaly follows my blog. I want to thank my Grandpa who reads it and then writes encouraging notes to me on Facebook... my Grandpa is so high tech. I want to thank my co-worker who gave me a shout out at a meeting for being creative. And I want to thank all my supporters who have read or listened to my writing and for supporitng me. I love the support.

You guys really are the reason I keep writing, even if no one reads it.

Second, I want to say I have always wanted to be a writer. I love writing. My mom can attest to how many notebooks I writing probably little stories that never went any where. I had a few poems published in my high school literary magazine, they probably weren't that good but it helped to have friends who worked for the magazine. But I loved seeing my name getting a by line. Writing has just been my oasis when school, work or life just got to hectic I love to pull out a journal and write a story. I have always started writing my stories in notebooks or paper I found I can't sit at a computer and stare at a blank word page and write (I wish sometime I could my hand really cramps up after writing for hours by hand). In my summer class I learned the expression "Desktop Publisher" it came out in the 80's or early 90's when people were getting their own PCs and wrting their own words and distributing just by hitting the print button. I know I am an 80's baby because I can't remember a time not having a computer. My Grandpa brought macs to TCU (if I have the story right) and when they got new computers he would give us an old one. I remember having one computer in my play closet, that was lots of fun and I guess I owe it to my Grandpa for letting me be a desk top publisher. But I guess through my Blog I am a desk top writer because even though I don't know how many people read my blog my writing rather it be a random blog post like this or part of my story (Sisters of Pinehaven, working title) people are reading it and it it is out there for the world to see. One day I would like to be an actual published author with a book on shelf that you can buy at Barnes and Nobles or maybe an independent book store. But until then I will keep writing this blog and hoping you readers will keep reading. THANK YOU!

Lastly, listen to your own thoughts and feelings very carefully, be aware of your observations, and learn to value them. When you're a teenager – and even when you're older – lots of people will try to tell you what to think and feel. Try to stand still inside all of that and hear your own voice. It's yours and only yours, it's unique and worthy of your attention, and if you cultivate it properly, it might just make you a writer. -Jennifer Donnelly

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lost in Cinema (Part 2)

Lost in Cinema (Part 1)

Tonight I saw a good romantic comedy in Crazy Stupid Love if you only see one movie this summer see this one. I know there are lots of blockbuster films out there but seriously see this one. I won't give away the plot but the first thing you learn about the Steve Carrell and Julianne Moore is that she wants a divorce and you have seen this through

commercials that his son gives him advice to fight for his soul mate Emily played by Julianne Moore and that is wonderful advice.

My friend and I discussed that in this day and age people get to divorce to quickly. I have heard enough to know love isn't a feeling its a choice to love every day. As Steve Carrell said "I love you when I hate you" that's choice to love some one even when you don't want to. As we discussed this I remember an article from Elle Magazine called "Till Whatever Do Us Part" from September 2010.
I don't remember many articles I read but I remember Brad Pitt being
quoted on his divorce to Jennifer Anniston saying that couples evolve and grow apart and that the idea of marriage is to last for all time but Rachel Combe wrote (the author) "In fact, that is the essence of marriage-a lifetime commitment. Without that, its just legally sanctioned dating." I loved reading an article that supported marriage and I loved this movie that they fight for love.

But back to the movie besides the married couple that fight for love. There is the young couple of Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone. As a girl I liked seeing Ryan Gosling take off shirt. Emma Stone and him have good chemistry in the beginning and then as they develop they just seem good together. And Ryan Gosling though he is a womanizer at the beginning admits he is a screw up but he tries to better himself to be with her.

Over all great movie lots of comedic moments out side what you see in commercials and sweet moments. I can't wait to own this one.

Lost in Cinema

I am not just about books I also love movies and not just costume dramas though those are my favorite. This weekend I saw 4 new movies (1 in theaters and 3 rented at Blockbuster Express) and I wanted to share my thoughts on them.

The first movie I saw was “Friends with Benefits” when I told people I was going to go see it this weekend they said they heard it was better than “No Strings Attached” I never saw that because it looked kind of lame. But that’s okay Natalie Portman everyone needs a bad movie after such an Oscar worthy movie look at Gwenth Paltrow and that Flight Attendant movie after “Shakespeare in Love”. Any way back to my original thought. First funny side note, I turned 25 this May and I feel like since then I have been carded less and less when I go out to eat and have a drink (which is cool for me) but at the movie theater I get carded to see a rated R movie. Secondly I will say that it was a little awkward for me to sit through a movie that was about sex and it wasn’t just about sex they went into some detail of what the characters do or do not like in bed. So if you don’t like the awkwardness of hearing about sex I wouldn’t watch it. But over all it was a cute/ funny movie that shows how people can’t just hook up with out feelings involved. I would like to insert a big DUH! here. But actually I was pleased with how well Justin Timberlake could act and I liked the parts he was a little bit musical. I also like Mila Kunis character who though she has had heartache and doesn't even know who her father is wants to still have a fairy tale it just needs to be updated (as her mother says). I just wish that they could make romantic comedies with out using the “F” word every few minutes.

This brings me to my next movie another romantic comedy “Letters to Juliet” rated PG. This movie is cute and sweet and a bit corny at times. Its about a girl Amanda Seyfried (from Mama Mia) who goes to Verona with her fiance they go on a pre-honeymoon trip because when they get married he fiance has a restaurant opening that will leave no time for a honeymoon. But you can quickly tell he cares more about the restaurant than his girl (not cool). Amanda plays a fact checker for the New Yorker but really wants to be a writer. She goes to the House of Juliet (found out from the making of the movie there is a Juliet museum made in the 1930s) and women (or so the movie portrays only women) write letters to Juliet seeking help with love, life and other things. Then the Juliet secretaries come get the letters and write back if you have a returned address (this happens in real life... almost makes me want to fly to Verona leave a note just to see what they would say...from a deleted scene I watched the secretaries don’t tell the writers what to do, they advise and then leave the writer with a question). So back to the movie, Sophie (Amanda) get involved with the sectaries and they found a letter that has been hidden for 50 years. The letter is from a woman Claire (Vanessa Redgrave) who didn’t run away with her Italian boyfriend and married the sensible English man and now 50 years later after getting Sophie’s letter Claire, Sophie and Claire’s grand son (Charlie played by Christopher Egan who looks a little bit like Logan Hutzenburger from Gilmore Girls) go looking for Lorenzo Bartolini (Claire’s love). Mean while we know Sophie’s fiance is off in another part of the country at a wine auction, I was thinking why aren’t they together? I won’t give the whole plot away, it was cute romantic comedy that I when I watched the end my heart was a little bit a pater. But I love the corny cute movies. Also the fact that it was shot in Italy was so cool to see the Tuscan country side and the city of Verona, I loved that!

The next movie I watched with my friend, who is anti-romantic movies and with her I watch movies that get me out of my comfort zone of the romantic movies. We watched “Limitless” with Bradley Cooper. Bradley Cooper plays Eddie Morra who is this out of work grungy author who has a book contract but nothing written. Then due to a run in with his ex brother in law who was a drug dealer gets a drug who allows people to use more than the 20% of their brain they use regularly so he writes his book and gets involved in the stock market and makes lots of money. But this drug is so addicting you have to keep taking it or you basically a slug. Also if you don’t take it you can end up in a comma and die. Yeah not good. It is a good almost conspiracy film. The thing I loved most about it was the lighting or cinematography because when ever he was on the drug the colors were so vibrant and when he wasn’t the colors were so grey. Definitely a movie good to watch on an HD tv. The thing I didn't like about it was that at the end it makes it seem its okay to take drugs.

At my friend’s suggestion I also watched the movie “The Brother’s Bloom” (seriously got to love Blockbuster Express) it stars Adrian Broody and Mark Ruffalo (who I love from 13 going on 30) they are brothers who grow up in foster care with multitude of parents and through that really only have each other. Mark Ruffalo the older brother is really the brains but he uses his brother Bloom (Adrian Broody) to set up the con. It seems after every job they pull Adrian Broody wants to get out but can’t because Steve (Ruffalo) is all he has. So there next mark is Rachel Weiz who is the sole inheritor of large multi million dollar estate. She lives by herself and is bored so find these brothers’ exciting and together they pool a big con. I loved that even though it takes place in modern day it has a vintage feel. I mean from America to Europe they take a boat and when they are in Europe they take a train, no planes, I thought hey this movie could be set in 1930s almost and Mark Ruffalo and Adrian Broody play the bad guys you love like the mob movies of the 1930s. And the costuming is so unique. Definitely a movie I would like to own and put in my collection.

My recommendations are for Letters to Juliet for a sweet kind of corny romantic comedy and The Brothers Bloom for an original story and vintage feel movie.

Tonight I am going to see”Crazy Stupid Love” with another friend of mine. I will let you know how it is.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Julia Danford

Emmy loved her cousin Julia Danford. She was the type of cousin any girl would want to have she was the kind of cousin that every girl wanted. She was a year older so she had more worldly experience then Emmy but still loved to escape into the woods and play fantasy. Emmy held these times as her most dear because here she could be herself with out being criticized by her sister or being laughed at her mother for being too young. When Emmy heard Julia was coming back she got together their adventure kit they put together.

At the moment Julia Danford was sitting in the bay window of the front parlor looking down Commonwealth waiting anxiously for Howard Staurt’s new automobile to be in sight. She had waited two days for this sight ever since he wrote promising he was coming into town. Her mother saw the anxious look her carried and noticed the way her daughter was paying no mind to her needle work. And Victoria Danford noticed more and more that since Julia turned seventeen and her debutante ball that had no mind for anything but suitors.

Victoria remembered what it was like to be a young girl and she had suitors but none would do once she met Charles Danford. They were the talk of all Boston being a very handsome couple both in looks and in

prosperity. Victoria looking at her daughter saw much the beauty of herself in Julia and hoped that Julia would on day find the love of her life.

“Julia, why don’t you go for a walk?It is one of the best days we have had all season, some fresh air will do you good.”

“No thank you,” she said dismissing her mother but not really hearing a word she said.

“A man should not for you to being cooped up all day. Show him that you have a life besides him.”

“But Howard told me he would come. He promised me.”

“I know dear.”

“If father wasn’t taking us all to the country for the season I could spend as much time as I liked with Howard Staurt or his brother.”

“His brother?” Victoria asked but Julia hardly heard her.

In Julia’s mind both of the Staurt boys were equally handsome and rich and both would be suitable for

her. Julia looked at herself and know she wouldn’t be any more beautiful than she was right then and she used it to her advantage and took to any caller. All of them gave her some excitement to be admired by a mam. She knew one day she would get married and settled down but for now she saw living freely as completely delightful.

Her mother knowing these thoughts found it good to take her daughter away into the country for the summer. The summer would be crazy season and Victoria felt that if Julia spent the summer in Boston that her reputation would be ruined as an outrageous flirt before she even had the chance to establish herself in good society. A good family name could only carry her so far she thought and worried that no proper man would want Julia if she was known for changing men as often as she changed a dress. Victoria grew up in a society where a woman’s modesty was sought after. A suitor would never come to her home unless they had intentions she only had one suitor before she met the love of her life in Charles Danford. The world had seemed completely to Victoria now with daughter going through one or two suitors a month. To Victoria this seemed no way for her to meet a sensible man who came with the purest intentions. Any man of such standings would think Julia was easily charmed and would be scared to approach her. Victoria had strongly wished they had put off Julia’s presentation into society another year and in that time she would be given proper training in courting behaviors. Victoria had been sent to a school the year before her presentation and when she came out every one agreed that her temper was as sweet as her looks. But Charles blinded by Julia’s sweet smile gave into her wishes.

“Of course Charles didn’t have to deal with the preparations it took to present a daughter and what it meant to have a girl out in society,” Victoria thought “Charles just had to get Nick fitted into a few suits and a tuxedo.”

Now Julia needed ball gowns and she couldn’t be expected to wear the same gown twice. She also need tea dresses for all the functions society now demanded she attend. It also meant Victoria’s social schedule would be dictated by Julia’s outings. Julia always had to have an escort. But the worst part for Victoria was seeing Julia’s behavior to young men. A few days ago her son Nick had called Julia free spirited, if that was free spirited Victoria thought a spirit should be more locked up.

“All Charles had to deal with was signing a check for his daughter’s latest purchases which was followed by glass of scotch and a slight headache,” Victoria thought as she watched Julia stare out the window.

“I don’t understand you,” Charles said a about a week ago “You want Julia to meet a nice man and you

want to take her away to the country.”

“I want her to meet type of man,” Victoria said the husband. “If Julia stays in the city for the season I feel she will ruin herself in society eyes.”

“And what will Pine Haven do? The best society they have is the Melbournes hardly anyone I would allow to court my daughter.”

“I am not looking to match her up. Perhaps delay the process. She is only seventeen years old and I see her losing herself to finding a suitor. Its been weeks since she painted anything and she loves to paint. And all she talks about are boys, she can gossip about them for hours with the her lonely friends.”

“Her friends come from the best families in Boston as you designed.”

“Well they have all changed now that they are in society. Its the oddest thing. But perhaps,” Victoria’s tone changed into a tone Charles knew very well, it was a tone told him Victoria had something up her sleeve. “If Nick comes with us and brings a nice suitable match for Julia and alone in the country they happen to hit it off.”

Charles didn’t pay much attention to his children but knew well enough that Nick had earned quite a reputation for being a man about town. And knew that Nick’s friends were unlikely to be suitable to Julia as they were the same. He brought up this up to Victoria but she dismissed it.

“What about that Foster boy. He would be all right. He has proved himself to be a fine gentleman and he is making his way steadfast through your firm.”

“Indeed but I think our Julia would find him a complete dull.”

“In the country that might change. After all like you said there will be no one around.”

“Doubtful, but we will go and I will invite Ethan Foster tomorrow. But darling I think the only thing Julia will do is moan for society here.”

While Julia initially threw a fit that they were going away, Victoria still hoped a summer away would bring a change in her daughter’s mindset. Now seeing Julia waste her time pining for a man she hardly cared for made her think she had decided wisely.

Eventually Howard did come and Julia was overjoyed. She carried on all evening about his automobile and how she wished she would be staying in Boston so she could take long sunset drives around the city and show it off with him. But her father hardly noticed her ravings and her mother didn’t budge her opinion.

“Oh mother what am I suppose to do all summer knit with Laurel while she goes on for hours about women’s rights and that Cady Stanton woman. Or play those childish games with Emmy who spends most her time imagining adventures that never happen.”

“You used to be joined at the hip with Emmy. You guys had your own little club on top of that rock.”

“Times change. She is a child.”

“She is a year younger. Things do change she might be different.”

“She hasn’t changed. She writes me the stories she makes up and when I share them with my friends they got such a laugh.”

“That is harsh Julia.”

“That is the world we live in. The society you want Nick and I to live in.”

Victoria was happy Charles was not in the room to hear Julia’s harsh words. For it hurt her heart to know that her daughter spoke so cruelly.