Showing posts with label Sisters of Pine Haven. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sisters of Pine Haven. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday Writings

Hello Lovely Readers,

I am happy to have another section of the Sisters of Pine Haven up on the blog. A few weeks ago I told you about going to a writing work shop and how the best advice is just to sit down and write, at least for 15 minutes a day. It is was hard to keep up on this schedule last week but 
Twenty-nine Chestnut Street by its address alone told the world of the old wealth the Dumont family possessed.  A block or two from Louisburg Square where the height of society and wealth lived. It was not a grand home, like the ones new money were building in the Back Bay, it was a quiet and pleasant and no one would really think twice about it except it had a few window panes that were purple. It had been a drastic mistake in the glass factory when they added too much magnesium, at first the purple was hated but then it became a sign of privilege. The house would also be noted for having a side entrance with a little garden before the door when the house was built, the style was more common but new land was scarce and only a few home had gardens of their own. It was a fine home and the Dumonts had kept in their family it in their family for generations.

            As soon as Emmy was inside she was handed a note from the footman.

            "Kathryn writes Laurel, she is excited to us again and invites us to tea when we are settled, should we call her tomorrow."
            "You go, I am sure she is much more wanting to see you besides I had plans to call on my friend Amelia she is still in town in visiting her cousins and buying her wedding clothes, I would like to see her and let her know of my arrival."
            "Oh all right, Aunt Iris she is looking forward to meeting you as well, shall you come?"
            "Of course I would be honored to meet this Miss James."
            "Wonderful, may I send out word immediately," Emmy asked.
            "Any words you have you have you can give it to William, he will see it well," Aunt Iris said.
            "I suppose we should write Aunt Victoria and Julia to let them know we are in town, it seems only right," Emmy said.
            "You write, I think a bit of fresh air will do me good," Laurel said picking up her hat and walking coat
            "Do you know where you are going?" Aunt Iris asked.
            "Just around the Public Garden I will be back shortly, I need to stretch my legs. Do not worry I remember the streets like of the hand."
            "Do come back quickly, I would hate to tell your mother I lost you in one day."
            "Yes I promised."

            Laurel was in and out of the house in ten minutes, much to the surprise of her companions. She usually was so thorough with details, she would have insisted they wrote mother to let her know of their safe arrival and she would have written Aunt Victoria, even though she had no desire to see them she knew it was right and that’s all that mattered in Laurel world. After the post had been sent she would then insist helping with unloading the trunks and making sure the dresses were hung properly. However no she seemed to care for these details.

            She walked down tiny street one of the few that connected Beacon Hill to the outside world and stood at the edge of the common. It was hard to believe that the Boston common was once a grazing area for small farm area such as sheep or a cow because now it was such a lovely park. Laurel pulled out the envelope that came with Ethan's book it was addressed from 126 Marlborough Street. She didn't know if it was the book store in which he found the book, his place of business or his home but she was adamant  to find out. She feared running into him if it was his place of business or his home but she felt worse over excitement she got over the possibility of seeing him. Laurel wouldn't know what to say or feel when he did. She crossed through the commons till she got to the garden, if she had a longer block of time she would have enjoyed the gardens more, but she promised Aunt Iris she would be back quickly. It was so impulsive for to take off like that. She wasn't planning on either but nervous knots had been growing in her stomach the closer and the closer she they got to Boston. In the motor coach she had made up her mind that she would at least walk to the address and whatever happened after that it was in God's hand. She walked quickly then caught herself and slowed her pace down. She did not realize everyone in Boston walked quickly so quickly so walking quickly did not draw attention to herself. In Pine Haven if one walked quickly people would surely pay attention to her and worry a bit. Everyone knew everyone in Pine Haven so people would surely talk, and while both the Danford and Cromwell families were known in Boston no one knew her. She did try to walk at a sociable pace so her cheeks would not be flushed. She would hate to run into him with her face all red.

            After the gardens, the streets in the Back Bay were alphabetical, Arlington, Berkley, and Clarendon, judging based on the address it should be in the next block. Laurel remember this from when she was a girl she thought it was most off how it was alphabetical all the way from A to H but then the next street was Massachusetts Avenue, and after that the streets made no sense. Mother once told her the Back Bay was formally planned but it still never made sense why they would not carry on in alphabetical order, it was much more efficient. Laurel could quickly tell that most of the Back Bay was residential so it lead her to the conclusion that 126 Marlborough Street was his home and what a fine home it was.

            Laurel replayed the conversations she had with Ethan in her head, she knew his mother still loved in Sussex, England where he was born and while he had an aunt in Connecticut she did not remember him ever mentioning her living part of her time in Boston. Without his mother or aunt and no other family here in Boston it made no sense to have a house so big. It wasn't an striking home like the other she had seen in the Back Bay but it was a fine home with three levels of windows and a little bay window on the second level. The house all looked rather pleasant.
            Society would never allow a single girl of any sort to call on a single man when she did not know of any woman in the house. If he had a sister or mother, or an aunt she could call on then even if all she wanted was to see him but a single woman calling on a single man was absolutely forbidden. So she wondered how long she stand across the street from his house without drawing attention. She feared and anticipated the longer she stood the more likely she was to run into him.

            Laurel thought she was standing there almost an hour but it really five minutes, when she saw them, she recognized him immediately but she had no idea who the woman would be. There was only two women that were ever talked about his mother and his aunt. The woman with him was too young to play either of these roles. They laughed a bit, she saw and as soon as she realized he had looked across the street she turned across the street she turned her face and walked steadily back to Aunt Iris'. For the first block she did not care about her pace as she just wanted to get away from it all. By the time she got back to the garden she found the tears too hard to hold back.
To read more click here

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Who Knew...

Hello Lovely Readers,
Kimberly, from Here's What I think about that is featuring 11 questions about you... I found this lots of fun and thought I would spread it on. Hope you enjoy...

1. What is your number 1 goal for next year- Finish my story The Sister's of Pine Haven (even if it is not published) I want to finish a rough draft of it.
2. What is your biggest fear-  My biggest fear is that my deepest desire, of becoming a wife and mother will not come true.

3. What is something you wished others knew about you that may not be obvious till they get to know you- I think when people first meet me they see me as this goody two shoes... I don't mind it but then I think they peg me as one type of person and I like to be pushed out of my comfort zone (sometimes). Most of the time when I am pushed out of my comfort zone, I really enjoy it. 
4. What is your favorite breakfast- Sweet Potato Pancakes. I had them once at the Trident Book Store here in Boston, and they tasted like heaven in my mouth.

5. What is your favorite workout- Walking around Boston. I have found great little places to walk around. I love getting lost in the city and exploring new places I never knew about. Plus her in Boston I have learned when ever the sun is must take advantage of it.

6. Have you ever gone skydiving- No, because I hate falling from high places. I am okay with heights but I hate jumping from heights.

7. Growing up, what did you do that got you in trouble- I don't remember doing anything over and over again that got me in trouble. But I do remember one of my worst/best punishments. I was about twelve and I was playing with my dad's lab top, something happened and the screen went blank. I lied to my dad three times about not playing with it. When he caught me in my lie, I was sent to my room where I could twiddle my thumbs or read my bible. I decided to read my bible, and through reading scripture, I felt so guilty about my actions I prayed to become a Christian that day.

8. What story about you does your family like to tell and retell- I can't think of any story my family tells over and over again.

9. What was the last TV show, book or movie that made you cry (or made you feel really emotional)-it is not hard to  make me cry, but Downton Abbey.

10. What is your favorite time of year- My favorite time of the year is tied between Christmas and my birthday (not because of the gifts). Christmas because I know I will go home and all my family will be there. I have so many fond memories of Christmas growing up and going to my Mema and Grangran's house, and spending the whole day with my family... it was my best gift. My birthday because I get my a big groups of my friends together and it is just fun to celebrate. 
My friend and I doing Karaoke 

11. What is your favorite song at the moment- Kimberly did a video and I liked that idea, so here it it. Fun - the Gambler 

Hope you enjoyed!

Friday, March 30, 2012

A new start, a new hope

In my writing workshop I went to on Wednesday night was really good. The instructor said the best advice he could give is just to sit down and write every day even if it was just for fifteen minutes. On Thursday, my day off, I am pleased to say I got done more than fifteen minutes. It is good advice to any writer, just keep writing... it doesn't matter if it is good or not but it is always important to touch pen to paper. 

It did not take long for Iris to find Emmy, she remembered that when Emmy was a child she would always run into the library and pull herself into a corner and hide a way only to come out when she thought no one was looking for her. That is where Iris found Emmy tucked away in the space between the shelves and space between the shelves and the wall. Only now she was bigger and her dresses were bigger too. Iris heard her little whimper when she came into the library and started the game she always played with Emmy when she was younger.
            "I don't see Miss Emmy, she must not be here. Oh wait what was that a bird chirping or a little girl crying."
            "You know I am in here Aunt Iris, I am not a child any more those games won't work on me."
            "I know you are not a child anymore, I just cannot see you going through so much pain I thought I would one of our old games would cheer you up."
            "Cheer me up from forgetting the one man I loved has left me."
            "No, of course not. I have only loved one man, so I can't understand what you are going through but from what I understand about love if it is true it won't ever go away."
            At that Emmy threw herself on Aunt Iris. Iris caught her in a hug and was able to guide her over to the sofa where she could have Emmy's head resting on her lap. Iris did not try to hush her but let her cry until she was all out of tears all the while going back and forth between stroking her hair and patting her back. When Emmy had stopped crying Iris spoke very softly to her.
            "There, there my little Emmy. No matter what happened I am her for you. I have loved you all your life and I will never leave you. I think you and Laurel should come to Boston, it may not cheer you up however it will get you out of this house where everything reminds you of him. Plus with your cousin, Nicholas, marrying Caleb's
 sister I am sure he will be at the wedding and you two can be reunited. Whatever silliness came over him, I am sure your charm you can knock it out."
            "Oh Aunt, do you really think so, Do you really want Laurel and I to come to Boston."
            "I came to Pine Haven with no other desire in mind. My house is so lonely without my Cromwell girls running in and out and now you being out in society I can show you off properly."

To Read more click here

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Late in February, I wrote about how I was having a mental block, I felt in my story I had written myself into a corner and I didn't know how to back myself out of the corner.

It is hard to explain but I had to go back to the part of the story where it made sense and begin again. I guess some times writing a novel is like going through a maze. When I am writing a story I like to lay out the main points of the plot in my head but most of the time the actions of the characters take the writing places I never suspected. While this is an awesome time to explore sometimes my characters get lost and as a writer I have to put them on the right path. I like writing to explore these different paths sometimes it gets frustrating when you get so lost you don't know how to find your way. As an writer when that happens I have to put down my story again and wait for inspiration to hit me again.
With out further ado here is a part of my re-write "They all Cleared out" in "A Lonely, Empty house"....

            With in a week the house was cleared out of all its guest. No one was overly sad to leave, or gushed over the parting. They didn't praise their hostess with thanks for a wonderful or unforgettable summer, in fact most of the group wish to put the whole season behind them. So they said their goodbyes in a very orderly fashion. Julia pretended could not wait to see her cousins again and she pretended to wish them well but it was all a façade. Her heart was over joyed to leave and get ready for Mrs. Crane's ball and thought of the gown she have to order when they arrived back home. Victoria kissed her nieces goodbye and gave a tight hug to Emmy telling her everything would be alright but she didn't gush or show any deep emotion. Emmy really didn't really care to show any emotion. Emmy really didn't care to show any emotion. She had hated that the society's standards required her to stand out there and see her visitors off, she would rather be by her creek. Laurel felt much the same as Emmy and was relieved when their guest were in the motor coach and out of their lives. The girls did not even wait for the coach to be through the gate.
            Fiona took a deep breath once the coach was out of sight. She turned back and looked at her house. Without the guest she could focus on her family again. A task that seemed too big for her to handle on her own. Her mother's health was decreasing by the day, she was now being confined to her room and if she could make her room and if she could make an appearance it was only to the upstairs parlor and only for a few minutes. Laurel served her grandmother diligently but had hardly spoken two words together to any one since the night that she revealed her heartache. Those word's she  said that night rang through Fiona's head over and over again. Emmy had hardly done anything since Caleb left except for become a shell of her former self. Emmy would go to the creek, a place that used to be a source of delight was now the place she mourned. She would spend most of the day but the creek come back with red swollen eyes sit at the dinner table saying nothing and she barely touch her food. Miss Pembers the loyal house keeper, asked that they only serve Miss Emmy's favorites in order to entice her to eat but nothing worked. Fiona could tell that Emmy was not getting over Caleb and it was only growing worse Fiona wished she knew what to say of what to do to comfort her daughter but nothing came to mind. She only knew she could not carry this burden alone. Whenever she had a burden she turned to her dear friend Iris.
            Iris Dumont and her had been friends since their school days and she always had a way of making things better than they appeared. Her father owned a nice shop that provided enough of a fortune to put Iris in the best schools, and gave some money to her name. Iris had met Alfred Dumont, the man Mrs. Cromwell had hoped would marry Fiona, at Fiona's debutant ball and was he was delighted in her delicate soft look and meek manners. After Fiona and Jefferson were firmly settled Alfred called upon Iris frequently enough that talk spread all over Boston and within six months they were engaged and another six month passed before they were married. Iris had gone from a shop girl to a woman of society. Through all this Fiona and Iris stayed very close friends after Jefferson passed away Iris took in the Cromwell girls. There would be days that Fiona could not get out of bed and Iris was there to care for them as if she was their own mother. Everyone thought it was sad that Iris had such a maternal instinct but could have no children of her own so she made the Cromwell girls her own. And to Iris there was no more important people than the Cromwell girls. When she read Fiona's letter of Laurel and Emmy's heart ache her heart pounded in pain. She wrote quickly to Fiona saying that she would be there with in a fortnight.
That is exactly where Laurel was. Earlier that afternoon before Iris had come Laurel had received a small parcel. She didn't want anyone to fuss over it so she took it out to the gardens before anyone noticed. She could tell instantly it was from Ethan Foster, the hand writing matched a little not he had written her before he left. Inside the parcel was a little note that stated "Miss Cromwell, I saw this in a shop the other day and thought you would enjoy." It was a little pocket book of wild flower drawings but on the front cover was the inscription "your true friend, may you never forget. -E. Foster." She read it and pressed it against her heart. Until Aunt Iris found her out in the garden she was looking through all the pages going through all the pages going back to look the inscription then would hold it to her heart again.
            "There you are," Aunt Iris interrupted Laurel's train of thought.
            "Aunt Iris, I had not realized you had arrived yet. I would have been there to greet you."
            "Your mother and I had some things to discuss."
            "You are taking Emmy and I to Boston."
            "I am not taking you, I am inviting you to Boston. You are both growing up young ladies in need of seeing beyond the world of Pine Haven. You both should have a little diversion, a little culture and some new people to charm."
            "How civilized you make it all sound."
            "It is civilized, Boston is a splendid city with lots to do and see and some of the finest society on the east coast."
            "I know what mother intends."
            "She only wants your best. She is heartbroken over what has happened here this summer with you and Emmy. She thinks Boston will be good for you and I agree. But you think it over and let me know by the end of my visit."
            "I have already agreed to go."
            "I know, but I want you to come with me, I will not force you. You are graceful and eloquent with a perfect skill in etiquette but do not mask your pain from me. I have known you since you were a little baby, and I know a great deal of the burden you carry but do not forget to listen to your heart Laurel. Dinner is ready, come in when you want, we are going rather casual having dinner in the upstairs parlor, your mother did not want to make a big fuss."
          Though Aunt Iris told her to come in when she was ready she knew the tone meant come in now. It was the same tone that Fiona used when she told her something she did not want to do. Laurel tucked the book in her little drawstring purse, and followed Aunt Iris inside.

To read more click here  

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mental Block

Hello Lovely Readers and writers,

I have gotten to a part in my story where I have hit a mental block. The part below is my post "They all clear out" on my blog Sisters of Pine Haven however I can't figure out where to go from there. I can't think if I should change the text or what? 

If you are a writer, you know the aggravation of having a mental block. Having a mental block is part of the journey of writing, I know that, but if you have any suggestions to help a mental block. Please let me know. 


After another week Kathryn announced that Mrs. James had written, she had come down with a summer flu and requested Kathryn come and care for her. Kathryn knew immediately that she and Brandon must go to Connecticut to care for her ailing mother. Brandon eventually agreed to attend with her but initially he wanted to stay to see if he could be of help to Emmy but as time went on he realized Emmy hardly recognize any one being in the room. He could that even if he stayed he would be of no use, so he promised to escort Kathryn to her mother's home but he said he could not stay there too long as he had to return to Boston. Kathryn was sweet and understood that he wanted to get right to work. Nicholas however was willing to attend Kathryn Connecticut and to stay with her till Mrs. James was well and Kathryn could return to Boston.

            "Why do they get to leave and I am stuck here?" Julia moaned to Victoria.
            " Kathryn and Nicholas are leaving to care for Mrs. James."
            "Mother, besides Mrs. Taylor's ball and the Melbourne picnic I have attended nothing. At Mrs. Taylor's ball everyone paid attention to Emmy and at Mrs. Melbourne's picnic the only reason I got attention was because Emmy looked two days away from death. And we must admit mother no one here would make a very good match for me. Please mother do not let me miss Mrs. Crane's ball in New Port, it is the best ball of the season and all of society is there, it is a disgrace not to show."
            "All right."
            "Really?" Julia squealed.
            "Yes, I thought this summer away from society would make you enjoy other things besides following society's ways."
            "Oh mother that is my life, that is how you raised me and the Crane's are not just society they are the best of the best and being invited to their ball is the crème de la crème."
            "Yes I know, it s quite thrilling you got an invite."
            "Well I didn't but you know Howard Stuart did and he asked me to attend with him."
            "He wrote you?"
            "Yes. He has been writing me all summer. I guess a summer has made him miss me."
            "Has he made any attentions towards you?"
            "Not yet but I am sure he will once he see me."
            "Is that what you want to do, marry Howard Stuart?"
            "Maybe, I am only eighteen, I haven't decided."
            That wasn't true he wanted to Caleb James but since he seemed to care little for her, she the best line of action was to move on.  She knew the Stuart family was from good breeding and they were wealthy enough to be of good standing.

            "All right, I will write to Branson and tell him to get our home down there ready. I doubt father will be able to come so we won't be able to host anything but compared the Crane's home to our home will be no place to host."
            "Thank you mother," Julia gave her a kiss on the cheek.
            "But be careful Julia things you do today, you could regret them tomorrow."

            Julia barely heard her mother, she was too happy to accept an invitation to an Crane ball and happy to finally be leaving Pine Haven. She had not been able to stand watching Emmy and Caleb becoming close but watching Emmy morn him was mind dulling. Emmy should have known Caleb could not have loved her, so why did she attach herself so strongly to him. Julia thought this was a sign of Emmy's complete disadvantage in society at large. 

So in a matter of a week Danford Hall was emptied out. Fiona took a breath as she watched her brother and sister-in-law leave the drive and was happy that with the house being empty so she could focus again on her own children. Laurel had hardly spoken two words to her since the night she revealed her broken heart. Emmy had also hardly spoken but for other reasons; so the only one who spoke to her was Gloria. Mrs. Danford's health was still poor so Fiona could not go to anyone for comfort and she felt incredibly alone. The only thing she could think to do was write her good friend Iris Dumont.
            In her letter she laid all that had happened over the last few months and all the heart ache she felt and the loom that hung over Danford hall like a very heavy cloud. She begged Iris to come visit and take Laurel and Emmy back to Boston. She thought if they could get to Boston the new city would distract and perhaps take the pain away. Fiona hoped though she did not mention in it her letter they could perhaps meet other men that would fill the holes that were left the summer. Iris Dumont was fast to respond to her letter with a sincere hope to be in Pine Haven by the end of a fortnight. Fiona was deeply relieved by Iris' quick response and quicker action. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Story time Saturday

I love this blog but I have been thinking that I haven't had that much time to write my story... and that's not really the case. I have time to write this blog, my post from Thursday took more than an hour. If I took that time and wrote my story at least once a week I would write a lot more.

It might take awhile because like I said it in my Hand and Handwriting post I write things by hand then type it up. But I want to write more and share my story more. Everything is in it's first draft form so please give me advise or corrections, thanks! 

Last time in Pine Haven... (Click here to read more)

What was to happen later Emmy would know nothing about till months later. That night after dinner Julia watched Caleb escape into the library alone. Ever since the ball Caleb and Emmy had been inseparable. Julia even over heard Laurel getting made at Emmy for them sneaking off into the gardens alone before breakfast. To Julia it now seemed as if nothing would come between Emmy and Caleb and that vexed Julia more than anything to see her penniless cousin making such a good match, a match she had wanted. Julia knew the only thing she could do was throw herself at Caleb and she would suffer whatever consequence mother would throw at her. 
  "You don't know. You're love didn't tell you. The Cromwell girls are penniless. They have been since the day my aunt married a Mr. Jefferson Cromwell. He was going to be a lawyer but his father's publishing business needed help but it just tanked. He left his girls ruined being nothing but a charity case that my Grandmother and father have been covering up for the last eight years. Their only hope is a well marriage, everyone thought it was Laurel's burden to carry but when you started showing attention to Emmy, they all started whispering that you could be the one to relieve them from their rotten fate."

            "I think you have said too much," he had a mix tone of coldness and disappointed.

            "It is true all of it."

            "Well rest assure Miss Danford. I am not in love with Miss Emmy, I am not in love with any one," now he sounded a little sad.

And now...

After that Caleb seemed distant and with any warning he left by the end of the week. Julia cared little that in doing what she did she broke off her cousin's chances of happiness. No one knew the facts, not even his lovely sister but Caleb James was not the big successful business but a few months ago it had gone sour and Caleb had sadly never learned how to manage his money properly. He still had his livings of the Upper East side, a few good suits, and a loyal butler who kept up the appearance that everything was fine but things were not well. Caleb was desperate for money. When he came to Danford Hall he thought he could marry one of the girls, out in this country side no one knew of his disaster. At first he believed Laurel was would be the one after his heart but she seemed cold to him the minute he walked in the door. But the middle daughter, Emmy, was full of spirit, and much more of a delight to be around than any one he had ever met. She was young that was true but with that youth she had not been taught to be a proper woman, the women Caleb usually found to be a bore. But she also had a great love of books and could keep up with him in intellectual conversations and the outer improvements Kathryn had helped with were just an extra addition. He found it to be a perfect match, she being related to the Danford family he was certain she had wealth at least enough to keep him in the life style he was comfortable in. But then to learn she was penniless not even to have a dowry. He could not marry her and live a penniless existence so he left. He was not blind he could ell Emmy favored him and found it best to leave her and not lead her on.

            Though Caleb was not blind to Emmy's feeling he was blind in many other ways. Everyone saw the fondness Emmy and Caleb had for each other and most of the house believed this fondness would lead to an engagement. Even Brandon, who knew Caleb's short attention span believed Caleb had finally found a girl who had tamed him, a girl who had at last made him want to settle down. And when Caleb took off before breakfast with only two lines to explain his actions it was Brandon who saw a crushed Emmy. After Caleb left Emmy was a changed girl. She sort of sulked around the house and she barely had an appetite. While she pretended to be all right it didn't take long for appearance to show the truth. Her eyes were red from crying and she hardly kept her hair in a perfect up do as she had been doing and her skin was pale from the heart ache she felt. She also barely made an appearance during the day until when Grandmother's rules dictated that she be present.

            "Oh Mrs. Cromwell, I do wish I could something to cheer up Miss Emmy's spirit," Kathryn said nearly a week after Caleb had been gone.
            "It is her first real heart break I don't think anything could cheer up her spirits."
            "Stupid Caleb for leaving so abruptly if only he had given a proper goodbye or waited out the season maybe then-"
            "I do not even think that would help Miss James. Emmy knew he was only here for a short time but the time he was her changed her world," Fiona looked over her daughter who had sunk down deep in her chair. "That is what first loves do no matter how long they last."
            " Well if Caleb loves Emmy half as much as she seems to love him then I am sure no distance could separate them. I believe he will go clear up whatever problem has hit and be back in her arms," Kathryn said the words and wanted to believe them more than she actually did.

            Perhaps they could reconcile in Boston Kathryn thought to herself, both Laurel and Emmy would be generously invited to the wedding. They are Nicholas' cousins and it would only make sense to have them at the wedding especially since Emmy has become a particular friend of mine, Kathryn thought. Yes that will be perfect, everyone knows weddings are a good place to meet your future mate or re-meet as the case may be.

Kathryn shared her thinking first with Nicholas, he did not seem enthused by the idea. He said that the Cromwell girls hardly traveled and were unlikely to travel for such a short time. But Kathryn casted off his negativity for he was a man who hardly thought of romantic ideals. So he kissed her forehead and told her he was happy doing anything that made her happy. Victoria agreed with Kathryn in stating they would of course be invited to the wedding but also agreed with Nicholas that the Cromwell girls probably wouldn't come. Kathryn did not think this to be true, of course they would come. Emmy would leap at the chance to see Caleb again. Everyone in the household except Julia believed Emmy and Caleb belonged together. A wedding would be perfect place to rekindle a love, everyone is more, so it was settled in Kathryn's mind.

            "Boston?! Really?" Emmy cheered up, it was the first sign of happiness since Caleb had left two weeks ago.
            "Of course you have to see Nicholas and I get married, we will be cousins."
            "It sounds too good to be true."
            "Well your mother still has to approve."
            "Oh she will! She wanted to send us to Boston to stay with Aunt Iris?"
            "Another sister?"
            "No Aunt Iris mother's dearest friends. She cared for us when father passed away. Her husband is Alfred Dumont."
            "Do you know them?"
            "By status only. They are just slightly above my social range and I have never met one of their children."
            "They don't have any. Aunt Iris is always so kind to look at us Cromwell girls like her own daughters but believe me they rather have a son to pass on their estate to."
            "Well with your mother's approval it seems like all we have to do is pack up your trunks, you are always welcomed to Boston."
            "No we have to continue Laurel. she does not seem so thrilled with the idea of going to Boston and mother would not let me travel to Boston."
            "Well how hard would it be to convince Laurel?"
            "Pretty hard mother mentioned us going to Boston the night of the Taylor ball and she absolutely refused." 
            "Do no not worry I will think of a plan. I will make sure you get to Boston."

            Emmy was so over joyed she threw her arms around Kathryn's neck.

            "Oh Miss James you are too good to me."
            "Thank you Miss Emmy."

Click here to read more

Monday, January 23, 2012

Blogging goals

I started this blog earlier January but I never posted it because I realized it sounded like I was whining.  

I am a small time blogger but sometimes I wish I was a big blogger, it might be vanity. I first started this blog thinking I would just share my creative writing the story I was working on at that time. But soon I realized I wasn't writing a lot. Then last spring this this blog just became about my life with inserts of my story. But I guess in someways I thought one day this blog would be explosively big. My dream was a blog like the one Julie Powell had in the movie Julie and Julia.

But I am still a small time blogger dreaming of one day being a big blogger with 100s of followers and lots readers. Right now I sit at 18 followers and a small little Facebook page where I post everything I write. So though small I try to have a presence on the social media front. 

But who wants to read a blog of some one just whining. I have read lots of lots of bloggers I follow that give hints on how to grow them my favorite come from one of my favorite bloggers Desirous of Everything in her post What I have learned about blogging this year so far. Maybe I like it so much because she mentions my blog. But was reading her blog that I was inspired to put my blog under construction in August to boost its appearance. But I also found a new blogger I like A Law Student's Journey.  She blogs a lot about crafts. While I am not a crafter (but if you are... I really recommend it). But she has a post called Tips to Grow your Blog. I feel in some ways I want my blog to grow but I also want it to be a place where I stick to my statement on top. 

I am the kind of person that believes in love, believes in sappiness, believes that God has a grand plan for it all, and I am enjoying the journey of figuring it out.

But there are more things I would like to do...

1. Include more music. In my post Music of my life  I said "I like music but I am not a music expert. I can not play a note of music because I never learned how to read music and I can't sing but that doesn't stop me from singing in my shower or at church. I also can't tell the difference between a melody and harmony. But I still love music all kind of music too.." So to be true to my music loving self I am going to post more songs. I will post them near the top of my post so you can listen to them as you read

Here is one of my new favorites...
Love is Waiting- Brooke Fraser

2. I will try to take more photos of my life. While I do love pinterest and will continue to use it. I want to take more of my own pics to share with you my lovely readers. Of course I only have the camera on my phone... I will try to take more pictures to share my life. 
Like this picture, I took at my Dad and Step-mom's house, 
it inspired my post In want of Womanhood 
and part of my story A Blooming Flower

I am setting those two goals now and when I think of others I will share with you.

Things that will continue...

1. I will post about my story. I started this blog primarily to show off the story I was writing. But now it has turned into a blog about my life, faith, and dreams. But one of my major dreams in life is to be an author so I will of course be posting more about my story. If you want to read it in it's entirety (up to date) I have set up a blog just for my story you can find it here. Of course on the right hand side are all the links to it. 

2. I will write about my life. Rather it be about my faith, my love for Jane Austen, Downton Abbey, Gilmore girls or books. It might also be about what events/struggles are going on in my life. I have loved people reading these and either making comments/suggestions or giving me virtual hugs. I have always used this blog as kind of a diary and I will continue to do so.

3. I will keep celebrating my little and big triumphs like when I reached 100 post or 100 followers. Or when I write pages in my story. Or when I finish a semester in school, or when I finally school (that will be a big triumph).

 Hope you enjoy the journey too.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Winter Break... Part 3

My winter break is about to come to an end. 
Here is a song to end my winter break on.
Winter Song by Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson

I start back to school on Tuesday. It is weird in a good way to be going back to school. I know I have only had a month off but in some ways it feels like it has been longer. I mean I went home for Christmas for a week and got some down time but I also got to see a lot of family. I loved my down time, there was one day I was sitting on the sofa with my lab top in my lap and I was working on my story but I was still in my pajamas and my dad asked me if I was okay. Yeah I was great I wasn't thinking about school or work, I was just having a care free day (it was wonderful). But since coming back to Boston I feel like I have had another month to adjust to real life. 

In the month I have had off I have done...

1. A lot of reading...I finished off North and South (a book it took me all semester to read), A Jane Austen Education and started reading The American Heiress.

2. I have written a lot. I started the winter break with only 9 blog post on my blog Sisters of Pine Haven I am now up to 17 blog post. In other words that comes to 66 pages and 28,000+ words. It is not quite the 50,000 words that people had to write for National Novel Writing Month. I know that was in November but I wanted to see how many words I could write in my month off. Oh well maybe one day I will finish the novel. 

3. I have spent lots of time with my friends. My friend had a great New Years Eve party, where I felt I danced all night. I am not a good dancer but I do love to dance around. One of my best friends and I have hung out a lot rather watching the Golden globes, episodes of Downton Abbey or going to to go see the movie The Artist. 

The movie The Artist owes a blog post of its own it was so good. I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did but I loved it a lot. If you don't know anything about it, it is all silent (minus a few parts) and black and white. But the plot takes place during the end of the 1920s when the film industry switches from silent films to talkies. The main guy, George Valentine, is a big silent film star doesn't embrace the idea of talkies. 
Of course when I left the film I wanted to see Singing in the Rain, Jean Dujardin, has a very Gene Kelly way about him. I was so happy when The Artist won so many Golden Globes and I wish the movie well in the Oscars. 

4. I also spent way too much time on social media from Facebook, my blog, to YouTube (mostly looking up Downton Abbey videos), and Pinterest getting lots of great pictures that really helped inspire my story. 

5. Most importantly I have left my full time job in order to be a full time student. It is weird to leave a job I have had for a year and a half. It was not in a career I wanted to pursue long term but I did make it a part of me, I guess that is natural to make something you do every day a part of you. But I didn't realize how much it was a part of me until I left.

Over all it has been a good break...nothing too big but lots of time to relax and great time with friends. I loved having dinner on a random Tuesday night at the Cheese Cake Factory. That is probably my favorite thing about breaks having my nights free to do what I wanted. 
Have a nice weekend. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Secrets Revealed

The days following the ball there was a shift in the household. People came to Danford Hall to call on the family and when Kathryn made her calls she invited Emmy to come with her not Julia. Emmy found most of the visits to be mind dulling and repetitive. She heard the same news, the same gossip or reports from each of the women they called on. The only calls Emmy found interesting were the ones Kathryn did for the church, it was these calls Kathryn and Emmy would visit the poor or the invalid. Here Emmy felt useful and the conversation were not mindlessly repetitive. But nothing replaced the pleasure Emmy gained from her quiet times in the woods.
            Emmy had tried to be more lady like but the woods still called to her so she would slip out before the house rose and then be back at breakfast with every hair in the right place and dressed without a spot of dirt. She thought no one was the wiser but little did she know one morning Caleb James woke up from the restless night and watched Emmy creep out into the woods. 
            "Hello Miss Emmy," Caleb called up to Emmy who was sitting on the lowest branch of the tree she always hid in.
            ”How did you know I was here?"
            "I saw you sneak out yesterday and today I followed you."
            "Oh Mr. James please don't tell the household."
            "Why not?"
            "I would be mortified if they found out."
            "Yes so you must not tell them."
            "Why don't you come down so we can go for a walk or at least not yell and perhaps wake the house."
            "All right I'll come down."
            When Emmy was down from the tree Caleb asked. "Now what were you doing in that tree? and why can't I tell anyone?"
            "I am sorry Mr. James I guess I still have childish ways in me."
            "You need not apologize to me. I think that is endearing."
            "Thank you Mr. James but I don't think your sister or my sister would agree."
            "Why do you say that?"
            "Both of them want me to grow up or at last act more grown up.  I think they would see it as childish to climb trees or wade in creeks and get all muddy."
            "Well then Miss. Emmy it will be our little secret."
            "Thank you."
            "Now Miss Emmy, we should probably get back before anyone notices. I would hate to ruin your reputation by having you seen a lone with a man."
            "But we have walked alone before."
            "You had not been presented yet, now you have countless men seeking after your hand."
            "You are kind Mr. James but I doubt I will have countless men seeking after my hand."
            "You had a line of men wanting to dance with you."
            "Yes but that was one night, I can hardly believe any of them will turn into a suitor."
            Emmy couldn't tell him they were penniless so thought of something quick. "Mother, would not allow me to anyone till Laurel was married or at least engaged."
            "That is very traditional."
            "My mother is very traditional. We had all hoped she would be engaged soon but we have heard nothing from Mr. Foster since he left," she didn't mean to say the name but it slipped."
            "Mr. Foster?"
            "Oh Mr. James, you cannot tell anyone I said the name. Laurel would slaughter me for speaking about it."
            "Two secrets in one day," Caleb smiled. "But Mr. Foster? A Mr. Ethan Foster?"
            "Yes. Do you know him?"
            "By name only. But I cannot believe he would propose to your sister."
            "Why not?" Emmy said in an angry huff.
            "Well the Mr. Foster I know, and it could be a different Mr. Foster is already engaged."

To read more click here

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Quick update

My blog Sisters of Pine Haven  is up to date on every thing I have written thus far. With school starting soon it might take me a while to get more up there so if you have time to catch up the story. Click here to read it.

Hope you enjoy.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Ball

 The instruments announced the first dance was about to begin and Nicholas was soon at Kathryn's side to have the first dance. Kathryn saw Emmy dancing with Caleb and Julia dancing with a man she had not been introduced to. When she asked Nicholas if knew the man, he reported it was Mr. John Melbourne. A good man but rather a bore, "poor Julia," he laughed. After a few minutes of dancing Kathryn saw Brandon taking the dance floor with Laurel. No one in Kathryn's acquaints looked particularly happy with their partner minus Emmy and Caleb. After the first dance Emmy was asked to dance by Patrick Castellan, a boy Emmy used to have a crush on but he paid no attention to her until tonight. But after that was the waltz and Brandon James was quick to arrive at her side before any other caller could arrive.
            "Hello Mr. James."
            "Hello Miss Emmy, have you still kept this dance free for me?"
            "I have indeed."
            "I am glad, it seems like everyman here wants your attention."
            "It is amazing what a new dress and some hair styling has done." Emmy had been proper all night but since Brandon had proved himself such a dear friend she felt quite at ease. "No one in this town noticed me before tonight and now thanks to your sister everyone is whispering about me. It feels nice."
            "My sister should not take the credit or your beauty."
            "But she should."
            "Why your beauty already existed."
            "Mr. James, please don't go complimenting me. All night I have listened to false compliments and it has been such a bore do not ruin my night completely."
            "I was not giving you any false compliments."
            Emmy was embarrassed then by her inconsiderate words. "Oh Mr. James I am sorry. Until tonight I was invisible, no one noticed me, at least not for my looks, and now I am not sure how to handle it all. I guess I assumed everyone was being false to me."
            "Even if they were, I would never be false to you. If you think that, then we clearly are not friends."
            "Mr. James do not say that; can we not begin again? I promise this time I will take your compliment and be thankful."
            "Perhaps you are right Miss Emmy I was being too forthright and I could see how could sound false."
            "No Mr. James I was wrong, and now I have ruined this whole dance for us and the waltz is my favorite dance."
            "It was not ruined for me Miss Emmy," he smiled at her.

For more click here