Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What do you like to do?

Yes I am still here, just haven't really had the energy to have creative writing time (grad-school) but I did want to post something.
When I am not in school or work I have tried really hard this semester to hang out with friends. So a couple of Thursdays ago I went over to my friend's house as she was having a house warming party. And I struck up conversation with one of her new roommates. We went through the typical first questions, like what do you do? and then he asked me what do you do when your not in grad-school? I couldn't think. I feel like my life revolves around grad school. So I said something stupid I said "I watch movies." I think I said because watching movies takes like no mental energy and I use it as a total escapism from everything. For some reason that stupid answer has been playing over and over in my mind... I really over think things.

So to answer it correctly, and more interestingly I am writing this post. So what do I do when I am not in school and I am not working (excluding homework)

1. Hang out with my friends, I love all my friendships and they have blessed me so much. And yes we do watch movies.
I loved that show

2. I am also trying to read "North and South", people think I am crazy to do any fun reading but I feel I have to or I will collapse. Plus I have seen the mini series so I know what going to happen.

3. I also volunteer with my church helping coordinate the services and I help in the nursery. I love working with the babies. Holding babies actually makes me very calm and I love seeing them as they grow up into toddlers experiencing the world and full of questions and imagination.

4. I still try to write, rather it be this blog or still working on my story but sometimes my mental energy is gone and I can't think of good things to say.

5. And I love taking naps, I don't think as a kid I understood the beauty of naps but now I love them and look forward to naps.

So I guess this is what I do when I am not at school or thinking about school, or at work or doing homework. Okay I feel better not having a stupid answer out there in the universe.

I have learned one thing this semester know what you love and cling to it because it's what we love that keeps us sane.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Thought for Thursday

This post was inspired by a conversation I had with my roommate last night.

If you have been reading my blog you might have seen a real emotional change from my post A Page From my Diary to now A Sap at Heart and you might be thinking 2 things (if you are thinking something else let me know). 1) What happened to make her change? or 2) She is not being real in her writing?

Well after writing my post "A Page from my Diary" I got some people concerned so at first I thought maybe I should delete that. Then I thought no.... this blog is titled "A Journey through Writing" and that is a part of my journey. So to delete would be false. While I still feel like some of my dreams are on the other side of the country from me, I have decided instead of sulking and moaning about it to enjoy the journey.

On the one hand I think it would be nice if God gave us straight roads and flat lands.
But I then again I have driven through parts of the country that are flat and there is usually not a whole a lot to see.
Even though I am not an outdoorsy kind of person.... I think mountains are way cooler.
And the roads to get up those mountains are loopy and sometimes you may not be able to see where you are going. But isn't what makes life fun... the unknown?

So maybe I can't get on a plane and fly to California to meet my dream (read "A Page from my Diary" for this to make sense), maybe I can't even drive there, maybe I have to walk there but I know one day I will get to the end even if that end is not what I imagine it to. I might just have to walk through a few valley's and mountains to get there.

So yes I am being real with you when I write about my obsession with sappiness, I have just decided to enjoy the journey that life is taking me on.

You can find these pictures on Pinterest
Right now I feel I am walking through a fog of not knowing really where I am going but I see lots of open roads ahead of me and soon the sun will come through and show me where I am suppose to be.

Hope you come a long the journey with me. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Sap at Heart

I was going to write and post this Tuesday but I had to get some actual work done..
Does any one still love Dawson's Creek?... Well even though I haven't watched it in years and my copy of the 4th season that I own is buried in my guilty pleasure pile, Monday night while I was procrastinating doing my homework I found my self watching sappy YouTube videos of Pacey and Joey. Yes I openly admit I like Pacey over Dawson. Basically what I am saying is I am a sap at heart.

I know most people will not be surprised when they read this but I kind of am...just writing it. I am sappy romantic person deep down. Some times I feel I try to be independent and tough on the outside. But deep down I believe in soul mates, I believe you can find some one that compliments you so well it was as if you were made for each other, and I can't wait till the day I walk down the aisle to the man I am going to spend the rest of my life with.

But I can wait because I know the Lord has it all planned out for me and I love being on this journey of seeing what God brings next to my life. I have no reason to doubt it, even though I might get upset and impatient, God has giving me so much...Boston, a great church, a great group of friends that are like family, a supporting family, and into the Grad school I have dreamt of going to since I moved to Boston. I have to remind myself when I get impatient or annoyed that he has given me so much why would he not take care of this too. So I am waiting and right now enjoying the life of a single girl.
Until then I think I will keep watching shows like Dawson's Creek, Gilmore Girls and reading books from Jane Austen or Jennifer Donnelly. Where I think the heros and heriones with all their flaws teach us to fight for love. And honestly that's the kind of fighter I want to be.

You can find all my pics at Pinterest
I will also be praying for my future husband and praying for our relationship that we will have together.

In case you were wondering this is my dream dress

Friday, October 14, 2011

A Pre-Weekend Post

Hello readers,

Usually I write about my weekends on Monday but I am starting this weekend with a pre-weekend post.

As you guys have probably gathered I have been captivated by the mini series Downton Abbey (I know a little late to the game). But I have decided to take my new love of this show and actually use it in class. What, how can this be? No I haven't switched studies to film or creative writing (though both very cool). I have decided when ever I am able to explore more into the Edwardian life style. Even though I love the romantic drama between Mary and Matthew it has been her sister Sybil that actually captures my attention. She is so independent and wants to change the world. (Don't worry I am not revealing anything from the second season).
Lilly Elsie (Edwardian Actress)
Lady Sybil (Downton Abbey)
So in my history class we have to take a secondary source's footnote and track down the primary source to back it up. My topic is going to be Edwardian women... I would really like to explore Edwardian women who do not get married and the up rising professional girls. 

For example why did women take on professions as librarians? As a future librarian and historian I'm really interested in how that became a woman's job (though I do have male class mates). Just a curiosity of how it is now primarily women. 
The Music Man
These are just some thoughts but I do hope to explore them more.... I mean after all one day I will have to write another thesis. Woo hoo!