Thursday, September 8, 2011

Who am I?

Inspired by my last post of going back to the roots of my blog... I wanted to re-introduce myself.

Name: Blaire
From: Oklahoma City,OK but when I was 11 my mom moved to the west coast first Seattle then San Francisco. Now I live in Boston, MA.

What I want to be when I grow up: A writer and a mom.

Favorite Ice cream: Right now I am really loving coffee icecream with chocolate mixed in.

Favorite Book: Emma- I know most people don't like it as much as the other Jane Austen books they see Emma as selfish. I see her as a hopeful romantic, she is ambitious on making sure the world works out to how she wants it to. Of course that ambition makes her flawed as she continuously messes up. But in the end she finds a man who loves her just the way she is... flaws and all.

Favorite Movie: Roman Holiday- I love Audrey Hepburn. On the outside
she has this great life being a princess but in reality she seeks to break out
of the palace and have some adventure and for one day she gets to do just that.
I also always hope at the end of the movie Gregory Peck and Audrey Hepburn will run away together and be happy... but it never happens. I guess if it did happen that way I would find it unrealistic and wouldn't love it as much.

Ideal day: Waking up with no alarm (around 10) getting my coffee that has some how magically brewed. Sitting and writing at my desk with a really good play list in the back ground. Then grabbing a late lunch with a friend or friends and seeing a mid-afternoon movie then go through a walk in a park or spending time in a book store. Not for sure about the night. I like being around my friends rather it be hanging out and eating pizza or going out to dinner.

One thing you should know about me: I can get songs stuck in my head very easily. And when people say things it makes me think of songs. For example if some one says sweet I think of "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond.

One quote I think describes my life:

This is one of those key moments in life, when it's possible you can be really, genuinely cool - and I'm going to fail just 100%

-Hugh Grants sister in Notting Hill

Okay that's all for now maybe I will add to this list later.

Have a good day.

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