Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What do you do?

I was inspired to write this post after reading this blog post by the blogger unRemarkable girl.

She writes...
one of the downsides of living with a pilot is that his job is infinitely more interesting than mine. at parties people want to hear all about the glamour of the pilot's life, or ask questions like why you need to switch off your ipod during take off. when people hear what i do for a living, they smile vacantly and then move on. so i thought i'd talk about my job today - whilst trying not to bore you to death.

I tried to comment but it wasn't working for me so in response I write this.

You know when you meet people usually the first question is "what do you do?"

I could say my job title "Membership Processor" or what I feel my job is. But both of those are not the answer I would like to say. I sometimes say I am a grad student getting a dual Masters in Library Science and a in History. Which is usually is followed by confused looks or people asking me questions about the Dewey Decimal System (which I have not memorized) or a joke saying you have to get a Masters to put away books. So after I tell them what I do I in turn ask them what they do. And sometimes that's where the conversation ends. Sad. I think sometime what we do for a living puts us in a box and from then out you are the job to them.

But I would like to ask "what are you passionate about?"

The answer to this question is writing. I have other loves my family, my church, my friends, Jane Austen, reading, and more. But my passion is writing. I love writing stories, I love writing this blog, I love writing in birthday cards, and I love writing long handed letters. I just love writing. Though this blog is not world famous and doesn't have 100s of readers (I got excited when my blog got into the double digits the other day). And I am not a published author (though I would like to be maybe never as big as J.K. Rowling). I love like writing.

Last night I went bowling with my community group (bible study) and one of my friend's asked me how was your week I said "work was not so great" but then I said "but I got a lot of fun writing done and that was good." I told her about my blog and how I am also writing a story. She might have gotten more information then she wanted but it was still great to say that even when work isn't going well my week was good because I got some writing in.

Sorry I couldn't respond unRemarkable girl I do love your blogs and photos.

P.S. Would like to wish my Dad a happy birthday. (Here he is playing with my niece...doing what he loves to do; being a grandpa.)

Please tell me what your passionate about... maybe we can start a better connection that way?

1 comment:

Em said...

wow - what an honour! thankyou for the mention! my passions are literature, creativity and exploring the world. i often try to remind myself that what i "do" does not say everything about who i am! it's lovely to read your inspiring post.
em x