Monday, January 9, 2012

A blooming flower

The first part of this post might sound familiar if you read my post In want of Womanhood.

On Friday night I went to my friends to watch the Christmas Special of Downton Abbey. Downton Abbey always inspires me to want to write more. I know my story doesn't have the same drama as Downton but all the gracefulness and beauty inspire me. So here is some of my writing of the first part of the ball.
Emmy sat gazing her reflection in the mirror feeling that she possessed some of her childish features no matter how much Kathryn James tried to glamour her up. Emmy could still see the little freckles on the ridge of her nose she also saw a little girl figure with mostly no to curve to it she was still mostly a stick. She had hoped with her new dress and new hair she would see an eloquent woman looking back at her. A woman who has every hair perfectly in place and eyes that can make a man go weak in the knees. Emmy dabbed a tad of Fiona's perfume that had a wonderful fragrance of wild lilies and sweet mint. Fiona only wore it on special occasions and tonight she was allowing Emmy wear it. She smoothed a loose hair as Kathryn had done her hair perfectly earlier and gave her cheeks a little pinch so they would look rosier. Then her hand strolled down her neck till she felt her mother's pearls around her neck. Emmy placed her hand over them rubbing them every so lightly with the tips of her fingers. Fiona a only owned two necklaces her locket that carried Jefferson's picture and that never came off her neck and this pearl necklace, it was the one she wore when she married Jefferson and it was her only her luxury in life. She didn't even let Laurel wear them to her first ball but she was letting Emmy and Emmy knew how important that was.
            "Emmy!" Fiona's call hastened her step.
            She looked at herself one last time to fix that pesky strain of her hair and got up from the vanity. "Lord, let this night go well, let me remember it forever," she said the prayer quickly, adjusted her dress one last time and left the room as Fiona called for her again.
            Everyone was stunned ad they saw Emmy appear on the top landing of the stairs. All had noticed her slight improvements over these last few weeks since Kathryn had been helping her but no one expected to see such a beautiful lady appear when Emmy came around the corner. Laurel almost gasped when she saw the dress wasn't Emmy's but Miss James' dress. "How disgraceful that Emmy would accept charity," Laurel thought. Fiona and Kathryn only grinned ear to ear seeing the beautiful woman before them. Both Caleb and Brandon were taken back and Julia felt a little ping of jealously see how beautiful her cousin was made up.
            Caleb was bold taking her arm when she got to the bottom of the stairs and escorted her to the motor coach.

To read more click here

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